
Ajax 1. 3719: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, 1751-1829: Ajax nach 1800. Landesmuseum Oldenburg, Das Schloß.
"… in no wise prudent or just were all." (Homer, Odyssey 3.134).
“And I think, moreover, that most of these examples have come from despots and kings and potentates and public administrators; for these, since they have a free hand, commit the greatest and most impious offences. Homer also testifies to this; for he has represented kings and potentates as those who are punished everlastingly in the nether world — Tantalus and Sisyphus and Tityus; but Thersites, or any other private person who was wicked, has been portrayed by none as incurable and therefore subjected to heavy punishment; no doubt because he had not a free hand, and therefore was in fact happier than those who had. For in fact, Callicles, it is among the powerful that we find the specially wicked men. Still there is nothing to prevent good men being found even among these, and it deserves our special admiration when they are; for it is hard, Callicles, and deserving of no slight praise, when a man with a perfectly free hand for injustice lives always a just life. The men of this sort are but few; for indeed there have been, and I expect there yet will be, both here and elsewhere, men of honor and excellence in this virtue of administering justly what is committed to their charge.” (Socrates in Plato’s Gorgias 525d-526b).
Leaders means, in most cases, "rulers." Rulers no longer participate in battles, but from Homeric times until the 19th century AD rulers had the habit of risking their own lives in the battlefield. See the article Homeric and Post-Homeric War Leadership (also in Greek: Ομηρική και Μετά-Ομηρική Πολεμική Ηγεσία).
Achaeans and Danaans
Danaans are called those who dwell in Argolis. They were so called for being descendants of the immigrant Danaus 1, father of the DANAIDS. Danaus 1 was first settled by his father in Libya, and his other son Aegyptus 1 he settled in Arabia. As later the brothers quarrelled for the kingdom, Danaus 1, fearing the sons of Aegyptus 1, built a ship (being the first to do so), and fled putting his daughters on board.
He then came to Argos, where King Gelanor surrendered the kingdom to him. Having thus made himself master of the country, he named the inhabitants Danaans after himself. The name Danaans has been applied to all Greeks in general, particularly in connection with the Trojan War. But those who marched against Troy have been also called Achaeans. The Achaeans, however, came originally from Thessaly, in mainland Greece, and later settled in Argos and Lacedaemon (southern Peloponnesus) where they mingled with the Danaans (ruled by Danaus 1 and his descendants). There they lived until the return of the HERACLIDES. Finally, for living in Argolis, the Danaans were also called Argives. The mingling of Achaeans and Danaans is described through the marriages of two sons of Achaeus 1 (from whom the Achaeans derive their name) with two daughters of Danaus 1.
List of ACHAEAN LEADERS—those who led the expedition against Troy |
Adrastus 4. Leader of the Mycenaeans. Adrastus 4 was son of Polynices, son of Oedipus, and of Argia 1, daughter of Adrastus 1, the leader of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES. Adrastus 4 is also counted am ong the EPIGONI [Eur.IA.253ff.; Pau.2.20.5].
Agapenor. King of the Arcadians. Agapenor was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and he is counted among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. After the war he founded Paphos in Cyprus. Agapenor was son of Ancaeus 1 and Iotis. Ancaeus 1, one of the ARGONAUTS, was son of King Lycurgus 2 of Arcadia, son of Aleus, son of Aphidas 1, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.609; Pau.8.5.2; QS.12.314ff.].
Ajax 1.
Ajax 2.
Amarynceus 2. Leader of the Mycenaeans, son of Onesimachus [Hyg.Fab.97].
Amphimachus 1. Leader from Elis, killed by Hector 1. Amphimachus 1, who is also counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN, was son Cteatus and Theronice, daughter of Dexamenus 1, son of Oeceus. Cteatus was one of the MOLIONIDES [see Elis] [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.3.12; Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.620, 13.185; Pau.5.3.3-4]
Antilochus. Leader from Pylos, son of Nestor, either by Anaxibia 3 or by Eurydice 8. Antilochus died in the Trojan War killed either by Hector 1 or by Memnon. Leonymus says that he saw his soul in the White Isle, but Odysseus met his soul in the Underworld when he descended there. Antilochus, who is counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN, was father of Paeon 3, whose sons were expelled from Messenia by the HERACLIDES Temenus 2 and Cresphontes [AETH.1; Apd.1.9.9; Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.5.3; Hom.Od.3.452, 11.468; Hyg.Fab.97, 112, 113, 252; Pau.2.18.8, 3.19.12; QS.2.256, 2.262; Try.18].
Antiphus 5. Leader of the Coans. Antiphus 5 himself came from Nisyrus which, as Cos, is one of the Sporades (now Dodecanese) Islands off the southwestern coast of Asia Minor. After the war he took possession of the country he called Thessaly. Antiphus 5 was son of Thessalus 1, son of Heracles 1, and Chalciope 4 [Apd.Ep.6.15; Hom.Il.2.670ff.; Hyg.Fab.97].
Archesilaus. Leader of the Boeotians, killed by Hector 1. Archesilaus was son of Areilycus 1, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood. His mother was Theobula 1 [Hom.Il.15.329; Hyg.Fab.97].
Ascalaphus 1 is counted among the ARGONAUTS and also among the SUITORS OF HELEN. Some say he was son of Ares and Astyoche 5, daughter of Actor 7, son of Azeus, son of Clymenus 2, son of Presbon, son of Phrixus 1, son of Athamas 1. Others say he was the son of Lycus 4 and Pernis. Ascalaphus 1 was killed by Deiphobus 1 [Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494ff., 2.512, 13.518; Hyg.Fab.97].
Automedon. See ACHAEANS.
Clonius 2. Leader of the Boeotians, killed by Agenor 8. Clonius 2, some say, was son of Lacritus and Cleobule 2. Others say his father was Alegenor, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood [Dio.4.67.7; Hom.Il.15.340; Hyg.Fab.97].
Cyanippus. King of Argos, son either of Adrastus 1, the leader of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, and Amphithea 1, or of Aegialeus 1 and Comaetho 4. Cyanippus, who was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, died childless [Apd.1.9.13; Pau.2.18.4-5; Try.159].
Cycnus 4. Leader of Argos, son of Ocitus and Aurophites [Hyg.Fab.97].
Diaphorus was a judge who sailed to Troy with the Achaeans [Hyg.Fab.97].
Diomedes 2.
Diores 1. Leader of the Elis, killed by Peiros. Diores 1 was son of Amarynceus 1, son of Pyttius, originally a Thessalian [Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.622, 4.517].
Elephenor. Leader of the Abantians (Euboea), killed by Agenor 8. Elephenor, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, was son of Chalcodon 1, either by Alcyone 4, or by Imenarete. Chalcodon 1 is the Euboean king who led the Abantians against Thebes [see also Amphitryon] [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.3.11; Hom.Il.2.536ff., 4.463ff.; Hyg.Fab.97].
Epistrophus 1. Leader of the Phocians, and one of the SUITORS OF HELEN. Epistrophus 1 was son of Iphitus 2 and Hippolyte 1 [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.517; Hyg.Fab.97].
Eumelus 1. Leader of Pherae, a city in Thessaly, and son of Admetus 1 and Alcestis. Eumelus 1, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, married Iphthime 1, sister of Penelope. At the end of the war he was one of the warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.715ff.; Hom.Od.4.797; QS.12.314ff.; Try.172].
Euryalus 1. Leader from Argos, son of Mecisteus 1. Euryalus 1 is counted among the ARGONAUTS, the EPIGONI, and among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.1.9.16, 3.7.2; Hom.Il.2.565; QS.12.314ff.].
Eurybates, a herald and Odysseus' squire, is known also for having attended those who tried to convince Achilles to fight again [Hom.Il.9.170; Hom.Od.19.247; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.10.25.4].
Eurypylus 1. This is the Leader of the Ormenians, who got a cursed chest after the war and on seeing it went mad. He was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. Eurypylus 1 was son of Evaemon 1, son of Ormenus 3, son of Cercaphus 2, son of Aeolus 1, and of Opis 2 [Apd.3.10.8; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.7.19.6, 10.27.2; QS.12.314ff.; Try.176].
Eurytus 5. Leader of the Epeans from Elis, and the Taphians, who lived in the islands off the coast of Acarnania. He was killed by Eurypylus 6 [Eur.IA.253ff.; QS.8.111].
Guneus 2. Leader of the Aeanianians, people living in Thessaly. After the war Guneus 2, son of Ocytus, went to Libya [Apd.Ep.3.11ff.; 6.15].
Ialmenus 1. Brother of Ascalaphus 1 [see above]. He led the troops of Aspledon and Minyan Orchomenus. Ialmenus 1 is counted among the ARGONAUTS, the SUITORS OF HELEN, and those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494ff.; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.12.314ff.].
Idomeneus 1. Leader of the Cretans. At his return from the war he was driven out of Crete by the usurper Leucus 1 who besides had become the lover of Idomeneus 1's wife Meda 2, whom Leucus 1 later killed, along with Idomeneus 1's daughter Clisithyra. Nothing is told about Idomeneus 1's son Orsilochus 4. Idomeneus 1, who is counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN and those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Deucalion 2, son of Minos 2 [Apd.3.3.1; Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 6.10; Hom.Od.13.260; Hyg.Fab.81; QS.12.314ff.; Try.168].
Leitus. Leader of the Boeotians, who was wounded by Hector 1, and the only one among the Boeotian chiefs to return home from Troy. Leitus was either son of Alector 2, or of Lacritus and Cleobule 2, or of Gaia, or of Alectryon, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood. Leitus is counted among ARGONAUTS and the SUITORS OF HELEN [Apd.1.9.16; 3.10.8; Eur.IA.259; Hom.Il.2.494, 17.605; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.9.4.3].
Leonteus 1. The Lapith Leader, who buried Calchas at Colophon, the Ionian city in the coast of Asia Minor northeast of Samos. Leonteus 1, counted also among the SUITORS OF HELEN and those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Coronus 1, son of Caeneus 1, who was once a woman called Caenis, but was turned into an invulnerable man by Poseidon [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.3; Hom.Il.2.726ff., 2.746, 12.128; QS.7.484, 12.314ff.; Try.176].
Machaon, son of Asclepius and Epione, came from Tricca, a city in western Thessaly. He is remembered for having healed the wound that the arrow of Pandarus 1 inflicted on Menelaus, and for having cured Philoctetes. He practised surgery while his brother Podalirius treated sicknesses. Machaon married Anticlia 3, daughter of Diocles 1, son of Orsilochus 1, son of the river god Alpheus, and had by her sons: Alexanor, Sphyrus, Polemocrates, Nicomachus 1, and Gorgasus. Machaon, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and had hidden inside the WOODEN HORSE, was killed, they say, either by the Amazon Penthesilia, or by Eurypylus 6 [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.5.1; Dio.4.71.4; Hom.Il.2.732, 4.215ff.; Hyg.Fab.97, 108; Pau.2.11.5, 2.23.4, 2.29.1, 2.38.6, 3.26.9, 4.30.3; Prop.2.1.59; QS.6.408; SI.5; Vir.Aen.2.63].
Medon 1 is the bastard son of Oileus 1 by Rhene 1, a Nymph concubine of Oileus 1; he is therefore the half-brother of Ajax 2. Medon 1 commanded the Phthians, replacing Philoctetes when this one fell sick, and was killed by Aeneas [Hom.Il.2.726, 13.695ff., 15.332].
Meges 1, who came originally from Dulichium, which is one of the Echinadian Islands at the entrance of the Gulf of Corinth, was a commander of the Epeans of Elis. He had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. Meges 1 was son of Phyleus 1, son of Augeas, and of Eustyoche [Apd.3.10.8; Eur.IA.285; Hom.Il.13.692; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.12.314ff.; Try.180].
Menestheus 1 was given the sovereignty of Athens by the DIOSCURI when they invaded Attica, and became Leader of the Athenians against Troy. After the sack of this city, Menestheus 1 went to Melos, one of the Cyclades islands, and reigned as king, because the king there, Polyanax, had died. Menestheus 1, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Peteos, son of Orneus 1, son of Erechtheus [see Athens] [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.1.23, 6.15b; Hes.CWE.68.42; Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.552; Pau.1.23.8; QS.12.314ff.].
Meriones. Leader from Crete and squire of Idomeneus 1. Meriones, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Molus 1, son of Deucalion 2, son of Minos 2, and of Melphis [Hom.Il.7.166; Hyg.Fab.81, 97; QS.12.314ff.].
Nireus 2 led the Symaeans, who lived in Syme, a small island between Caria and Rhodes. Nireus 2, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, was son of Charopus and Aglaia 4. He was killed during the war by Eurypylus 6 [Apd.Ep.3.11ff.; Hom.Il.2.672; Hyg.Fab.81, 97; QS.6.372].
Patroclus 1.
Peneleus. Boeotian leader, killed by Eurypylus 6. He was son of Hippalcimus 2 and Asterope 2. Hippalcimus 2 was son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood. Peneleus is counted among the ARGONAUTS, and also among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. Peneleus had a son Opheltes 2 [Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.9.5.15-16; QS.7.104; Try.180].
Phidippus. Leader of the Coans and brother of Antiphus 5 [see above]. Phidippus, who was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, settled in Andros, the most northerly of the Cyclades Islands, after the war [Apd.Ep.6.15; Hom.Il.2.670ff.; Hyg.Fab.81].
Phocus 2 was a builder, son of Danaus 4 [Hyg.Fab.97].
Phoenix 2 is son of Amyntor 1, son of Ormenus 3, son of Cercaphus 2, son of Aeolus 1. Phoenix 2 was falsely accused by his father's concubine Phthia 3 of having tried to seduce her. Because of this charge Amyntor 1 blinded his son, but Peleus took Phoenix 2 to Chiron, and this wise Centaur restored his sight. After this Peleus made him king of the Dolopians, a people living in Epirus and Thessaly around the city Dolopeis, which is near Lake Xynius. Phoenix 2, who followed Peleus' son Achilles to the Trojan War was among those who tried to persuade him to return to the fight, which Achilles refused to resume after his quarrel with Agamemnon. Phoenix 2, who is counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS, and later among the ACHAEAN LEADERS, survived the Trojan War, but, being a man of age, he died on his way back from Troy and was buried by Achilles' son Neoptolemus [Apd.3.12.8; Apd.Ep.6.12; Hyg.Fab.97, 173; QS.7.630; RET.1].
Podalirius is said to have cured Philoctetes of his infected wound. He was son of Asclepius and Epione, and treated sicknesses while his brother Machaon [see above] practised surgery. After the Trojan War, he settled in the Carian Chersonese. Podalirius had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 5.8, 6.18; Dio.4.71.4; Hom.Il.2.732; Pau.2.29.1, 3.26.10; QS.12.314ff.; SI.5].
Podarces 2. Leader from Phylace, a Thessalian city west of the Gulf of Pagasae. He was one of the the SUITORS OF HELEN and one of those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. Podarces 2 was son of Iphiclus 1, the man who got his virility restored due to the manipulations of the seer Melampus 1 [Hes.CWE.68.35; Hom.Il.2.670ff.; QS.1.238].
Polypoetes 1 Leader from Gyrtone, in Thessaly, son of Pirithous and Hippodamia 4. Polypoetes 1, one of the the SUITORS OF HELEN and one of those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was among those who buried Calchas at Colophon [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.3; Dio.4.63.1; Hom.Il.2.670ff., 12.182; Pau.10.26.2; QS.12.314ff.].
Polyxenus 2. An Aetolian leader. After the war, he entertained Odysseus who came to Elis to inspect his herds after the killing of the SUITORS OF PENELOPE. Polyxenus 2, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN and one of those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Agasthenes, son of Augeas, and of Peloris. He had a son Amphimachus 6, whom he named after Amphimachus 1 [see above] who died at Troy [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.624; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.5.3.4; Tel.1].
Protesilaus. Leader from Phylace, a Thessalian city west of the Gulf of Pagasae. He was the first of the Achaeans to land on Trojan soil, and having slain many, he was himself killed. His wife, either Laodamia 2 or Polydora 3, loved him even after death, and she made an image of him and consorted with it. The gods, they say, took pity on her, and Hermes brought up Protesilaus from the Underworld. His wife then thought that he had returned from Troy, and she was glad; but when he was carried back to Underworld, she stabbed herself to death. Protesilaus, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, was killed either by Hector 1, or by a Dardanian leader, as Protesilaus leapt forth from his ship, or by Cycnus 1. His father was Iphiclus 1 and his mother was Diomedia [Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 3.30; CYP.1; Hdt.9.116; Hom.Il.698ff.; Hyg.Fab.103, 113; Pau.4.2.7; QS.4.469]
Prothoenor 1. Boeotian leader, brother of Archesilaus [see above]. He was killed by Polydamas [Hom.Il.14.450ff.;Hyg.Fab.97].
Prothous 4. Leader of the Magnesia,the coastal area of eastern Thessaly south of Mount Ossa, and son of Tenthredon, Prothous 4 is found among the SUITORS OF HELEN and those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Hom.Il.2.756; Hyg.Fab.81].
Schedius 1. Leader of the Phocians and brother of Epistrophus 1 [see above]. Schedius 1, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, is said to have hidden himself inside the WOODEN HORSE. Yet, he is also said to have been killed by Hector 1 [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494ff., 2.517, 17.306ff.; Hyg.Fab.97].
Sthenelus 2. Leader from Argos, son of Capaneus and Evadne 2. Sthenelus 2 was one of the EPIGONI, one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and one of those warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. He had sons: Cometes 2, the lover of Aegialia, wife of Diomedes 2, and Cylarabes, who became king of Argos [Apd.3.7.2, 3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.10; Eur.IA.246; Hom.Il.2.564; Hyg.Fab.97, 108; Pau.2.18.5; QS.12.314ff.; Vir.Aen.2.61].
Teucer 1. Leader of Salamis, the island off the coast of Attica in the Saronic Gulf, and Telamon's bastard son by Hesione 2, daughter of King Laomedon 1 of Troy. Teucer 1, half-brother of Ajax 1, was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and one of the warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.3.10.8; Eur.Hel.87 and passim; Hom.Il.8.285ff.; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.1.23.8, 2.29.4; Pin.Nem.4.46; QS.12.314ff.; Soph.Aj. passim; Try.170].
Thalpius. Leader from Elis, son of Eurytus 1, one of the MOLIONIDES, and Theraephone, the twin sister of Theronice, mother of Amphimachus 1 [see above]. Thalpius had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and one of those warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE [Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.620; Pau.5.3.4; QS.12.314ff.].
Talthybius. A herald in the Achaean army. He went with Menelaus and Odysseus to Cinyras 1 in Cyprus and tried to persuade him to join the allies against Troy [Apd.Ep.3.9; Eur.Hec.503 and passim; Eur.Tro. passim; Hdt.7.134; Hyg.Fab.97].
Thoas 2. King of Pleuron and Calydon and Leader of Aetolia, the region in mainland Greece north of the Gulf of Patrae. After the war the exiled Odysseus came to him and married his daughter. Thoas 2, who was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, and one of the warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was the son of Andraemon 1 and Gorge 2, daughter of Oeneus 2, King of Calydon. Thoas 2 had a daughter and a son Haemon 2 [Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 7.40; Hom.Il.13.216; Hyg.Fab.81, 108; Pau.5.3.6; QS.12.314ff.; Vir.Aen.2.62].
Thrasymedes 2. Leader of the Pylos, son of Neleus and Eurydice 7, different from Nestor's son Thrasymedes 1 [Hyg.Fab.97].
Tlepolemus 1. Leader of Rhodes, killed by King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia. Tlepolemus 1, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, was the son of Heracles 1 and Astyoche 2, daughter of King Phylas 1 of Ephyra, a Thesprotian city. Tlepolemus 1 married Polyxo 4, the Queen of Rhodes who, wishing to avenge the death of her husband, arranged Helen's death [Apd.2.7.7ff.; Dio.5.59.5; Hom.Il.2.653, 5.655ff.; Hyg.Fab.81; Pau.3.19.10; Plu.GQ.37; Strab.8.3.5].
The lists below show the peoples the ACHAEAN LEADERS commanded and the amount of ships they provided when they joined the coalition against Troy. The table compares the versions given by four ancient authors. No information about peoples or ships is marked thus: "---." (see another list at Dares' account of the destruction of Troy).
Leader. Peoples under his command, Quantity of ships.
10 Leaders: Boeotians, 40.
4 Leaders: Orchomenians, 30.
4 Leaders: Phocians, 40.
Achilles. Myrmidons, 50.
Achilles. Myrmidons, 50.
Achilles. Scyros, 60.
Achilles. Myrmidons, 50.
Adrastus 4. Mycenaeans, ---.
Agamemnon. Mycenaeans, 100.
Agamemnon. Mycenaeans, 100.
Agamemnon. Mycenae, 100.
Agamemnon. Mycenaeans, 100.
Agapenor. Arcadians, 7.
Agapenor. Arcadia, 60.
Agapenor. Arcadians, 60.
Ajax 1. Salaminians, 12.
Ajax 1. Salaminians, 12.
Ajax 1. Salamis, 12.
Ajax 1. Salaminians, 12.
Ajax 2. Locrians, ---.
Ajax 2. Locrians, 40.
Ajax 2. Locris, 20.
Ajax 2. Locrians, 40.
Amarynceus 2. Mycenae,19.
Amphimachus 1. Eleans, 40.
Amphimachus 1. Elis, 10.
Amphimachus 1. Eleans, 10.
Antilochus. Pylos, 20.
Antiphus 5. Coans, ---.
Antiphus 5. Nisyrus, 20.
Antiphus 5. Coans, ---.
Archesilaus. Boeotia, 10.
Archesilaus. Boeotians, ---.
Ascalaphus 1. Argos, 30.
Ascalaphus 1. Aspledon, Minyan Orchomenus, 30.
Automedon. Scyros, 10.
Calchas. Mycenae, ---.
Clonius 2. Boeotia, 9.
Clonius 2. Boeotians, ---.
Cycnus 4. Argos, 12.
Diaphorus. ---, ---.
Diomedes 2. Argives, 80.
Diomedes 2. Argos, 30.
Diomedes 2. Argives, 80.
Diores 1. Eleans, 10.
Elephenor. Euboeans, 40.
Elephenor. Argos, 30.
Elephenor. Abantes, 40.
Epistrophus 1. Argos, 10.
Epistrophus 1. Phocians, ---.
Eumelus 1. Pheraeans, 11.
Eumelus 1. Perrhaebia, 8.
Eumelus 1. Pheraeans, 11.
[Euryalus 1]. Argives: 60.
Euryalus 1. Argos, 15.
Euryalus 1. Argives, ---.
Eurybates. ---, ---.
Eurypylus 1. Ormenians, 40.
Eurypylus 1. Ormenian, 40.
Eurypylus 1. Ormenians, 40.
Eurytus 5. Eleans, ---.
Guneus 2. Aeanianians, ---.
Guneus 2. Aeanianians, 22.
Guneus 2. Aeanianians, 22.
Ialmenus 1. Argos, 30.
Ialmenus 1. Aspledon and Minyan Orchomenus, ---.
Idomeneus 1. Cretans, 40.
Idomeneus 1. Crete, 40.
Idomeneus 1. Cretans, 80.
Leitus. Boeotians, 50.
Leitus. Boeotia, 12.
Leitus. Boeotians, ---.
Leonteus 1. Sicyon, 19.
Leonteus 1. Gyrtonians, ---.
Machaon. Tricca, 20.
Machaon. Triccaeans, ---.
Medon 1. Olizonians, ---.
Meges 1. Taphians, ---.
Meges 1. Dulichians, 40.
Meges 1. Dulichium, 60.
Meges 1. Dulichians, 40.
Menelaus. Lacedaemonians, 60.
Menelaus. Mycenae, 60.
Menelaus. Lacedaemonians, 60.
Menestheus 1. Athenians, 50.
Menestheus 1. Athens, 50.
Menestheus 1. Athenians, 50.
Meriones. Crete, 40.
Meriones. Cretans, ---.
Neoptolemus. Scyros, ---.
Nestor. Pylians, ---.
Nestor. Pylians, 40.
Nestor. Pylos, 90.
Nestor. Pylians, 90.
Nireus 2. Symaeans, 3.
Nireus 2. Argos, 16.
Nireus 2. Symaeans, 3.
Odysseus. Cephallenians, 12.
Odysseus. Ithaca, 12.
Odysseus. Cephallenians, 12.
Patroclus 1. Phthia, 10.
Peneleus. Boeotia, 12.
Peneleus. Boeotians, 50.
Phidippus. Coans, 30.
Phidippus. Coans, 30.
Philoctetes. Olizonians, 7.
Philoctetes. Meliboea, 7.
Philoctetes. Olizonians, 7.
Phocus 2. ---, ---.
Phoenix 2. Argive, 50.
Podalirius. Triccaeans, 30.
Podalirius. Tricca, 9.
Podalirius. Triccaeans, 30.
Podarces 2. ---, 10.
Podarces 2. from Phylace, ---.
Polypoetes 1. Gyrtonians, 30.
Polypoetes 1. Argos, 20.
Polypoetes 1. Gyrtonians, 40.
Polyxenus 2. Aetolia, 40.
Polyxenus 2. Eleans, 10.
Protesilaus. from Phylace, 40.
Protesilaus. from Phylace, 40.
Prothoenor 1. Thespia, 8.
Prothoenor 1. Boeotians, ---.
Prothous 4. Magnesians, 40.
Prothous 4. Magnesians, 40.
Prothous 4. Magnesia, 40.
Prothous 4. Magnesians, 40.
Schedius 1. Argos, 30.
Schedius 1. Phocians, 40.
Sthenelus 2. Argives, ---.
Sthenelus 2. Argos, 25.
Sthenelus 2. Argives, ---.
Thalpius. Eleans, 10.
Talthybius. ---, ---.
Teucer 1. Salamis, 12.
Thoas 2. Aetolians, 40.
Thoas 2. Tytus, 15.
Thoas 2. Aetolians, 40.
Thrasymedes 2. Pylos, 15.
Tlepolemus 1. Rhodians, 9.
Tlepolemus 1. Mycenae, 9.
Tlepolemus 1. Rhodians, 9.

Contextual Charts
Genealogy of the Achaean Leaders
Names in this chart: Abas 2, Acamas 1, Achilles, Acrisius, Actor 3, Admetus 1, Adrastus 1, Adrastus 4, Aeacus, Aegina, Aegyptus 1, Aeolus 1, Aerope 1, Aethra 2, Agamemnon, Agenor 1, Ajax 1, Alcathous 3, Alcmena, Alectryon, Alegenor, Amphictyon, Amphithea 1, Amyntor 1, Amythaon 1, Antilochus, Antiphus 5, Archesilaus, Arcisius, Areilycus 1, Argia 1, Astynome 1, Atreus, Belus 1, Bias 1, Boeotus, Cadmus, Capaneus, Catreus, Cephalus 1, Cercaphus 2, Clonius 2, Clymene 3, Cretheus 1, Danae, Danaus 1, Dardanus 1, Deion, Deipyle, Demophon 1, Deucalion 1, Deucalion 2, Diomedes 2, Electryon 1, Epaphus 1, Erechtheus, Erichthonius 1, Erichthonius 2, Eumelus 1, Europa, Euryalus 1, Eurypylus 1, Euryte 2, Evaemon 1, Gorge 2, Heracles 1, Hesione 2, Hippalcimus 2, Hippodamas 1, Hypermnestra 2, Idomeneus 1, Ilus 2, Io, Iphiclus 1, Itonus 1, Itonus 2, Labdacus 1, Laertes, Laius 1, Laomedon 1, Leitus, Libya, Lycastus 1, Lynceus 2, Mecisteus 1, Menelaus, Menestheus 1, Menoetius, Meriones, Minos 1, Minos 2, Minyas, Neleus, Neoptolemus, Nestor, Odysseus, Oedipus, Oeneus 2, Ormenus 3, Orneus 1, Pandion 2, Patroclus 1, Peleus, Pelops 1 [see Pelopides], Peneleus, Periboea 2, Perimede 1, Perseus 1, Peteos, Phaedra, Pheres 1, Phidippus, Phoenix 2, Pittheus, Podarces 2, Polydorus 2, Polynices, Procris 2, Promachus 4, Pronax, Protesilaus, Prothoenor 1, Sthenelus 2, Talaus, Telamon, Teucer 1, Thersander 1, Theseus, Thessalus 1, Thoas 2, Thrasymedes 1, Tlepolemus 1, Tros 1.
Related sections |
Trojan War, Aftermath of the Trojan War & Returns of the Achaean Leaders, Dares' Account of the destruction of Troy, The Last Days of Troy, The Palladium;
Maps:Map of Greece, ACHAEANS & TROJANS, The Returns, The Troad.
Charts: Trojan War: Connected Events (at Trojan War)
Abbreviations |
See entries above.