Acastus. See ARGONAUTS. Admetus 1. See Alcestis. Amphiaraus.
THEBES. Alcon 3. Son of Hippocoon 2. Alcon 3 was killed by Heracles 1 (Apd.2.7.3, 3.10.5; Hyg.Fab.173; Pau.3.14.7). Alcon. A Thracian, son of Ares (Hyg.Fab.173).
Ancaeus 1, who was also among the ARGONAUTS, is son of Lycurgus 2, son of Aleus, son of Aphidas 1, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto. His mother was either Cleophyle or Eurynome 1. Ancaeus 1 married Iotis and begot a son Agapenor, who led the Arcadians during the Trojan War. Ancaeus 1 was killed by the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.8.2, 1.9.16, 3.9.2, 3.10.7-8; Hyg.Fab.248; Pau.8.4.10, 8.5.2).
Caeneus 1 was once a woman called Caenis,
but she was turned into an invulnerable man by her
lover Poseidon. By this god Caenis had children: Coronus 1, Phocus 1, and Priasus 1. Some say Caeneus 1 or Caenis was the child of Elatus 1 and Hippea, daughter of Antippus; but others say that her/his father was Atrax. Since Caeneus 1 was invulnerable, he was buried alive in the earth by the CENTAURS, when he was fighting against them, on a later occasion. Others say however that Caeneus 1 killed himself (Apd.Ep.1.22; Hes.SH.179; Hyg.Fab.14, 173, 242; Lib.Met.17; Ov.Met.12.201; Stat.Achil.1.264; Vir.Aen.6.448).
Castor 1. See DIOSCURI. Cepheus 2. King Cepheus 2 of Tegea in Arcadia perished in
battle helping Heracles 1 against the Lacedaemonians. He was the son of Aleus, son of Aphidas 1, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto. His mother was either Neaera 3, daughter of Pereus, son of Elatus 2, son of Arcas 1, or else Cleobule 1. Yet others say that Cepheus 2 was son of Lycurgus 2, son of Aleus. Cepheus 2, who is also counted among the ARGONAUTS, had children: Sterope 4, Aeropus 2, and Antinoe 1 (Apd.1.8.2, 2.7.3; Hyg.Fab.14; Pau.8.5.1, 8.8.4; Val.1.375). Cometes 5 is son of Thestius 1, son either of Ares and Demonice, or of Agenor 6 and Epicasta 1. Cometes 5's mother was either Leucippe 1, or Eurythemis, daughter of Cleoboea. When Thestius 1 claimed the skin of the Calydonian Boar on the ground that Iphiclus 2 had been the first to hit it, war is said to have broken out between the Curetes (including the sons of Thestius 1) and the Calydonians (including Meleager) (Pau.8.45.7). Cteatus is one of the so called MOLIONIDES, sons of Molione, either by Actor 4, or by Poseidon (see Elis). He was a General of the Eleans against Heracles 1 and was killed by him (Apd. 2.7.2; Hom.Il.11.750; Ov.Met.8.299ff.; Pau.5.3.3-4; Pin.Oly.10.27). Deucalion 2, also counted among the ARGONAUTS, was son of Minos 2, either by Pasiphae or by Crete 1. His children were: Idomeneus 1, Crete 2, and Molus 1. It is said that when Theseus was about
to leave Crete, he joined battle with the Cretans at the gate of the Labyrinth and there he slew Deucalion 2 and his bodyguard (Apd.3.1.2, 3.3.1; Dio.4.60.4; Hom.Il.13.451; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Plu.The.19.6). Dryas 2 is known for having participated
in the fight of the LAPITHS against the CENTAURS, and also for
having been killed by his own brother Tereus 1. His father was
either Ares or Iapetus 3 (Apd.1.8.2; Hes.SH.179; Hyg.Fab.45, 173). Echion 1, also one of the ARGONAUTS, was son of Hermes and Antianira 1, daughter of Menetes (Arg.1.51ff.; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pin.Pyth.4.179; Val.1.440). Enaesimus, son of Hippocoon 2 (the man who expelled Icarius 1 and Tyndareus from Lacedaemon and became king of the Lacedaemonians) was killed by the Calydonian Boar (Hyg.Fab.173; Ov.Met.8.362). Epochus. Son of Lycurgus 2, either by Cleophyle, or by Eurynome 1. Lycurgus 2 is son of Aleus, son of Aphidas 1, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto (Apd.3.9.2; Pau.8.45.7). Euphemus 1. This is the man who came from
Psamathus to join the ARGONAUTS and, having
received a magical clod from Triton, threw it into
the sea. This he did following a dream, and
therefrom rose an island, Calliste (later called
Thera, an island in the Aegean Sea, north of Crete), where his
descendants, led by Theras, came. He was son of Poseidon, either by Europe 2, or by Mecionice. Europe 2 was daughter of Tityus, who is being punished in the Underworld (see also Immortals). Mecionice was a native from Hyria, a Boeotian city (Arg.4.1731ff.; Hes.GE.6; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pin.Oly.4.20ff., 4.46; Val.1.365). Eurypylus 2. One of the sons of Thestius 1. He was killed by Meleager, disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.7.10, 1.8.2). Eurytion 2. This is the king of Phthia,
who purified Peleus and gave him the third part of the country, along with his daughter Antigone 1. Eurytion 2, also counted among the ARGONAUTS, was son either of Actor 1, son of Myrmidon and Pisidice 1, daughter of Aeolus 1. Others say that Eurytion 2 was son of Irus 1 and Demonassa 1. He was killed during the Calydonian Hunt by Peleus, as they say undesignedly (Apd.1.8.2, 3.13.1; Arg.1.74; Hyg.Fab.14; Lib.Met.38; Val.1.378). Eurytus 1. This is one of the MOLIONIDES (see Cteatus above, and Elis). He was like his brother killed by Heracles 1. Before that he had married Theraephone, daughter of King Dexamenus 1 of Olenus, a city of western Achaea on the
Gulf of Patrae, and begotten by her a son Thalpius,
one of the ACHAEAN
LEADERS against Troy (Apd.2.7.2, 3.10.8; Dio.4.33.3; Ov.Met.8.299; Pau.5.3.4; Pin.Oly.10.28). Eurytus 2, also counted among the ARGONAUTS, was son of Hermes and Antianira 1 (Hyg.Fab.14, 160, 173; Pin.Pyth.4.179; Val.1.439). Evippus 1. One of the sons of Thestius 1, killed by Meleager disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.7.10, 1.8.2). Hippasus 1. Son of Eurytus 3 (Hyg.Fab.173). Hippalmus 1 was attacked by the Calydonian Boar but survived (Ov.Met.8.360). Hippothous 2. It is said that Hippothous 2 was suckled by a mare when he was a babe. He was the son either of Cercyon 1, an Arcadian evil-doer killed by Theseus, or of Poseidon and Alope, daughter of Cercyon 1 (Hyg.Fab.173, 187, 252). Hippothous 6 was son of Cercyon 2, son of Agamedes 2, son of Stymphalus 1, son of Elatus 2, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto. The
kingdom of Arcadia devolved upon him when Agapenor did not return from Troy. He established his capital in Trapezus and was succeeded by his son Aepytus 4 (see also Arcadia) (Pau.8.5.4, 8.45.7). Hyleus was killed by the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.8.2; Ov.Met.8.299ff.). Idas 2 and his brother Lynceus 1 came from Messenia and are
known for having opposed the DIOSCURI. Idas 2, who was one of the ARGONAUTS, is said to have killed Castor 1. Idas 2 was son of Arene, either by Poseidon or by Aphareus 1, son of King Perieres 1 of Messenia. Idas 2 was killed by Polydeuces, but before that he married Marpessa 1, daughter of Evenus 2, and had by her a daughter Cleopatra 4, who was Meleager's wife (Apd.1.8.2, 3.10.3, 3.11.2; CYP.1, 12; Hyg.Fab.14, 80; Stat.Theb.5.405; Val.1.461). Iolaus 1 is the charioteer of Heracles 1, who shared
with him most of his Labours. He is also known for as the founder of a colony in Sardinia. Iolaus 1 is the son of Iphicles (Heracles 1's half-brother) and Automedusa, daughter of Alcathous 3, son of Pelops 1. Iolaus 1 married Heracles 1's ex-wife Megara, and had by her a beautiful daughter called Leipephilene, wife of Phylas 2, son of Antiochus 1, son of Heracles 1. Iolaus 1 was one of the ARGONAUTS (Apd.2.5.2, 2.4.11, 2.5.12; Dio.4.29.4; Eur.Hcl. passim; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pau.8.14.9, 9.40.6; Pin.Pyth.11.59). Iphicles is son of Amphitryon and Alcmena, and
half-brother of Heracles 1. Husband of Automedusa and father of Iolaus 1 (see above). Iphicles was wounded in the first battle fought by Heracles 1 against the Eleans and Augeas, and died later of his wound (Apd.1.8.2, 2.4.11; Pau.8.14.9). Iphiclus 2, previously one of the ARGONAUTS, is one of the sons of Thestius 1 (either by Leucippe 1 or by Eurythemis). He was killed by Meleager disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.7.10, 1.8.2; Hyg.Fab.14).
Ischepolis. Son of Alcathous 3, son of Pelops 1. His mother was either Pyrgo 1 (Alcathous 3's first wife), or Evaechme 1 (Alcathous 3's second wife). Evaechme 1 was daughter of Megareus 2, eponym of Megara and the man who came from Onchestus with an army of Boeotians to help Nisus 1 in his war against Minos 2. Evaechme 1's mother was Iphinoe 3, daughter of King Nisus 1 of Megara (Pau.1.42.6, 1.43.4).
Laertes, also one of the ARGONAUTS, is best
known for being the father of Odysseus and Ctimene. His wife was Anticlia 1, daughter of Autolycus 1. Laertes' father was Arcisius, son of Zeus, according to some, or son of Cephalus 1 and Procris 2, according to others (Apd.1.9.16; Apd.Ep.3.12; Hom.Od.15.363; Hyg.Fab.173).
Lelex 1. A man from Locris, the region on the mainland side of the Euboean Sea (Opuntian Locris) (Ov.Met.8.299ff.). Leucippus 1. Son of Hippocoon 2, the man who expelled Icarius 1 and Tyndareus from Lacedaemon and became king of the Lacedaemonians (Hyg.Fab.173).
Lynceus 1, also one of the ARGONAUTS, was famous for his sharpness of sight; he could even see things under ground. Son of Aphareus 1 (see Messenia) and Arene. He was brother of Idas 2 (see above) and opposing the DIOSCURI he was killed either by Castor 1 or by Polydeuces. Lynceus 1 died childless (AO.1188; Apd.1.8.2, 3.10.3, 3.11.2; CYP.1; Hyg.Fab.14, 80; Pau.4.2.7; Pin.Nem.10.61; Val.1.462).

7927: Head of Meleager. Parian marble, about 340-330 BC. British Museum, London.
Mopsus 1 was a seer who, having attended Pirithous' wedding,
fought against the CENTAURS, when these
attempted against the bride. He is said to have
been killed by a serpent while wandering at the
furthest ends of Libya during the expedition of the ARGONAUTS; but if this were so he could not have been among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS. Mopsus 1 was son of Ampycus 1, son of Elatus 6, and Chloris 2 (AO.948; Arg.1.80, 4.1502ff.; Hes.SH.181; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Ov.Met.12.456; Stat.Theb.5.417; Strab.9.5.22; Val.1.384, 3.420).
Panopeus 1 was a Phocian also known for
having supported Amphitryon against the Taphians. He was son of Phocus 3, the son of Aeacus and Psamathe 1 that was plotted against by his half-brothers Peleus and Telamon. The son of Panopeus 1 is the architect Epeius 2, constructor of the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.2.4.7; Ov.Met.8.299ff.; Pau.2.29.4; QS.4.324).
Pelagon 3 survived an attack by the Calydonian Boar (Ov.Met.8.360).
Phoenix 2 was made King of the Dolopians
by Peleus. He had been blinded by his father Amyntor 1 on the strength of a false accusation of seduction preferred against him by his father's concubine Phthia 3, but his sight was later restored by Chiron. He accompanied Achilles to the Trojan War and, dying
on his way back from Troy,
was buried by Neoptolemus (see also ACHAEAN
LEADERS) (Apd.3.12.8; Apd.Ep.6.12; Hyg.Fab.97, 173; QS.7.630; RET.1).
Phyleus 1 parted from his father Augeas
in anger and migrated to Dulichium, one of the
Echinadian Islands at the entrance of the Gulf of Corinth, but afterwards Heracles 1 bestowed on
him the kingdom of Elis. Phyleus 1 married first Eustyoche and begot Meges 1, one of the ACHAEAN
LEADERS against Troy. Later he married Timandra 1, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda (Apd.2.5.5, 2.7.2; Dio.4.33.4; Hes.CWE.67; Hom.Il.2.637; Hyg.Fab.97; Ov.Met.8.299ff.; Pau.5.3.1).
Plexippus 1. One of the sons of Thestius 1. He was killed by Meleager disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.7.10, 1.8.2).
Polydeuces. See DIOSCURI.
Prothous 5. One of the sons of Thestius 1 (Pau.8.45.7).
Telamon, one of the ARGONAUTS, and
possibly Peleus' brother;
for some say he was son of Aeacus and Endeis. But others say he was son of Actaeus 2 and Glauce 2 (see also Peleus). He accompanied Heracles 1 in his expedition against Troy. There he received Hesione 2, daughter of King Laomedon 1 of Troy, and had by her a son Teucer 1, who is one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS against Troy. Glauce 2 has also been called his wife, but otherwise Telamon married Periboea 2, daughter of Alcathous 3, son of Pelops 1, and had by her
a son Ajax 1. Telamon is
also the father of Trambelus, a Lesbian who went
against Achilles, who at the time was ravaging Lesbos, and was killed by him. Trambelus is also known for having fallen in love with Apriate, a Lesbian girl, whom he tried to capture. She, however, struggled with violence against him and Trambelus threw her into the sea and she drowned (Apd.1.8.2, 2.6.4, 3.10.8, 3.12.6-7; Hyg.Fab.14, 97; Dio.4.32.5, 4.40.2, 4.72.7; Parth.26.4; Stat.Theb.5.379).
Toxeus 2. One of the sons of Thestius 1. He was killed by Meleager disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Ov.Met.8.299ff., 8.441).