The Greek Mythology Link (1997) is a collection of myths based on Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology (1993) and represents, in several respects, an expansion of it.
Several peer reviews may be read in this page. One review comes from the Classical Association of Canada. Other reviewers, like Anna Lambraki (publisher of the Greek magazine "Archaeology") or Johan Flemberg (Sweden, Classical Archaeology), are distinguished classicists.
The Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Vetenskapliga rådet - humaniora och samhällsvetenskap) granted Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology an aid of publication in 1993. The publisher was Prof. Paul Åström (Astrom Editions), an archaeologist who made significant contributions to the field of Mediterranean archaeology. Prof. Paul Åström passed away in 2008, but Astrom Editions continues to exist and now carries over 600 academic titles.
The author of the Greek Mythology Link, Carlos Parada, has formerly lectured at the Department of Classics, Lund University (Sweden).
Counting thousands of pages and images, the Greek Mythology Link is probably the most complete encyclopedia on the Greek myths written in almost one century. |

Notice published in Amphora, publication of the American Philological Association, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Spring 2004
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Delivery: www-download (allow 24 hours delay). Duplication other than for personal use is not allowed. |
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Update 2018-07-25:
Some entries in the chapter "Genealogical Guide" have been corrected. If you have previously purchased the "Greek Mythology Link Complete Collection" you may email this site and request the web address which will enable you to download this update.
Edition September 2011. Linked, bookmarked, and easy to print PDF files. The Complete Collection now contains +3000 A4 pages, including:
- All documents belonging to the Greek Mythology Link (+1700 A4 pages).
- Revised version of the Genealogical Guide (+6000 entries = Dictionary of characters, with a convenient code connecting each piece of information to its original source). See smaller or larger sample.
- Geographical Reference (+ 1000 places and peoples).
- 119 high resolution Charts (both genealogical and contextual), and 7 Maps.
- A Mythological Gallery, divided into four PDFs containing +4500 images.
- Names of characters in Greek Script (+3000).
- Recent articles and interviews with the author.
The Edition September 2011 has been highly optimized for viewing and printing.
All buyers of the Complete Collection may always download the new versions free of charge for the rest of their lives or for as long as new editions of the Greek Mythology Link are being released.
Greek Mythology Link — Complete Collection
ISBN 978-91-976473-9-7 File sizes (see image below)
Price: USD 174
Payment via PayPal (with PayPal account or credit card) Delivery: www-download.
License: Prints cannot be sold or distributed. Electronic duplication other than for personal use is not allowed. © 1997, Carlos Parada & Maicar Förlag—Email
Improvements in the present Edition: Missing symbols in the Dec. 2010 Edition have been restored. Three maps and one article were added to the main file.
Previous editions: March 2009, May 2009, June 2009, April 2010, November 2010, December 2010.
The demos and downloads below may not reflect the appearance of the present edition:
Demo of the 19C album (PDF)
Demo of the Roscher album (PDF)
Demo of the Photo albums (PDF)
Price |
Genealogical Charts (105)
Contextual Charts (14)
Price |
Mythological Maps (10)
Map of Greece & Western Asia Minor Voyage of the Argonauts (4 maps)
Achaeans & Trojans
The Returns of the Achaean Leaders
Wanderings of Aeneas
Map of the Underworld
Map of Atlantis |
eBooks (PDF) at Publisher's price
Tales of Cities in Greek Mythology
Length: 220 pages (98,229words). File size 3.6 MB. ISBN 978-91-976473-7-3.
This book gives an account of the mythical history of a number of cities, places and peoples in Greek mythology, including throne succession and the deeds of kings. The book is fully referenced and relies exclusively on primary sources (authors from the period between 800 BC and AD 600). A complete list of sources is found on the chapter Abbreviations.
The geographical reference (Dictionary) counts more than 1000 entries.
The extended accounts cover the tales related to Achaea, Arcadia, Argos, Athens, Atlantis, Calydon and Pleuron, the Cicones, Corinth, Crete, Delphi, Eleusis, Elis, Hellenes, Ionia, Elysium, Isles of the Blest, White Isle, Laestrygonians, LAPITHS, Lemnos, Lerna, Megara, Messenia, Minyan Orchomenus, Mycenae, Olympia, Phaeacians, Phrygia, Pylos, Rhodes, Scythia, Sicyon, Sparta, Thebes, Tiryns, Troezen, Troy, and an extensive description of the Underworld and Afterlife.
A useful volume both for the scholar and for the interested reader of the myths. |
Reports on the Trojan War
Length: 127 pages. File size 3.9 MB. ISBN 978-91-976473-5-9.
This book presents several accounts related to the Trojan War. The book is fully referenced, and relies exclusively on primary sources (authors from the period between 800 BC and AD 600). A complete list of sources is found on the chapter Abbreviations.
The book tells the stories of the suitors of Helen, the city of Troy, and also of the Trojan War in an extensive chapter. Exhaustive material with descriptions of characters appear in lists such as Achaean Leaders and Trojan Leaders.
Also included are:
- Dares' Account Of The Destruction Of Troy
- The Last Days Of Troy
- Aftermath Of The Trojan War
- Summaries Of The Trojan Cycle
Other chapters refer the stories of the Palladium and the Wooden Horse.
A useful volume both for the scholar and for the interested reader of the myths. |
Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Digital edition.
Length: 1275 pages. File size 8.6 MB. ISBN 978-91-976473-6-6.
The Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology (Digital Edition) is a dictionary counting more than 6500 entries, probably the most complete catalogue written in the last hundred years. This digital version (revised and augmented) is based on the main chapter of a hardcover edition with the same name, published in 1993.
The book is fully referenced, relying exclusively on primary sources (authors from the period between 800 BC and AD 600). The chapter Abbreviations serves as a complete list of sources.
By means of a simple code, a wide variety of information is provided in a compact and direct form, to do with birth, parents, mates, children, circumstances of death, and biographical description. The code facilitates cross references, and summarizes each piece of information to its original source(s). Persons with the same name receive distinct entries, further clarified by a subscript numeral. The name of each character also appears in searchable Greek script.
An excellent companion for the scholar and for the interested reader of the myths.
Reviews of the print edition
"An invaluable aid." (Sion M. Honea, magazine Phoenix, Classical Association of Canada).
"An exceptional work." (Anna Lambraki, magazine Archaeology, Athens).
"A real masterpiece." (Weste Westeson, Library Service BTJ (Bibliotekstjänst), Sweden).
"The completeness is impressing." (Johan Flenberg, magazine Medusa, Publication for Classic Antiquity, Sweden).
Free |
The Heart of the Idyll
by Gabriel Mirand
The narrator, a middle-aged lecturer (classicist) drained by the Departmental drudgery, decides to discover "creativity" and penetrate "the nature of things" during a sabbatical leave which he might obtain thanks to some shady maneuvers conceived by his wife. A brief erotic reverie involving a student (and subsequent erotic adventure) has unexpected repercussions both in his life and in that of the university town, providing him with some existential lessons with the help of which he reviews certain decisive moments of his past. The narrator somehow succeeds in deceiving himself almost habitually, and yet manages to achieve some vital insights during the 27 days covered by this story.
File Size
PDF 5.1 MB
311 pages, 98,631 words.
Published by Maicar Förlag 2012
ISBN 978-91-976473-3-5
"Narrative expertly controlled..."
"The most impressive achievement in this book is the degree to which the narrator enters the main character's consciousness and lays bare its workings..."
"Not only are all the allusions and references to Classical literature and myth impressively handled in the narrative, but they are also, on occasion, extremely funny."
Richard Skinner, author of
The Red Dancer: The Life and Times of Mata Hari
Price |
Names of Characters in Greek Script (3186 names)
THE MYTHS OF HELLAS is an exhaustive work by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology (1993) and creator of the web site Greek Mythology Link (1997).
The Myths of Hellas represents an expansion of the author's previous work, and is the mature result of decades of acquaintance with the myths' timeless lessons in beauty, signficance, clarity and simplicity.
The Charts and Maps, contained in Volume III (142 pages) of THE MYTHS OF HELLAS complement the first two volumes of this fully referenced work, previously published in 2022. Volume III contains more than 100 Genealogical charts, 12 Contextual Charts, and 9 detailed Maps.
Volume II (515 pages, 470,062 words) includes extensive lists, tales of cities and peoples, throne successions and genealogies, comprehensive reports on the Theban and Trojan Wars, a geographical reference with more than 1000 names, lucid articles on relevant mythological subjects, and a complementary dictionary with references to more than 6000 characters.
Volume I (389 pages, 341,333 words) contains more than 200 detailed biographies of the most important characters.
Interlaced ancient quotations give depth to the narrative. The mythical accounts are based exclusively on primary sources (more than 60 ancient authors) which appear close to the material they support.
The three volumes are in A4 format. Volumes I and II have two columns. You may request via email a PDF detailing the contents of all three volumes.
The Add to Cart buttons lead to the PayPal checkout. When purchasing through PayPal you may use your own credit card. Delivery: www-download (allow 24 hours delay). Duplication other than for personal use is not allowed. |