The Achaeans coming out the WOODEN HORSE. RIV-0941b: The Wooden Horse. Das hölzerne Pferd (nach Baumeister, Denkm. d. klass. Altert. Bd. 1 S. 742 Abb. 794). Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Göttingen, 1845- Dresden, 1923), Ausfürliches Lexikon der griechisches und römisches Mythologie, 1884.
Acamas 1 fled when the DIOSCURI attacked Athens. Later he went to Troy together with Diomedes 2 to ask for
the restoration of Helen. After the war he brought back his grandmother Aethra 2 who was captive in Troy. Acamas 1 was son of Theseus and Phaedra, daughter of Minos 2. He married Laodice 3, daughter of Priam 1, and had by her a son Munitus, who was killed by the bite of a snake while hunting at Olynthus in Thrace (Apd.Ep.1.18, 1.23, 5.22; Dio.4.62.1;
Eur.Hcl.115ff.; Hyg.Fab.108; Parth.16.1;
Pau.10.10.1, 10.26.2; QS.4.332, 12.314ff.,
13.497ff.; SI.4; Try.177, 662; Vir.Aen.2.62).
Agapenor. King of the Arcadians. Agapenor
was one of the SUITORS
OF HELEN. After the war he founded Paphos in Cyprus. Agapenor was son of Ancaeus 1 and Iotis. Ancaeus 1, one of the ARGONAUTS, was son of King Lycurgus 2 of Arcadia, son of Aleus, son of Aphidas 1, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto (Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.609; Pau.8.5.2; QS.12.314ff.).
Ajax 2.
Amphidamas 6 (Try.182).
Amphimachus 7 (QS.12.325).
Anticlus (see main text above).
Antimachus 6. A Cretan warrior who came with King Idomeneus 1 of Crete to fight against Troy. Antimachus 6 was killed by Aeneas (QS.6.622, 12.314ff.).
Antiphates 5 (Try.180).
Cyanippus. King of Argos, son either of Adrastus 1, the leader
THEBES, and Amphithea 1, or of Aegialeus 1 and Comaetho 4. Cyanippus died childless (Apd.1.9.13; Pau.2.18.4-5; Try.159).
Demophon 1, who later became King of Athens was brother of Acamas 1 (see above). He asked Agamemnon for the freedom of his grandmother Aethra 2 and Agamemnon granted his
request after receiving Helen's consent. After the
war he asked Agamemnon for the freedom of his grandmother Aethra 2, who after the misadventure of Theseus with Helen and the destruction
of Aphidnae by the DIOSCURI, had become Helen's maid. Agamemnon granted his
request after receiving Helen's consent.
On his return from Troy Demophon 1 came with a few ships to the land of the Thracian Bisaltians. There he became the lover of the king's daughter Phyllis 1, and her father gave her to him with the kingdom for her dowry. However, the wedding could not take place immediately because Demophon 1 wished to return to Athens, but he swore to return. When he departed Phyllis 1, who was desperately in love with this man, made with him part of the road and when they parted company she gave him an enchanted casket containing a sacrament of the Mother of the Gods, which he was not to open until he knew for certain that he would not return to Thrace. Some say that he should had returned on an appointed day, and that on that day Phyllis 1 ran down to the shore nine times to see whether his sail showed up. When it became clear that Demophon 1 would not return, she hanged herself after cursing her lover. It is also said, however, that she died out of longing for him, and that round the tomb that her parents made for her, trees sprang that, at a certain season, grieve for her, their leaves growing dry and blowing away. And then again some say she prepared her own epitaph:
"Demophon sent
Phyllis to her doom. Her guest he was, she loved
him well. He was the cause that brought her death
to pass. Her own the hand by which she fell." (Ovid, Heroides 2.145).
In any case it is said that she thought that this would be a good inscription to be written under the image of Demophon 1 in Athens:
"This is he
whose wiles betrayed the hostess that loved him." (Ovid, Heroides 2.75).
By the time Phyllis 1 died Demophon 1 was in Cyprus, and so soon he opened the casket she had given him he felt invaded by panic. So, out of control, he mounted his horse, and when the animal stumbled he was thrown, fell on his sword and died.
Diomedes 2.
Echion 4 died when he jumped from the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.Ep.5.20).
Epeius 2 is the architect who constructed
the WOODEN HORSE, with the help of which the
Achaeans could take Troy;
he was himself among those warriors who hid inside
it. He was victorious in boxing at the games
celebrated in honour of Patroclus 1. Epeius 2 was son of Panopeus 1, son of Phocus 3, son of Aeacus (Apd.Ep.4.7, 5.14;
Eur.Tro.10; Pau.2.29.4; Pla.Rep.620c; QS.12.81,
12.138ff., 12.314ff.; Try.57; Vir.Aen.2.264).
Eumelus 1. Leader of Pherae, a city in Thessaly, and son of Admetus 1 and Alcestis. Eumelus 1, who had been one of the SUITORS OF HELEN, married Iphthime 1, sister of Penelope (Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.715ff.; Hom.Od.4.797; QS.12.314ff.; Try.172).
Euryalus 1. Leader from Argos, son of Mecisteus 1. Euryalus 1 is counted among the ARGONAUTS, and the EPIGONI (Apd.1.9.16, 3.7.2; Hom.Il.2.565; QS.12.314ff.).
Eurydamas 6. Son of Pelias 4 (Try.181).
Eurymachus 5 (QS.12.321).
Eurypylus 1. Leader of the Ormenians, who
got a cursed chest after the war and on seeing it
went mad. He was one of the SUITORS OF HELEN,
and among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. Eurypylus 1 was son of Evaemon 1, son of Ormenus 3, son of Cercaphus 2, son of Aeolus 1, and of Opis 2 (Apd.3.10.8; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.7.19.6, 10.27.2; QS.12.314ff.; Try.176).
Ialmenus 1 led the troops of Aspledon and Minyan Orchomenus. Ialmenus 1 is counted among the ARGONAUTS, and the SUITORS OF HELEN (Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494ff.; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.12.314ff.).
Idomeneus 1 was Leader of the Cretans. At
his return from the war he was driven out of Crete by the usurper Leucus 1 who besides had become the lover of Idomeneus 1's wife Meda 2, whom Leucus 1 later killed, along with Idomeneus 1's daughter Clisithyra. Nothing is told about Idomeneus 1's son Orsilochus 4. Idomeneus 1, who is counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN and those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE, was son of Deucalion 2, son of Minos 2 (Apd.3.3.1; Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 6.10; Hom.Od.13.260; Hyg.Fab.81; QS.12.314ff.; Try.168).
Iphidamas 3. Brother of Eurydamas 6 (see above) (Try.181).
Leonteus 1 is a Lapith Leader against Troy, who buried Calchas at Colophon (Asia Minor) after the war. Leonteus 1 was son of Coronus 1, son of Caeneus 1, he who once was a woman called Caenis, but was turned into an invulnerable man by Poseidon, and for being
invulnerable was buried alive in the earth by the CENTAURS (Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.3; Hom.Il.2.726ff., 2.746, 12.128; QS.7.484, 12.314ff.; Try.176).
Machaon. This son of Asclepius, who came from Tricca, a city in western Thessaly Tricca, was, as his father, a healer, and he took care of the wound that the arrow of Pandarus 1 inflicted on Menelaus when the truce
was broken during the Trojan War. He
practised surgery while his brother treated
sicknesses. He also healed the wound of Philoctetes. Machaon married Anticlia 3, daughter of Diocles 1, son of Orsilochus 1, son of the river god Alpheus. Some say that Machaon was killed at Troy by Eurypylus 6 from Mysia, but others say he was killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.5.1; Dio.4.71.4;
Hom.Il.2.732, 4.215ff.; Hyg.Fab.97, 108;
Pau.2.11.5, 2.23.4, 2.29.1, 2.38.6, 3.26.9, 4.30.3;
Prop.2.1.59; QS.6.408; SI.5; Vir.Aen.2.63).
Meges 1 was a leader against Troy from Dulichium, and commander of the Epeans. He was son of Phyleus 1, son of King Augeas of Elis. Meges 1 is counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN (Apd.3.10.8; Eur.IA.285; Hom.Il.13.692; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.12.314ff.; Try.180).
Menestheus 1 was given the sovereignty of Athens by the DIOSCURI and became
Leader of the Athenians against Troy. After the sack of Troy, Menestheus 1 went to Melos and reigned as king, because the king there, Polyanax, had died. He was son of Peteos, an Egyptian, who later obtained Athenian citizenship, but who had to migrate from Athens to Phocis when
pursued by Aegeus 1. However it is also said that Peteos' father, Orneus 1, was a son of King Erechtheus of Athens. Menestheus 1 was one of the SUITORS OF
HELEN (see Athens) (Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.1.23, 6.15b; Hes.CWE.68.42;
Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.552; Pau.1.23.8; QS.12.314ff.).
Meriones was a Leader from Crete against Troy and the squire of King Idomeneus 1 of Crete. Some
call him son of Minos 2, and others a bastard son of Deucalion 2 (Hom.Il.7.166; Hyg.Fab.81, 97; QS.12.314ff.).
Peneleus. A Boeotian leader during the Trojan War, also
counted among the ARGONAUTS and the SUITORS OF HELEN. Peneleus was son of Hippalcimus 2, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, after whom the Boeotians are called. Peneleus was killed at Troy by Eurypylus 6. His grandson Damasichthon 2 was chosen to be king at Thebes on the departure of Autesion 1 (Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494;
Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.9.5.15-16; QS.7.104; Try.180).
Podalirius. This son of Asclepius healed Philoctetes, when
this one returned from Lemnos, and after the Trojan War settled in the Carian Chersonese (Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.3.11ff.,
5.8, 6.18; Dio.4.71.4; Hom.Il.2.732; Pau.2.29.1, 3.26.10; QS.12.314ff.; SI.5).
Polypoetes 1. Leader of the Gyrtonians
against Troy. He buried Calchas at Colophon after the war. Polypoetes 1 is son Pirithous, he who had
the brilliant idea of marrying Persephone and for
her sake descended to the Underworld where he is still sitting on the Chair of Forgetfulness. Polypoetes 1 is one of the SUITORS OF HELEN (Apd.3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.3; Dio.4.63.1;
Hom.Il.2.670ff., 12.182; Pau.10.26.2; QS.12.314ff.).
Sthenelus 2. Once one of the EPIGONI and one of the SUITORS OF HELEN Sthenelus 2, from Argos,
became one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS.
His father was Capaneus, one of the SEVEN AGAINST
THEBES (Apd.3.7.2, 3.10.8; Apd.Ep.6.10;
Eur.IA.246; Hom.Il.2.564; Hyg.Fab.97, 108;
Pau.2.18.5; QS.12.314ff.; Vir.Aen.2.61).
Teucer 1. This is Telamon's bastard son,
Leader of the Salaminians against Troy and later King of
Cyprian Salamis. His mother was Hesione 2, daughter of the Trojan king Laomedon 1. Teucer 1 had been one of the SUITORS OF
HELEN (Apd.3.10.8; Eur.Hel.87 and passim;
Hom.Il.8.285ff.; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.1.23.8, 2.29.4;
Pin.Nem.4.46; QS.12.314ff.; Soph.Aj. passim; Try.170).
Thalpius was Leader of the Eleans against Troy, son of Eurytus 1, one of the MOLIONIDES (Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.536ff., 2.620; Pau.5.3.4; QS.12.314ff.).
Thersander 1, son of Polynices, became
King of Thebes after the
war of the EPIGONI. Some
say he was killed by Telephus when the
Achaean fleet against Troy arrived by mistake in Mysia. But if that were true he could not be inside the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.3.7.2; Apd.Ep.3.17; CYP.1; Hdt.4.147, 6.52; Hyg.Fab.71,
108; Pau.9.5.14-15; Pin.Oly.2.43; Vir.Aen.2.61).
Thoas 2. Leader of the Aetolians against Troy. Odysseus in exile after
having killed the SUITORS OF
PENELOPE came to him and married his daughter. Thoas 2 was King of Pleuron and Calydon and grandson of Oeneus 2, the negligent king who forgot Artemis in his sacrifices, causing the wrath of the goddess who sent the Calydonian Boar (see Calydon) to ravage the country (Apd.Ep.3.11ff., 7.40; Hom.Il.13.216;
Hyg.Fab.81, 108; Pau.5.3.6; QS.12.314ff.;
Thrasymedes 1. This son of Nestor is known for
having been commander of a group of sentinels
during the Trojan War (Hyg.Fab.97). |