
The ARGONAUTS fit in a speaking timber from the oak of Dodona in the prow of the "Argo". king080: Painting by William Russell Flint, 1880-1969.
"A certain king, vehemently longing to drive this man far from his fatherland and possessions, because in might he outshone all the sons of Aeolus, sends him to voyage hither on a bootless venture; and asserts that the stock of Aeolus will not escape the heart-grieving wrath and rage of implacable Zeus, nor the umbearable curse and vengeance due for Phrixus, until the fleece comes back to Hellas." (Argus 4 to Aeetes. Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3.333).
The ARGONAUTS are those who sailed to Colchis in order to bring the Golden Fleece of the Ram that Phrixus 1 had dedicated to Ares at Colchis. The ARGONAUTS, with Jason as admiral, put to sea from Iolcus, and after several adventures came to Colchis, fetched the Golden Fleece, and came back with the king's daughter, Medea, whom Jason married.
How the Golden Fleece came to Colchis
Athamas 1, first Boeotian and then Thessalian king, was married to Nephele 2 and had by her a son Phrixus 1 and a daughter Helle. But he married a second wife Ino, who plotted against the children of Nephele 2 by secretely sabotaging the crops. When she succeeded in having the whole country suffering from dearth, Athamas 1 sent messengers to Delphi to inquire how they might be delivered from the calamity. Ino then persuaded the
messengers to falsify the oracle and claim that it had been foretold that the dearth would cease if Phrixus 1 and Helle were sacrificed. Being warned of the danger, Nephele 2 put her children on the back of the Ram with the Golden Fleece, which she had received from Hermes, and flying on it they escaped. Helle slipped into the sea and was drowned in the Hellespont (the strait dividing the Thracian Chersonese from Asia Minor), but Phrixus 1 reached Colchis, at the eastern end of the Black Sea, where he sacrificed the amazing ram and gave the Golden Fleece to Aeetes, who nailed it to an oak, where it was guarded by a sleepless Dragon. This is how the Golden Fleece, which the ARGONAUTS later fetched, came to Colchis.
Fear of competitors leads to famous expedition
Now, there is nothing so cherished by some men of power than power itself, and King Pelias 1 of Iolcus, being no exception in this regard, once consulted the oracle concerning the kingdom, and, to his distress, he was warned by it to beware of the man with the single sandal. At first, the king did not understand whom the oracle was referring to, but afterwards, when he was about to offer a sacrifice to Poseidon, he sent for Jason, among many others, to participate in it. Jason came to the sacrifice, but in crossing the river Anaurus in Thessaly he lost a sandal in the stream and appeared with only one. When Pelias 1 saw him, he remembered the oracle, and asked Jason what would he do if he were king and had received an oracle that he should be murdered by a certain citizen. Jason answered:
"I would command him to bring the Golden Fleece." (Jason to Pelias 1. Apollodorus, Library 1.9.16).
Some say that he answered thus inspired by Hera, who being angry against Pelias 1 because he, some time ago, had violated her sanctuary by killing his stepmother Sidero, who had taken refuge there, wished Medea to prove a curse to Pelias 1. And that came to be, because when Pelias 1 heard Jason's answer, he bade him go in quest of the Golden Fleece. But Jason brought Medea, and she was the end of this anxious king.
The "Argo"
Jason assembled many noble men from Hellas, and with the help of one Argus, some say son of Phrixus 1 (but see list below), a ship of fifty oars called "Argo" was built. At its prow, a speaking timber from the oak of Dodona was fitted, following the instructions of Athena. It is said that when the ship was launched into the sea, it appeared among the stars from rudder to sail (Constellation Puppis).
Kingdom of women
In their way to Colchis, the ARGONAUTS came first to the island of Lemnos, where the women had killed their fathers and husbands and lived without men, except for Hypsipyle, their queen, who had secretly saved her father. But this exception was not public yet, and later, when it was known, the women of Lemnos sold their own queen into slavery. Years later, the army of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES met Hypsipyle in Nemea, where she was in charge of the little prince Opheltes 1 as his nurse. But in Lemnos, Jason fell in love with Hypsipyle and had children by her. One of them, Euneus 1, became later king of Lemnos, and is known for having sent ships from the island with cargoes of wine for the Achaeans during the Trojan War.
War by mistake
Having left Lemnos, the ARGONAUTS engaged by mistake in a battle against the Dolionians and killed their king, who had previously received them as guests: King Cyzicus ruled an island in the Propontis. He received the ARGONAUTS with generous hospitality, but when they had left him, they were brought unaware to the same island by a storm that arose during the night. Cyzicus, thinking they were Pelasgian enemies, attacked them on the shore at night, and in the battle that ensued he was killed by Jason, or perhaps by Heracles 1. By day, when they realised what they had done, they mourned and gave Cyzicus a costly burial
Hylas and Heracles 1 lost for the expedition
Having come to Mysia, the ARGONAUTS lost Hylas, who was ravished away by NYMPHS. Hylas, a lover of Heracles 1, was a young man famous for his beauty, which is also why the NYMPHS carried him off. This happened when Hylas went to fetch water, while Heracles 1 cooked for the rest of the ARGONAUTS. When Hylas did not return Heracles 1 went to the woods to look for him, and as he cried his name "Hylas, Hylas, Hylas ...", the NYMPHS, fearing to be catched by him, transformed Hylas into an echo, so that when Heracles 1 cried his name he would hear back "Hylas, Hylas, Hylas ..." Some say that Heracles 1, looking for Hylas, never joined his companions again. But then there are also those who say that Heracles 1 never sailed with the ARGONAUTS, explaining that at the time he served as a slave at the court of Omphale. Still others say that Heracles 1 was left in Thessaly because the "Argo" declared with its human voice that she could not bear his weight. Yet others assert that Heracles 1 left another Argonaut, Polyphemus 1, in charge of looking for Hylas, and himself went back to the ship. According to them, Polyphemus 1 remained in Mysia for good, founding a city Cius, which he ruled as king. He kept looking for Hylas until his death, but Hylas was never found again.

Athena supervises the building of the "Argo." The yard is held by the helmsman Tiphys; Argus (3 or 4) sits across the stern. 8037: Terracotta relief, c. 1st century AD. British Museum.
The Bebrycians
Next the ARGONAUTS came then to the land of the Bebrycians, where King Amycus 1, a son of Poseidon and Melie, a Bithynian Nymph, compelled strangers to box as a way of killing them. However, this time he was killed by Polydeuces.
Phineus 2 and the HARPIES
Thence they put to sea and came to the court of Phineus 2, king and seer from Salmydessus in Thrace who had lost the sight of both eyes. He is variously alleged to have been blinded by the gods for foretelling men the future, or by Boreas 1 and the ARGONAUTS because he blinded his own sons at the instigation of their stepmother, or by Poseidon, because he revealed to the children of Phrixus 1 how they could sail from Colchis to Hellas. The gods also sent the HARPIES to him. These were winged female creatures, and when a table was laid for Phineus 2, they flew down from the sky and snatched up the food, and what little they left stank so that nobody could eat it. But the ARGONAUTS chased the HARPIES away, and being rid of them, Phineus 2 revealed to the ARGONAUTS the course of their voyage, and advised them about the Clashing Rocks in the sea.
The Clashing Rocks
These rocks were huge cliffs wrapped in mist, which, dashing against each other by the force of the winds, closed the sea passage making it impossible even for the birds to pass between them. Phineus 2 told the ARGONAUTS to let fly a dove between the rocks, and to watch if it passed safe through. Later they came to the place and released a dove, and when the rocks had recoiled after the bird had passed, they rowed hard and passed through. From that time the Clashing Rocks stand still because it was fated that they should come to rest completely once a ship had made the passage.
The HARPIES and the sons of Boreas 1 (North Wind)
Some say that the two sons of Boreas 1, the Argonauts Zetes and Calais, who had wings on head and feet, pursued the HARPIES through the air. It is told that it was fated that the HARPIES should perish by the hand of these brothers, and that they should die when they could not catch up a fugitive. Yet it is not clear what finally happened to the HARPIES. Some affirm that they all died but one. Others assert that they suffered no harm, having sworn an oath that they would not wrong Phineus 2 any more. Similarly, it is not clear what happened to Zetes and Calais. Some say that they died while chasing the HARPIES, but others affirm that they were later (after the return of the ARGONAUTS, and after the death of King Pelias 1) killed by Heracles 1, because they had persuaded the ARGONAUTS to leave him behind in Mysia.
Death of two ARGONAUTS
In the land of the Mariandynians, they were hospitably received by King Lycus 3 who was grateful because the ARGONAUTS had killed his enemy Amycus 1. On a later occasion, Heracles 1 came to the court of Lycus 3 and helped him in a battle between him and the king of the Bebrycians, killing (among others) King Mygdon, brother of Amycus 1. As a result of this war, Lycus 3 annexed Bebrycian territories and called them Heraclea. Here died Idmon 2, the seer, of a wound inflicted by a boar, and Tiphys, of a short illness.
After having sailed past the Thermodon and the Caucasus, they arrived to Colchis, which was ruled by King Aeetes, the man who had received from Phrixus 1 the Golden Fleece. When the ARGONAUTS arrived, Jason met Aeetes and invited him to give him the Golden Fleece. Aeetes promised to give it if single-handed he would yoke the brazen-footed bulls (a gift he had received from Hephaestus), and with them sowed the Dragon's teeth (for he had got from Athena half of the dragon's teeth which Cadmus sowed in Thebes). While Jason was trying to figure out how to perform these tasks, Medea, who was the king's daughter and a priestess of Hecate, fell in love with him. The girl then proposed him the following secret: she promised to help him to yoke the bulls and to give him the Golden Fleece, if he would marry her and take her to Hellas with him. And since ambition may give birth to any kind of promises to attain its aims, Jason swore to do so, and Medea gave him a drug to anoint his body, spear and shield with, which would protect him for one day against fire and iron, when he was about to yoke the bulls. Medea also anticipated that, when the teeth were sown, armed men would spring up from the ground against him, and that he should throw stones into their midst from a distance, so that they would fight each other, and that while they were busy in the fight he could draw near and kill them. So Jason, anointed with the miraculous drug, yoke the bulls, and having sown the Dragon's teeth, killed the warriors that came up from the ground, following Medea's instructions. However, Aeetes, who had apparently proposed these tasks only hoping for Jason's destruction, was not willing to give up the Golden Fleece, and started to plan the burning of the "Argo" and the destruction of its crew. But Medea brought Jason by night to the the place where the Golden Fleece hang, and put to sleep by her drugs the Dragon that guarded it. And while the dragon was asleep, the ARGONAUTS took the Golden Fleece, and having come to the ship, they sailed away by night in a hurry.

While Medea puts the Dragon to sleep, Jason , followed by Orpheus , takes the Golden Fleece.
Painting by William Russell Flint, 1880-1969.
King Aeetes started off in pursuit of the ARGONAUTS, but could not overtake them. During the ARGONAUTS' flight from Colchis, Medea killed or took part in the murder of her brother Apsyrtus, who also was on board. It is sometimes said that Medea cut his brother limb from limb and threw the pieces into the sea and that, gathering Apsyrtus' limbs, Aeetes fell behind in the pursuit. But some say that it was Jason who cut Apsyrtus into pieces, or that he was treacherously killed by Jason (with Medea's help) on an island in the mouth of the river Ister (Danube). According to some, King Styrus of Albania, who had come to Colchis to marry Medea at the time when the ARGONAUTS arrived in the country, joined Aeetes in the pursuit, but drowned in the course of it. Because of his son's death, King Aeetes returned to Colchis, but he sent many others to search for the ARGONAUTS, threatening that, if they did not bring his daughter back to him, they should suffer the punishment due to her.
The "Argo" speaks
In the meanwhile, because of the horrendous crime they had committed, the ARGONAUTS were driven out of course by means of the storms that Zeus sent. The "Argo" then spoke and said that they should seek purification with Circe, a witch living on the island called Aeaea, where they arrived, following the ship's words, after having sailed through the Sardinian and Tyrrhenian seas. The witch Circe, who purified the ARGONAUTS for the murder of Apsyrtus, is sometimes said to be the daughter of Helius. But some affirm that she was the daughter of Aeetes by Hecate. Years later, Circe received Odysseus and his comrades during their return from Troy. And when she had given Odysseus' comrades a potion and they had drunk it off, she smote them with her wand, and having transformed them into swines, she put them in the sties.
When the ARGONAUTS had been purified by Circe, they sailed past the SIRENS, and Orpheus, by chanting a counter melody restrained all of them but Butes 1, who swam off to the SIRENS. However, he was saved by Aphrodite, who carried him away and settled him in Lilybaeum (Sicily). This favorite of the goddess had two children by her, Eryx 1 and Polycaon 2. Eryx 1 became later king over the Elymi in Italy, but was killed by Heracles 1 for the sake of a bull.
Death of Pelias 1
Having received help from the NEREIDS in order to avoid the danger of Scylla 1 and Charybdis, and still fleeing the Colchians, the ARGONAUTS came to Corcyra, said to be the land of the Phaeacians. Here the Colchians catched up, and having landed, they demanded that King Alcinous give up Medea. He answered that he would do so if Medea had not slept with Jason, but that in other case he would give her to Jason. But Queen Arete, anticipating matters, married Medea to Jason in the cave of Macris. In their way back to Iolcus, the ARGONAUTS came to Crete, where Medea destroyed the brazen man Talos 1, and having sailed between Euboea and Locris, they finally came to Iolcus. The whole trip, they say, was completed in four months. In the meantime, King Pelias 1, still worried about his throne, caused Jason's parents to die. Aeson, father of Jason (and according to some brother of Pelias 1), threatened to death by the king, drank freely of a bull's blood and died. Some tell that Aeson's wife and Jason's mother was Alcimede 1, but others say Polymede, and still others Amphinome 2. Whoever was Aeson's wife, she died on the occasion, by drinking the bull's blood, or by hanging herself, or by the sword. But before dying, she uttered a curse against King Pelias 1. Also Promachus 2, Jason's brother, died together with his parents. Some say he drank the bull's blood, but others affirm that Pelias 1 personally killed him. It has also been told that Aeson was restored to youth by Medea, but his death, after this rejuvenation has never been reported. On his return, Jason surrendered the Golden Fleece as it had been agreed, and traveling to the Isthmus of Corinth, he dedicated the "Argo" to Poseidon. Having fixed these practical details, he asked Medea, the woman who could solve all his troubles, to devise how he could punish Pelias 1. So Medea went to the palace of Pelias 1, and persuaded his daughters to make mincemeat of their father and boil him, by promising them to make him young again by her drugs. When Pelias 1 was dead, Acastus, the king's son and one of the ARGONAUTS, became king, and having buried his father, or what was left of him, he expelled Jason and Medea from Iolcus.
Young princess better than foreign witch
Jason and Medea settled in Corinth, where they lived happily for ten years. Later however, Jason started to feel that a younger princess would make a more representative wife than a foreign witch. So he decided to marry the king's daughter and divorce his wife. When Medea discovered that, although being Jason's benefactress, she was treated with scorn, she decided to take vengeance. So with the help of poisonous drugs, she made a golden crown and bade her sons give it as a gift to their stepmother. When this was done, she killed her own sons and fled to Athens. Some say that the young princess Glauce 4 took the gift, being burned to death along with Jason and Creon 3, her father. But others affirm that Jason, unable to endure the loss of both wife and children, killed himself. Still others say that Medea foretold him a foul death: the wreckage of the Argo would fall upon Jason and kill him.
Medea back in Colchis
Medea came to Athens but later, having plotted against Theseus, she was driven from the city. She, then, returned to Colchis, and finding that Aeetes had been deposed by his brother, Perses 3, she killed her uncle and restored the kingdom to her father.
Acastus, son of Pelias 1, joined the ARGONAUTS against his will. After his father's death he became king of Iolcus and expelled Jason and Medea from the city. He purified Peleus for having killed Eurytion 2 and received him in his home; but his wife Astydamia 3 fell in love with Peleus, and as he refused her she intrigued against him, telling Acastus that Peleus had attempted to seduce her. Acastus would not kill the man he had purified, but took him to hunt on Mount Pelion; and when Peleus had fallen asleep Acastus deserted him, hiding his sword. On arising and looking for his sword, Peleus was caught by the CENTAURS and would have perished, had he not been saved by Chiron. Acastus' mother is sometimes called Anaxibia 2, and at other times Phylomache. Anaxibia 2 is daughter of Bias 1, son of Amythaon 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1. Phylomache is said to be daughter of Amphion 1 and Niobe 2, the mother of the NIOBIDS. Acastus' wife was either Astydamia 3, or Hippolyte 5, and by one of them he had daughters: Sterope 5, Sthenele 2, and Laodamia 2. Sthenele 2 married Menoetius 2 and had a son Patroclus 1. Laodamia 2 married Protesilaus and killed herself when he died at Troy. Acastus is also counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Apd.1.9.10, 1.9.27, 3.13.1-3, 3.13.8; Arg.1.20ff.; Eur.Tro.1128; Hyg.Fab.24, 104; Ov.Met.8.299ff.; Pin.Nem.5.27ff.; Val.1.485, 1.695ff.).
Actor 2. Son of Hippasus 2 (Apd.1.9.16).
Admetus 1. King of Pherae in Thessaly, whom Apollo served as a thrall for having killed the CYCLOPES. Apollo obtained from the MOERAE that they should accept in ransom for the life of Admetus 1 the life of whosoever would consent to die in his stead. However, when this was known, nobody would promise to be his ransom on the day of his death with the exception of Alcestis, his wife (see Alcestis) (Apd.1.8.2, 1.9.15-16, 3.10.4; Apd.Ep.3.14; Dio.4.53.2; Eur.Alc.392, 1120, and passim; Hyg.Fab.50; Lib.Met.23; Stat.Theb.5.435; Val.1.445).
Aethalides 1. The herald of the ARGONAUTS. He was son of Hermes and Eupolemia (Arg.1.641; Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.437).
Amphiaraus. See also SEVEN AGAINST THEBES and Robe & Necklace of Harmonia 1.
Amphidamas 2. An Arcadian, son of King Aleus and Cleobule 1 (Arg.1.161; Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.376).
Amphion 2. A Macedonian from Pella, son of Hyperasius and Hypso (Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.367).
Ancaeus 1. Son of King Lycurgus 2 of Arcadia. See also CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Apd.1.8.2, 1.9.16, 3.9.2, 3.10.7-8; Hyg.Fab.248; Pau.8.4.10, 8.5.2).
Ancaeus 2. King of Samos (Hyg.Fab.14, 81; Pau.7.4.1; Val.1.413).
Argus 2. Son either of Polybus 1 and Argia 2, or of Danaus 3 (Hyg.Fab.14).
Argus 3. Builder of the Argo. Son of Phrixus 1, son of Athamas 1, and of Chalciope 2, daughter of Aeetes. Argus 3 married Perimele 2, daughter of Admetus 1 and Alcestis (AO.861; Apd.1.9.1, 1.9.16; Hes.GE.15; Hyg.Fab.21; Lib.Met.23; Val.5.460).
Argus 4. Like Argus 3, said to be the builder of the Argo. Argus 4 was son of Arestor 2 (Arg.1.111; Val.1.93, 1.314, 1.477).
Arius 1. Son of King Bias 1 of Argos and Pero 2, daughter of Neleus (Arg.1.118).
Ascalaphus 1. See ACHAEAN LEADERS.
Asterion 5 (Asterius 8) from Pellene, a city in eastern Achaea, was son either of Hyperasius of Hypso, or of Antigona, or of Hippasus 3. Antigona was daughter of Pheres 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1 (see also Asterius 1) (AO.217; Arg.1.176; Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.367).
Asterius 1 (Asterion 1). A man from Piresia, city in Thessaly at the foot of Mount Phylleus. He was son either of Cometes 1, or of Hyperasius (see also Asterion 5) (AO.163; Apd.1.9.16; Arg.1.35; Hyg.Fab.14; Pau.5.17.9; Val.1.355).
Augeas. This is the king of Elis who had many herds of cattle and whose stables Heracles 1 cleansed, thus accomplishing one of the Labours that were imposed on him by Eurystheus, who later did not admit this labor alleging that Heracles 1 had been hired by Augeas since the latter promised him one tenth of his cattle if he would carry out the dung in one day. However, when the task was accomplished and Augeas learned that it had been done at Eurystheus' command, he not only refused to pay but also denied that he had promised it. For this reason arbitrators were called; and during the trial Augeas' son Phyleus 1 witnessed against his father. So Augeas, without awaiting the verdict, expelled both his son and Heracles 1 from Elis. Later Heracles 1 collected an Arcadian army and marched against Augeas, who hearing of the war that Heracles 1 was levying, appointed the MOLIONIDES generals of the Eleans. Some say that Augeas was killed by Heracles 1, whereas others say that he died at an advanced age. Augeas was either the son of Helius and Nausidame, or of Poseidon, or of Phorbas 6, or of Eleius 1, son of Poseidon and Eurycyda, daughter of Endymion, whom Selene loved. His children are: Epicasta 2, Phyleus 1, Agamede, Agasthenes, and Eurytus 1 (see Heracles 1 and LABOURS) (Apd.2.5.5, 2.7.2, 2.7.7ff.; Dio.4.33.3; Hom.Il.11.740; Hyg. Fab.14; Pau.5.1.9, 5.3.3).
Autolycus 1's father Hermes, they say, gave him the gift of being such a skilful thief that he could not be caught, making him able to change whatever he stole into some other form or colour. Autolycus 1's mother was either Chione 2 or Philonis, both daughters of Daedalion, son of Eosphorus, son of Eos. Daedalion is sometimes said to be the father of Autolycus 1. Autolycus 1 married, some say, Neaera 3, daughter of Pereus, son of Elatus 2, son of Arcas 1, son of Zeus and Callisto. But others say that his wife was Amphithea 3, and that he had by her two daughters: Polymede (mother of Jason, according to some), and Anticlia 1, mother of Odysseus (see also Sisyphus) (Apd.1.9.16; Hom.Od.11.85, 19.415; Hyg.Fab.200, 201; Ov.Met.11.313; Pau.8.4.6; Strab.12.3.11).
Butes 1 came from Attica to join the ARGONAUTS. He is the one who swam off to the SIRENS but was carried away by Aphrodite who settled him in Lilybaeum (Sicily). The goddess loved him and they had children: Eryx 1 and Polycaon 2. Butes 1 was son of Teleon and Zeuxippe 1, daughter of the river god Eridanus (Apd.1.9.25; Dio.4.23.2; Hyg.Fab.14; Pau.4.2.1; Val.1.394).
Caeneus 2. Son of the Lapith general Coronus 1 (Apd.1.9.16; Hyg.Fab.14).
Calais. Son of Boreas 1 (North Wind). He had wings on head and feet. Calais died while chasing the HARPIES, or else he was killed by Heracles 1 (Apd.3.15.2; Hyg.Fab.14, 19; Prop.1.20.26; Stat.Theb.5.408; Val.1.469).
Canthus 1. Son of Canethus 1, or of Abas 1, son of Poseidon. Some say that Canthus 1 died wandering in Libya when he led off Caphaurus' sheep and the latter killed him with a stone. But others say that he was slain by Gesander during the war between Aeetes and Perses 3 (Arg.1.77-80, 4.1485ff.; Val.1.451, 6.317ff.).
Castor 1. See DIOSCURI.
Cepheus 2. King of Tegea in Arcadia, son either of Aleus or of Lycurgus 2; his mother (Aleus' wife) could have been either Neaera 3 or Cleobule 1. Cepheus 2 had children: Sterope 4, Aeropus 2, and Antinoe 1. He is said to have perished in battle while helping Heracles 1 against the Lacedaemonians. Cepheus 2 is also found among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Apd.1.8.2, 2.7.3; Hyg.Fab.14; Pau.8.5.1, 8.8.4; Val.1.375).
Clymenus 10. Brother of Iphiclus 1 (Arg.1.45,1.234; Hes.CWE.68.35, 84; Hyg.Fab.14; Pau.10.29.6; Val.1.370).
Clytius 1. Son of the Oechalian prince Eurytus 4 and Antiope 2, daughter of Pylo, son of Naubolus 4. He is said to have been killed either by Aeetes or by Heracles 1. He is reported to have been among the SUITORS OF HELEN (Dio.4.37.5; Hes.CWE.79; Hyg.Fab.14, 81).
Coronus 1. General of the LAPITHS. He fought against the Dorians and their king Aegimius 1 and was killed by Heracles 1. Coronus 1 was son of Caeneus 1, the man who once was a woman called Caenis, but was turned into an invulnerable male by Poseidon. Coronus 1 was father of Caeneus 2 (see this list above), and Leonteus 1 (see ACHAEAN LEADERS) (Apd.2.7.7; Apd.3.10.8; Dio.4.37.3; Hom.Il.2.746; Hyg.Fab.14).
Deucalion 2. Son of Minos 2, either by Pasiphae, or by Crete 1. He is father of Idomeneus 1, king of Crete at the time of the Trojan War, and of Crete 2. If Molus 1 is his son, he is a bastard one. Deucalion 2 is also counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS. It is said that when Theseus was about to leave Crete, he joined battle with the Cretans at the gate of the Labyrinth and there he slew Deucalion 2 and his bodyguard (Apd.3.1.2, 3.3.1; Dio.4.60.4; Hom.Il.13.451; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Plu.The.19.6).
Deucalion 4 came from Pella, a city in Macedonia, to join the ARGONAUTS. He was son of Hyperasius and Hypso (Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.367).
Echion 1. Son of Hermes and Antianira 1, daughter of Menetes (see also CALYDONIAN HUNTERS) (Arg.1.51ff.; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pin.Pyth.4.179; Val.1.440).
Erginus 2. Son either of Poseidon, or of Periclymenus 1, son of Neleus (Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.415).
Eribotes is son of Teleon. On one occasion he assisted Oileus 1 when the latter was wounded by an Stymphalian bird (Arg.1.72, 2.1039; Val.1.402).
Euphemus 1 came from Psamathus to join the ARGONAUTS. He received a magical clod from Triton and, following a dream, threw it into the sea originating the island Calliste (Thera), where his descendants, led by Theras, settled. He was son of Poseidon, either by Europe 2 (daughter of Tityus, son of Zeus and Elare), or by Mecionice. Euphemus 1 is also counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Arg.4.1731ff.; Hes.GE.6; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pin.Oly.4.20ff., 4.46; Val.1.365).
Euryalus 1. See ACHAEAN LEADERS.
Eurydamas 2. Son of Demonassa 1, either by Irus 1 or by Ctimenus (Hyg.Fab.14).
Eurymedon 1. Son of Dionysus 2 and Ariadne (Hyg.Fab.14).
Eurytion 2. This is the king of Phthia, who purified Peleus and gave him the third part of the country, along with his daughter Antigone 1. Eurytion 2, also counted among the ARGONAUTS, was son either of Actor 1 (son of Myrmidon and Pisidice 1, daughter of Aeolus 1), or of Irus 1 and Demonassa 1. He was killed during the Calydonian Hunt by Peleus, as they say undesignedly (Apd.1.8.2, 3.13.1; Arg.1.74; Hyg.Fab.14; Lib.Met.38; Val.1.378).
Eurytus 2. Son of Hermes and Antianira 1 (Hyg.Fab.14, 160, 173; Pin.Pyth.4.179; Val.1.439).
Heracles 1.
Hippalcimus 1. Son of Pelops 1 and Hippodamia 3 (Hyg.Fab.14).
Ialmenus 1. Brother of Ascalaphus 1 (see above). Ialmenus 1 is also counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN, the ACHAEAN LEADERS and among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.1.9.16, 3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.494ff.; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.12.314ff.).
Idas 2. Prince of Messenia. Idas 2 and his brother Lynceus 1 came from Messenia and are known for having opposed the DIOSCURI; he is said to have killed Castor 1, being himself slain by the latter's brother Polydeuces. Idas 2 was son of Arene, either by Poseidon or by Aphareus 1, son of King Perieres 1 of Messenia. Idas 2 married Marpessa 1, daughter of Evenus 2, and had by her a daughter Cleopatra 4, who was Meleager's wife. (see also CALYDONIAN HUNTERS, and DIOSCURI) (Apd.1.8.2, 3.10.3, 3.11.2; CYP.1, 12; Hyg.Fab.14, 80; Stat.Theb.5.405; Val.1.461).
Idmon 2 died during the voyage of the ARGONAUTS. Some say he was killed by a boar in the land of the Mariandynians, people inhabiting an area of the southern coast of the Black Sea, but others say he died of disease. Idmon 2 was son of Cyrene, either by Apollo or by Abas 3, son of Melampus 1 (see also SEERS) (Apd.1.9.23; Arg.2.815ff.; Hyg.Fab.14, 17, 248; Nonn.38.29; Val.1.360, 5.2).
Iolaus 1 is the charioteer of Heracles 1 who shared with him most of his LABOURS. He is also known for as the founder of a colony in Sardinia. Iolaus 1 is the son of Iphicles (Heracles 1's half-brother) and Automedusa, daughter of Alcathous 3, son of Pelops 1. Iolaus 1 married Heracles 1's ex-wife Megara, and had by her a beautiful daughter called Leipephilene, wife of Phylas 2, son of Antiochus 1, son of Heracles 1. Iolaus 1 is also counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Apd.2.5.2, 2.4.11, 2.5.12; Dio.4.29.4; Eur.Hcl. passim; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Pau.8.14.9, 9.40.6; Pin.Pyth.11.59).
Iphiclus 1 got his virility restored due to the manipulations of Melampus 1 (counted among the SEERS). It is said of him that he could run over the fruit of the asphodel and not break it, and that he could run with his feet upon wheaten ears and not hurt the fruit. Iphiclus 1 was son of Clymene 3, daughter of Minyas; his father was either Phylacus 1 (son of Deion, son of Aeolus 1), or Cephalus 1, brother of Phylacus 1. By Diomedia he begot Podarces 2 and Protesilaus (both counted among the ACHAEAN LEADERS). Iphiclus 1 was killed in battle fighting against Hippocoon 2 (Apd.1.9.12; Apd.Ep.3.11.ff.; Arg.1.45, 1.234; Dio.4.33.6; Hes.CWE.68.35, 84; Hom.Il.2.670ff.; Hyg.Fab.14, 103; Pau.10.29.6; Val.1.370).
Iphiclus 2 is one of the sons of Thestius 1 (either by Leucippe 1 or by Eurythemis). He became later one of the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS, and was killed by Meleager disputing about the skin of the Calydonian Boar (Apd.1.7.10, 1.8.2; Hyg.Fab.14).
Iphis 6 was killed in battle in Colchis (Val.1.441, 7.423).
Iphitus 1. It is told that after Heracles 1 finished his LABOURS, he came to Oechalia to compete in archery for the hand of Iole; he won and yet he was refused the bride by Eurytus 4 and his sons (except Iphitus 1 who said that Iole should be given to Heracles 1), on the ground that he could once more kill his offspring as he had done to his children by Megara. Shortly after some cattle were stolen by the notorious thief Autolycus 1, and Heracles 1 was held responsible; but Iphitus 1 did not believe it and, having gone to meet him, he invited him to seek the cattle with him. Heracles 1 promised to do so but suddenly he went mad again and he threw Iphitus 1 from the walls of Tiryns killing him. It was Iphitus 1 who gave Odysseus his well-known bow. Iphitus 1 was son of Eurytus 4 and Antiope 2 (Apd.2.6.2; Dio.4.31.3; Hes.CWE.79; Hom.Od.21.30; Hyg.Fab.14; Stat.Theb.5.400).
Iphitus 2 came from Phocis, the region bordering the Gulf of Corinth west of Boeotia. He was son either of Naubolus 1, or of Hippasus 3. He married Hippolyte 1, and his sons by her, Schedius 1 and Epistrophus 1, are found among the ACHAEAN LEADERS (Apd.3.10.8; Hom.Il.2.518; Hyg.Fab.14, 97; Stat.Theb.7.354; Val.1.363).
Jason was the Captain of the ARGONAUTS.
Lacoon (Laocoon 1). Son of Porthaon, either by a servant or by Euryte 2 (Arg.1.192; Hyg.Fab.14; Nonn.13.87).
Laertes. Father of Odysseus and Ctimene. His wife was Anticlia 1, daughter of Autolycus 1. Laertes' father was Arcisius, son of Zeus, according to some, or son of Cephalus 1 and Procris 2, according to others. Laertes is also found among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Apd.1.9.16; Apd.Ep.3.12; Hom.Od.15.363; Hyg.Fab.173).
Leitus was either son of Alector 2, or of Lacritus and Cleobule 2, or of Gaia, or of Alectryon, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood. Later he became one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS, being wounded by Hector 1 at Troy; he is the only one among the Boeotian chiefs to return home from the Trojan War. Leitus is also counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN (Apd.1.9.16; 3.10.8; Eur.IA.259; Hom.Il.2.494, 17.605; Hyg.Fab.97; Pau.9.4.3).
Leodocus. Son of Bias 1 and Pero 2 (Arg.1.118; Val.1.358).
Lynceus 1, also one of the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS, was famous for his sharpness of sight; he could even see things under ground. He was son of Aphareus 1 (see Messenia) and Arene. He was brother of Idas 2 and, opposing the DIOSCURI, he was killed either by Castor 1 or by Polydeuces. Lynceus 1 died childless (AO.1188; Apd.1.8.2, 3.10.3, 3.11.2; CYP.1; Hyg.Fab.14, 80; Pau.4.2.7; Pin.Nem.10.61; Val.1.462).
Menoetius 2 fled with his son Patroclus 1 because of the death of Clitonymus (whom Patroclus 1 killed) and was received by Peleus. Menoetius 2 was son of Actor 3, son of Deion, son of Aeolus 1. His mother was Aegina, who also had a son Aeacus by Zeus. Menoetius 2's wife was either Philomela 2, or Sthenele 2 (daughter of Acastus, son of Pelias 1, the king who sent Jason to fetch the Golden Fleece), or Periopis (daughter of Pheres 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1), or Polymele 1, daughter of Peleus. By some of them Menoetius 2 fathered Patroclus 1 (Apd.3.10.9, 3.13.8; Arg.1.69; Dio.4.38.5; Hyg.Fab.14, 97; Pin.Oly.9.69; Val.6.343).
Mopsus 1. Son of Ampycus 1 (one of the SEERS). During the voyage of the ARGONAUTS he was killed by a serpent while wandering at the furthest ends of Libya. Yet it is also said that he was among those who fought against the CENTAURS at Pirithous' wedding, and is also found among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (AO.948; Arg.1.80, 4.1502ff.; Hes.SH.181; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Ov.Met.12.456; Stat.Theb.5.417; Strab.9.5.22; Val.1.384, 3.420).
Nauplius 1 lived to a great age and to avenge the death of his son Palamedes contrived for the wives of the Achaeans fighting at Troy to play their husbands false (Clytaemnestra with Aegisthus, Aegialia, wife of Diomedes 2, with Cometes 2, and Meda 2, wife of King Idomeneus 1 of Crete, with Leucus 1). Besides, on the return of the Achaeans, he, by using false lights led them to shipwreck. Later, being pursued by the Achaeans, he came as a suppliant to the Chalcidians in Euboea; but at some point he died being deluded by a false beacon light. Nauplius 1 was son of Poseidon and Amymone 1, counted among the DANAIDS. Nauplius 1's wife was either Clymene 5 (daughter of Catreus, son of Minos 2), or Philyra 2 or Hesione 1. By one of them he had sons: Palamedes, Oeax, Nausimedon, and Proetus 1 (Apd.2.1.5; Apd.Ep.6.7-11; Arg.1.136; Hyg.Fab.14; Plu.GQ.33; Val.1.372).
Nauplius 2. Son of Clytoneus 1 and a descendant of Nauplius 1 (Arg.1.134).
Neleus. Founder of Pylos.
Nestor. Son of Neleus. See also ACHAEAN LEADERS.
Oileus 1 was son of Hodoedocus and Agrianome, daughter of Perseon. He is reported to have been wounded by one of the Stymphalian Birds. Oileus 1 married Eriopis 1 and had a son Ajax 2, but some have said that both Ajax 2 and Medon 1 (one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS) were his sons by a concubine Rhene 1 (Arg.2.1037; Hom.Il.2.726, 13.695ff.; Hyg.Fab.14, 97; Val.1.372).
Palaemon 1. Son either of Hephaestus, or of Aetolus 1, or of Lernus 1 (son of Proetus 1, uncle of Danae) (Apd.1.9.16; Hyg.Fab.14).
Periclymenus 1. Son of Neleus and Chloris 1, and father of Erginus 2 and Penthilus 2. Most descendants of Neleus perished in the war that Heracles 1 waged against Messenia. Periclymenus 1 had been granted by Poseidon the power of changing his shape, and fighting with Heracles 1 he turned himself into a lion, a snake and a bee, but he nevertheless got killed (Apd.1.9.9, 2.7.3; Arg.1.156; Hyg.Fab.14; Nonn.43.247; Pau.2.18.8; Val.1.388).
Phalerus 1. An Athenian, son of Alcon 1 (who once had shot a snake that was threatening to kill his son) (Arg.1.97; Hyg.Fab.14; Val.1.398).
Phanus. Son of Dionysus 2 (Apd.1.9.16).
Phlias. Phliasia near Sicyon is called after him. Phlias was son either of Dionysus 2 and Ariadne, or of Lycaeus, or of (according to the Argives, but they are not trusted) Cisus and Araethyrea. Phlias married Chthonophyle (also loved by Hermes) and had by her a son Androdamas (Arg.1.20ff.; Hyg.Fab14; Pau.2.6.6, 2.12.6; Val.1.412).
Phocus 1. Son of Caeneus 1, one of the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Hyg.Fab.14).
Poeas is remembered for having kindled the pyre of Heracles 1 inheriting his bow. He was son of Thaumacus and father, by Demonassa 2, of Philoctetes (Apd.1.9.16, 2.7.7, 3.10.8; Hyg.Fab.97).
Polydeuces. See DIOSCURI.
Polyphemus 1 was left in Mysia by the ARGONAUTS and founded there a city Cius where he reigned as king. For Heracles 1 and Polyphemus 1 started a search for Hylas, who was never seen again. And as they were busy searching for him, they were themselves lost for the rest of the ARGONAUTS, and the ship put to sea without them. Others have said that Heracles 1, after having done the impossible in order to find his friend, returned and joined the rest of the ARGONAUTS, but left Polyphemus 1 in charge of looking for the young man. Polyphemus 1 died an old man without ever finding Hylas. He was son of Elatus 1 and Hippea, daughter of Antippus (Apd.1.9.19; Hyg.Fab.14; Lib.Met.26; Val.1.457).
Priasus 1. Son of Caeneus 1, counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (Hyg.Fab.14).
Staphylus 1 is said to have received Lyrcus 2 (son of Phoroneus) in Bybastus in the most friendly manner and enticed him to much drinking of wine; and when his senses were dulled by drunkenness, united him with his own daughter Molpadia 2. He was son of Ariadne, either by Dionysus 2, or by Theseus. Staphylus 1 had children by Chrysothemis 2: the aforementioned Molpadia 2, Rhoeo, Parthenos, and Hemithea (Apd.1.9.16; Apd.Ep.1.9; Dio.5.62.1; Parth.1.3; Plu.The.20.2).
Talaus. King of Argos. Talaus was wounded by Orides, a Bebrycian, during the trip of the ARGONAUTS but survived. At his death he was buried in Argos.
Family |
Bias 1 is son of Amythaon 1, son of Cretheus 1. Pero 2 is daughter of Neleus.
Cretheus 1 is son of Aeolus 1. Tyro is daughter of Salmoneus son of Aeolus 1.
- Adrastus 1
- Parthenopaeus
- Pronax
- Mecisteus 1
- Aristomachus 1
- Eriphyle
- Hippomedon 1
Lysimache 1 was daughter of Abas 3, son of Melampus 1, son of Amythaon 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1.
Parthenopaeus is son of Atalanta.
Mecisteus 1 is among the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES.
Aristomachus 1 is father of Hippomedon 1, one of the SEVEN, according to some.
Eriphyle married Amphiaraus, one of the SEVEN.
Astynome 1 is mother of Capaneus, one of the SEVEN.
Metidice is called mother of Hippomedon 1.
Lysianassa 3 is daughter of King Polybus 9 of Sicyon.
(Apd.1.9.13, 3.6.3; Arg.1.118, 2.110; Hdt.5.67; Hyg.Fab.70; Pau.2.6.6, 2.21.2, 8.25.9; Stat.Theb.5.406; Val.1.358).
Telamon, also counted among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS, is possibly Peleus' brother; for some say he was son of Aeacus and Endeis. But others say he was son of Actaeus 2 and Glauce 2 (see also Peleus). He accompanied Heracles 1 in his expedition against Troy, where he received Hesione 2, daughter of King Laomedon 1 of Troy, and had by her a son Teucer 1, who is one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS. Glauce 2 has also been called his wife, but otherwise Telamon married Periboea 2, daughter of Alcathous 3, son of Pelops 1, and had by her a son Ajax 1. Telamon is also the father of Trambelus, a Lesbian who went against Achilles, when the latter was ravaging Lesbos, and was killed by him (Apd.1.8.2, 2.6.4, 3.10.8, 3.12.6-7; Hyg.Fab.14, 97; Dio.4.32.5, 4.40.2, 4.72.7; Parth.26.4; Stat.Theb.5.379).
Tiphys was the pilot of the Argo, vessel of the ARGONAUTS. He was son either of Phorbas 2 (one of the LAPITHS) and Hyrmina (daughter of King Epeius 1 of Elis), or of Hagnias. Tiphys died during the voyage of a short illness in the land of the Mariandynians, in the southern coast of the Black Sea (AO.490, 723; Apd.1.9.16, 1.9.23; Arg.2.854; Hyg.Fab.14; Hyg.Fab.18; Stat.Theb.5.413; Val.1.419, 5.15ff.).
Tydeus 1. This Tydeus from Olenus in Aetolia, has the same name and comes from the same country as Tydeus, father of Diomedes 2 and one of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES. Yet he could hardly be the same as the father of Diomedes 2, since Tydeus, father of Diomedes 2, was born after the expedition of the ARGONAUTS, and after the episode of the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS (see Tydeus 2) (Val.1.387, 3.103).
Zetes. Son of Boreas 1 (see WINDS) and Orithyia 2. Like his brother Calais, he is said to have wings on head and feet. Some have said that Zetes died in chasing the HARPIES, but others said that he was killed by Heracles 1 (Apd.3.15.2; Hyg.Fab.14, 19; Prop.1.20.26; Val.1.469).
Lists of ARGONAUTS by author or work |
Argonautica Orphica:
Acastus, Admetus 1, Aethalides 1, Amphidamas 2, Amphion 2, Ancaeus 1, Argus 4, Arius 1, Asterion 5, Asterius 1, Augeas, Butes 1, Calais, Canthus 1, Castor 1, Cepheus 2, Coronus 1, Echion 1, Erginus 2, Euphemus 1, Eurydamas 2, Eurytion 2, Eurytus 2, Heracles 1, Hylas, Idas 2, Idmon 2, Iphiclus 1, Iphiclus 2, Iphitus 2, Jason, Leodocus, Lynceus 1, Meleager, Menoetius 2, Mopsus 1, Nauplius 1, Oileus 1, Orpheus, Palaemon 1, Peleus, Periclymenus 1, Phalerus 1, Phlias, Polydeuces, Polyphemus 1, Talaus, Telamon, Tiphys, Zetes.
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica:
Acastus, Admetus 1, Aethalides 1, Amphidamas 2, Amphion 2, Ancaeus 2, Argus 4, Asterion 5, Asterius 1, Butes 1, Calais, Canthus 1, Castor 1, Cepheus 2, Clymenus 10, Deucalion 4, Echion 1, Erginus 2, Eribotes, Euphemus 1, Eurytion 2, Eurytus 2, Heracles 1, Hylas, Idas 2, Idmon 2, Iphiclus 1, Iphis 6, Iphitus 2, Jason, Leodocus, Lynceus 1, Meleager, Menoetius 2, Mopsus 1, Nauplius 1, Nestor, Oileus 1, Orpheus, Peleus, Periclymenus 1, Phalerus 1, Philoctetes, Phlias, Polydeuces, Polyphemus 1, Talaus, Telamon, Tiphys, Tydeus 1, Zetes.
Hyginus, Fabulae:
Acastus, Actor 2, Aethalides 1, Amphidamas 2, Amphion 2, Ancaeus 1, Ancaeus 2, Argus 2, Asclepius, Asterion 5, Asterius 1, Augeas, Butes 1, Caeneus 2, Calais, Castor 1, Cepheus 2, Clytius 1, Coronus 1, Deucalion 2, Echion 1, Erginus 2, Eribotes, Euphemus 1, Eurydamas 2, Eurymedon 1, Eurytion 2, Eurytus 2, Heracles 1, Hippalcimus 1, Hylas, Idas 2, Idmon 2, Iolaus 1, Iphiclus 1, Iphiclus 2, Iphitus 1, Iphitus 2, Jason, Lacoon, Lynceus 1, Meleager, Menoetius 2, Mopsus 1, Nauplius 1, Neleus, Oileus 1, Orpheus, Palaemon 1, Peleus, Periclymenus 1, Phalerus 1, Philoctetes, Phlias, Phocus 1, Pirithous, Polydeuces, Polyphemus 1, Priasus 1, Telamon, Theseus, Tiphys, Zetes.
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica:
Acastus, Admetus 1, Aethalides 1, Amphidamas 2, Amphion 2, Ancaeus 1, Ancaeus 2, Argus 4, Arius 1, Asterion 5, Asterius 1, Augeas, Butes 1, Calais, Canthus 1, Castor 1, Cepheus 2, Clytius 1, Coronus 1, Echion 1, Erginus 2, Eribotes, Euphemus 1, Eurydamas 2, Eurytion 2, Eurytus 2, Heracles 1, Hylas, Idas 2, Idmon 2, Iphiclus 1, Iphiclus 2, Iphitus 1, Iphitus 2, Jason, Lacoon, Leodocus, Lynceus 1, Meleager, Menoetius 2, Mopsus 1, Nauplius 2, Oileus 1, Orpheus, Palaemon 1, Peleus, Periclymenus 1, Phalerus 1, Phlias, Polydeuces, Polyphemus 1, Talaus, Telamon, Tiphys, Zetes.
Apollodorus, The Library:
Acastus, Actor 2, Admetus 1, Amphiaraus, Ancaeus 1, Argus 3, Ascalaphus 1, Asterius 1, Atalanta, Augeas, Autolycus 1, Butes 1, Caeneus 2, Calais, Castor 1, Cepheus 2, Erginus 2, Euphemus 1, Euryalus 1, Eurytus 2, Heracles 1, Hylas, Ialmenus 1, Iphiclus 2, Iphitus 2, Jason, Laertes, Leitus, Meleager, Menoetius 2, Orpheus, Palaemon 1, Peleus, Peneleus, Periclymenus 1, Phanus, Poeas, Polydeuces, Polyphemus 1, Staphylus 1, Telamon, Theseus, Tiphys, Zetes.
Strabo, Geography 12.4.3:
Strabo adds the name of Cius, as companion of Heracles 1 in the Argo. He also mentions (11.4.8, 11.14.12) that a Thessalian called Armenus (a native of Armenium, a city on the lake Boebeis) followed Jason in the trip to Colchis, and that the country Armenia was named after him.
Casualties of the ARGONAUTS during the expedition:
Calais (Apd.3.15.2, or killed by Heracles 1 afterwards)
Canthus 1 (Arg.4.1485ff., and Val.6.317ff., but different accounts)
Clytius 1 (Hyg.Fab.14)
Hylas (AO.643; Apd.1.9.19; Nonn.11.228; Strab.12.4.3; Val.3.545ff.)
Idmon 2 (killed by a boar or disease, Apd.1.9.23; Arg.2.815ff.; Hyg.Fab.17, 248; Val.5.2)
Iphis 6 (Val.7.423)
Polyphemus 1 (left in Mysia, Apd.1.9.19)
AO.723; Apd.1.9.23; Arg.2.854; Hyg.Fab.18; Val.5.15ff.;)
Zetes (Apd.3.15.2, or killed by Heracles 1 afterwards).
Voyage of the Argonauts
Itinerary according to the Librarian, Mythographer and Epic Poet Apollonius Rhodius (fl. 260 BC)
For the purpose of fetching the Golden Fleece, the ARGONAUTS sailed from Iolcus (today called Volos) in Thessaly, northern Greece, to the city of Aea (now Kutaisi) which was in Colchis (now Georgia). See more details in the partial maps below. |
The ARGONAUTS sailed from Iolcus, a city in Thessaly on the coast of the Gulf of Pagasae. Before leaving the Gulf they stopped at Aphetae and then, going north, they sailed past Meliboea and Homole where they turned east. Their first stop was at Lemnos, and after being some time in that island the ARGONAUTS came, sailing through the Hellespont, which is the strait dividing the Thracian Chersonese from Asia Minor, to the land of the Dolionians on the coast of the Propontis. |
After visiting the lands of the Dolionians, Bebrycians, and Mariandynians, the ARGONAUTS, passed through the Clashing Rocks (Symplegades) of Bosphorus, and sailed past a number of peoples living in eastern Asia Minor, before reaching the mouth of the river Phasis and the city of Aea in Colchis, where Aeetes was king. On their way home, the ARGONAUTS touched Paphlagonia in northern Asia Minor, before entering the river Ister (now Danube). |
The ARGONAUTS returned navigating first the river Ister (now Danube). Having reached the sea which is today called Adriatic, they killed Medea's brother in one of the islands that later were called Apsyrtides. They then entered the mouth of the river Eridanus (now Po), and after navigating this river they managed to come to the river Rhodanus (Rhône), and thence to the Mediterranean Sea. Out in the Mediterranean, they sailed past the Stoechades Islands (now Hyères islands, off the southeast cost of the country called France) and Aethalia (now Elba), before reaching Aeaea, Circe's abode, located here in Italy, but otherwise considered as an island of doubtful location. Having sailed past the SIRENS, the Wandering Rocks (Planctae), Scylla and Charybdis, the ARGONAUTS came to the land of the Phaeacians, generally identified with the island of Corcyra or Corfu. After that, they came to the Lake Tritonis in the continent then called Libya but today called Africa. The ARGONAUTS had their last significant adventure in Crete, and thence, sailing past the islands of Anaphe and Aegina and through the straits between the island of Euboea and mainland Greece, they returned to Iolcus. |