"I started working on the Greek myths during the second half of the 1980s, storing an old-style database in cardboard folders, and drawing charts with pencil and eraser. I was motivated by the creative and inspiring features of the myths, and therefore interested in acquiring a general view of them, that is, in determining how the tales, characters and places fit together. As we know, a modern reader cannot acquire a general view of the mythological body just by perusing the ancient poets and mythographers separately. This is of course a very basic insight. Homer, for example, represents approximately 8% of the mythological data. Naturally, we have manuals and dictionaries—from Roscher’s ten-volume Lexikon to Grimal’s smaller but excellent compilation—but most dictionaries, being intended for occasional consultation, rarely provide the reader with a general view of the myths. So when in 1990, having bought a computer, I started writing Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology, I saw to cross-reference my work in ways which would make that general view more accessible to the reader. Among other things, I distributed the characters into categories, numbered those characters bearing identical names, and established a mythical chronology, showing what characters were living at the same time. During this period I received academic guidance from Jerker Blomqvist, Professor of Greek language and literature (ret.) at the Department of Classics, Lund University, Sweden. Later, Prof. Blomqvist also put me in touch with the publisher, Prof. Paul Åström. The book appeared in 1993, published by Paul Åströms förlag/Astrom Editions with the support of the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Later on, in 1997, I started developing the Greek Mythology Link, a web site which represents an expansion of my previous work." (Carlos Parada, interview in the magazine Διιπετές, October 2009).
Sion M. Honea, magazine Phoenix, Classical Association of Canada, summer 1995.
GENEALOGICAL GUIDE TO GREEK MYTHOLOGY. By CARLOS PARADA. Jonsered: Paul Astroms. 1993. Pp. xiv, 225.
EARLY GREEK MYTH: A GUIDE TO LITERARY AND ARTISTIC SOURCES. By TIMOTHY GANTZ. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins. 1993. Pp. xxi, 909. |
"An invaluable aid in achieving a broader view of interrelationships. The volume shows several deft touches of an experienced mythologist providing useful information."
IT IS A HAPPY COINCIDENCE when two competent books that complement each other so well appear so nearly simultaneously. The books of Parada and Gantz are such an occasion.
Anyone who works regularly with Greek mythology will have compiled a scattering of sources on genealogical matters. Carlos Parada provides a very welcome reference tool to supplant such a desultory method. His Genealogical Guide includes both an index, with thorough citations for each entry, and genealogical tables, an invaluable aid in achieving a broader view of interrelationships. The sources indexed include both Greek and Latin authors, the preponderance being Greek. All the usual and several less usual sources are included, and a text edition is cited for each, the ubiquitous Loeb texts predominating. A deft touch is the inclusion of a chronological table of authors. In fact, the volume shows several such "touches" of an experienced mythologist providing useful ancillary information.
The index itself appears somewhat forbidding and obscure at first sight, replete with cryptic abbreviations and symbols. A short time spent in a thorough reading of the brief guide along with a little practice soon ameliorates the initial impression. The seemingly cryptic quality of the entries is an inevitable result of providing so much information in so little space, and the result far outweighs the disadvantage. By means of this code, the author provides a wide variety of information in an exceedingly compact and direct form, to do with, for example, birth, parents, mates, children, and death, with cross references to other entries, in addition to citations. Persons with the same name receive distinct entries, further clarified by Arabic numeral.
From the genealogical index the author has extracted several compilations of sublists. Those such as "Divinities," "Places and Peoples," and "Greek and Latin Correspondences," are conventional categories. Others such as "Personifications," "Constellations and Stars," and "Objects" are less so, yet prove to be equally useful.
The genealogical tables are, once again, visually forbidding. They bear the clear indications of computer generation and give more the appearance of electrical diagrams or organizational flow-charts. Several are quite cramped and, despite the author's explanatory ideograms and directional arrows, present an impediment to immediate access. Yet it is difficult to see how the author could well have avoided this density in the charts, given the need to present so large an amount of information on the surface of a single or double page. In subject, most of the tables are organized on geographical principles, although there are other standard headings such as "Achaean Leaders," "Myths of Creation," and "Heraclides." Overall, it is a great benefit to the scholar to have these various tables all brought together into one volume.
Where Parada provides the framework of study, Timothy Gantz fleshes it out in Early Greek Myth [...]
Anna Lambraki, magazine Archaeology, Athens, June 1994.
Die Rezension erschien in der griechischen Zeitschrift ARCHAIOLOGIA, Athen, im Juni 1994.
Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Carlos Parada |

Anna Lambraki, magazine Archeology
"An exceptional work in its kind. Carlos Parada has given us an unique research tool and filled the void that had been noticeable until today."
An exceptional work in its kind. The heroes, semigods and gods of Greek mythology appear in a confused mess, but thanks to computer technique and the writer’s work are now in order!
The reader finds in the pages of this book information on the genealogy of the mythological characters (in alphabetical order), according to the different versions existing in antiquity. In this research the original sources have been used.
Eighteen charts and two maps simplify the use while the codification summarizes the various informations, making the use of this volume more comfortable. Carlos Parada has given us an unique research tool and filled the void that had been noticeable until today.
This volume (CVII) is part of the series “Studies in Mediterranean Archeology” created by Professor Paul Astrom, Lund University.
Anna Lambraki
Ein einzigartiges Werk seiner Art. Helden, Götter und Halbgötter sind in der griechischen Mythologie vermischt wie in einem riesigen Knäuel, aber dank der Arbeit des Verfassers und der Anwendung der Computertechnik herrscht nun Ordnung bei ihnen.
Der Leser findet in diesem Buch Angaben über die genealogische Abstammung der mythischen Gestalten (in alphabetischer Ordnung) gemäß den unterschiedlichen Versionen, die in der Antike vorkamen.
Bei dieser Forschung wurden die ursprünglichen Quellen verwendet.
18 Tabellen und 2 Karten erleichtern die Anwendung, die Kodifizierung faßt die mannigfaltigen Informationen übersichtlich zusammen und macht den Gebrauch dieses Bandes bequemer.
Carlos Parada hat uns ein einzigartiges Forschungswerkzeug geboten und hat damit die Lücke ausgefüllt, die bis zum heutigen Tag bestanden hat.
Dieser Band ist Bestandteil der Reihe Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, die Prof. Paul Aström von der Universität Lund gegründet hat.
Anna Lambraki (übersetzung: Marion Hantke.) |
Weste Westeson, Library Service BTJ (Bibliotekstjänst), Sweden, June 1994.
Diese Rezension erschien im Juni 1994, vom schwedischen Bibliothekenverband, verantwortlich für den Einkauf der Bücher für alle öffentlichen Büchereien, und wurde verfaßt von Weste Westeson.
CARLOS PARADA Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology erschienen im Paul-Aström- Veriag, in der Reihe "Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology".
Großformat (Höhe 30,5 cm)

Weste Westeson, Bibliotekstjänst
"The most notable book about Greek mythology which I have ever seen. A real masterpiece in its kind which will live long."
This is the most remarkable book on Greek mythology I have ever stumbled upon. Its main section contains an alphabetical catalogue of Greek mythological characters (about 6,400!) with short presentations and data about parents, husbands/wives, children, and cause of deathsources included. The catalogue suggests completeness! Here there are also lists of Argonauts, Centaurs, Nymphs, all the children of Zeus, and a number of other groups. In in the second-longest chapter, abour 1200 places and peoples are described. The maps showing the Achaeans and Trojans and their “returns” after the Trojan War are fascinating as also are the big format charts showing the Achaean leaders, as well as the royal houses which also include genealogical information. There is also an extraordinary “contemporary” table (with years), running from Chaos and Gaia to Tarquinius Superbus. This is a veritable masterpiece in its kind which will live a long life. The volume is in English but that should not discourage anyone interested in classic literature and the ancient myths from seriously searching data or from pleasant deep-sea divings.
Dies ist das ungewöhnlichste Buch über griechische Mythologie, dem ich je begegnet bin. Der Hauptteil besteht aus einem alphabetischen Verzeichnis der Gestalten der griechischen Mythologie (annähernd 6.400!) mit kurzer Beschreibung, Angaben über Abstammung, Eltern, Gemahl/Gemahlin, Kinder, Todesursache sowie Literaturquellenangaben. Das Verzeichnis erhebt Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit! Hier finden sich ebenfalls Tabellen über die Argonauten, die Zentauren, Nymphen, Zeus' sämtliche Nachkommen und eine Vielzahl anderer Gruppen. Der nächstgrößte Abschnitt behandelt etwa 1.200 historische Stätten und Volksstämme. Faszinierend sind femer Karten über Achaier und Trojaner sowie die ''Rückzüge" nach dem trojanischen Krieg, ebenso eine Reihe abschließender, ausführlich gestalteter Tafeln im Großformat über die Herrscher der Achaier, Königshäuser mit ihren Abstammungslinien und nicht zuletzt eine großartige Zeittafel, die die Zeitalter in ihrer Zusammenschau präsentiert (mit Angabe der Jahreszahlen), beginnend mit dem Chaos über Gaia bis hin zu dem historischen Tarquinius Superbus.
Dieses Buch ist ein wahres Meisterwerk seiner Art, das noch sehr lange Bestand haben wird. Daß es in englischer Sprache erschienen ist, wird niemanden, der an klassischer Literatur und den alten Mythen interessiert ist, davon abhalten können, sich hinein zu vertiefen, zu ernsthaftem Faktenstudium und lustvollen Entdeckungsreisen. (Übersetzt aus dem Schwedischen von Marion Hantke.) |
Johan Flenberg, "Medusa" No. 1-1994, Publication for Classic Antiquity, Sweden.
Die Rezension erschien in der schwedischen Zeitschrift MEDUSA, einer Zeitschrift über die Antike, 15. Jahrgang, Nr. l, 1994, und wurde verfaßt von Johan Flemberg.
CARLOS PARADA Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology (SIMA 107), 262 Seiten, erschienen im Paul-Aström- Verlag, Jonsered, 1993.
"There are legions of books about Greek mythology, but this one is of an unusual kind. The completeness is impressing; even Roman mythology and early history are included."
Die Zahl der Bücher über griechische Mythologie ist Legio, doch dieses hier ist von außergewöhnlicher Art. Einerseits ist es so gut wie flächendeckend, was die mythologischen Gestalten der Antike anbelangt, und gleichzeitig so angelegt, daß es erstaunlich leicht verständlich ist. Doch handelt es sich ja nicht um etwas, das man in einem Zuge ausliest, sondern um ein Hilfsmittel. Will man z. B. wissen, wie die Zentauren hießen, so findet man hier eine Liste mit ca. 78 Namen. Die fünfzig Danaiden sind ebenso verzeichnet wie die Hunde des Aktaion. Jedem Eintrag folgt eine Quellenangabe, was von großem Nutzen ist.
Der längste Teil (Genealogical Guide) umfaßt 185 Seiten; kleingedruckte Abschnitte und vierspaltige Seiten bieten Platz für vieles. Obwohl in englischer Sprache geschrieben, wird jeder Name ebenfalls in griechisch angegeben. Der Verfasser hat philologische Sachverständige hinzugezogen, und Fehler sind bedeutungslos. Anhand einer Reihe einfacher Symbole werden für jeden einzelnen Abstammung, Partner, Nachkommen und Todesursache angegeben. Die Beschreibungen sind kurz gefaßt, Bilder kommen nicht vor, doch ist die Vollständigkeit beeindruckend, sogar römische Mythologie und Frühgeschichte finden Eingang. Außerdem kommen zahlreiche Gestalten zweimal vor, einmal als Einzeleintrag und zum anderen innerhalb einer bestimmten Gruppe, z. B. die Giganten oder die Trojaner (die allesamt verzeichnet sind). Voneinander abweichende Überlieferungen, die häufig vorkommen, sind ebenfalls angegeben.
Die übrigen Listen umfassen Gottheiten, Verkörperungen, Sternbilder, Gegenstände (z. B. der Bogen des Odysseus), historische Stätten und Völker (sowohl Hades als auch Elysium sind verzeichnet!), sowie Autoren und Werke. Das Ganze schließt ab mit einer Reihe von Tabellen und zwei Karten. Die Tabellen geben in graphischer Form Überblicke über die wichtigsten Geschlechter, einschließlich der Göttergeschlechter. Will man z. B. wissen, wie sich die Argonauten zeitlich zum Trojanischen Krieg verhalten, kann man in der großen Tabelle "Contemporaries" nachsehen, einer chronologischen Aufstellung wichtiger Namen und Ereignisse, vom Chaos bis hin zu Tarquinius Superbus, mit Angabe der Jahreszahlen. Die Tabellen sind recht kompliziert, und es ist schwierig, deren Verwendbarkeit direkt zu beurteilen; jedoch sind alle Namen ebenfalls in der genealogischen Liste verzeichnet. Die eine der beiden Karten zeigt die Herkunft der Achaier und Trojaner sowie ihrer Verbündeten, die andere die Rückzüge der homerischen Helden (nostoi).
In allen wesentlichen Teilen wirkt dieser originelle Reiseführer in die Welt der Mythen zuverlässig und mit Sicherheit sehr brauchbar, z. B. bei der Lektüre griechischer Tragödien. Man findet schnell Aufschluß darüber, welche Bedeutung hinter einem Namen steckt und was die wichtigste Quelle ist. Daß die Epitheta der Gottheiten fehlen, muß akzeptiert werden, da die Genealogie im Vordergrund steht; eine Vollständigkeit in diesem Punkt würde vorausgesetzt haben, daß die Inschriften im Quellenmaterial enthalten sind. Doch hätte man gerne etwas über die Auswahl der Texte gewußt, warum fehlt z. B. Propertius? Zwei kleinere Anmerkungen sind anzubringen: für die Gestalten der römischen Mythologie wird die griechische Namensform nicht angegeben, auch dann nicht, wenn die Quelle griechisch ist, so z. B. für Romus. Das Literaturverzeichnis kann den Eindruck erwecken, daß gewisse fragmentarisch bewahrt gebliebene Werke, wie das Epos Cypria, vollständig erhalten sind.
(Übersetzt aus dem Schwedischen von Marion Hantke)
A reader's review at Amazon
Reviewer from Denmark, May 28, 2002. |
"This book is verily a jewel!"
This book is a dictionary taking a genealogical approach to Greek Mythology. This means, that it is concerned with how the various Gods, creatures and men are related to each other. This is structured and explained through a large and detailed dictionary along with numerous visual family trees. Each entry in the dictionary contains the name (mostly in both its English and Greek form), a small description, the family ties (parents, men/wife(s), children), as well as stating places in the body of classical literature where the person appears. The book is very valuable both for quick reference and for more lengthy studies of family ties.
It is perhaps not the first book you should buy about Greek Mythology, since it does not hold in length retellings of the Greek myths. It is, however, definitely the book you should buy as soon as you are ready for a both general and detailed overview of the characters and the literature of Greek Mythology.
Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology |
The book is meant to be a supportive guide and catalogue by making available to the reader of the Greek myths the genealogical data in their various versions.
The genealogical material, comprising 6380 entries, has been organised in a coded way which should make retrieval easier than explanatory prose. Each piece of information is connected to its particular source by the use of the same codes.
Almost half of the entries have been rearranged in groups (about 130) which provide comprehensive lists and allow cross-references (groups are, for example, ARGONAUTS, AMAZONS, BESTIARY, METAMORPHOSES, NYMPHS, SUITORS OF HELEN, etc.). Almost every mythological character mentioned in the sources has an individual entry.
Namesakes are numbered consistently through the whole book to make identification easier.
Anecdotes are referred to with some detail, but the emphasis has been put on relationships and connections.
All the information is taken from the original sources (included).
The names of the characters are also written in their original Greek script.
The chapter 'Peoples & Places' comprises more than 1100 entries.
Most of the 18 tables provide information concerning both genealogy and throne succession except the following: the table 'Theogony' is a graphical representation of the genealogical information contained in Hesiod's 'Theogony'. The table 'Contemporaries' is an attempt at placing individuals and events in time, and 'Myths of Creation' compares different cosmogonies. 'Kingdoms and Ancestors' combines some aspects of throne succession, genealogy and chronology, and 'Achaean Leaders' shows the family links among these.
The two maps are related to the Trojan War.
Contents |
Preface |
Key to the Genealogical Guide
List of Groups
Genealogical Guide (+ 6000 entries)
Constellations & Stars
Conditions to take Troy
Greek-Latin correspondences
Places & Peoples (geographical reference)
Authors and Works
Key to the Tables
Index to the Tables
Achaean Leaders
Achaeans & Ionians
De Natura Deorum
Kingdoms & Ancestors
Myths of Creation
Troy (and Latium)
Achaeans & Trojans
The Returns
The relevance of genealogy in the Greek myths may be seen from at least two angles: it often suggests the individual fate of the characters, and at the same time it builds a consistent network that tends both to explain and keep together the mythological body.
This book is meant to be a supportive guide and catalogue by making available to the reader of the Greek myths the genealogical data, in their various versions, without distracting his attention by leading him through a text containing much of the material he is already reading elsewhere.
The genealogical material, concerning more than 6000 mythological characters, has been organised in a coded way which should make retrieval easier than explanatory prose. It will be also noted that each piece of information is connected to its particular source by the use of the same codes.
Almost half of the entries have been rearranged in groups which provide comprehensive lists and allow cross-reference, but also might help the reader to achieve a general view of the mythological material.
Almost every mythological character mentioned in the sources which support this book has an individual entry. I have also worked out a numbering of namesakes, consistent through the whole book, to make identification easier.
All information is taken from and refers to the original sources. This applies even to Descriptions and Death accounts, which often are presented as the authors expressed them. Even though sometimes I have referred to the anecdotes in some detail, the emphasis has been put on relationships and connections.
Most tables provide information concerning both genealogy and throne succession except the following: the table "Theogony" is a graphical representation of the genealogical information contained in Hesiod's Theogony. The table "Contemporaries" is an attempt to place individuals and events in time, and the table "Myths of Creation" compares different cosmogonies. "Kingdoms and Ancestors" combines some aspects of throne succession, genealogy and chronology, and "Achaean Leaders" shows the family links among these.
The collaboration of Professor Jerker Blomqvist, who also encouraged me at an early stage of this work, has made it possible to include in this Guide the names of the characters in their original Greek script. I have received technical assistance from Vassilios Sabatakakis, teacher in Modern Greek at the Department of Classical Studies, University of Lund, and from Aster Börjesson and Kjell Eriksson from the Department of Sociology of Law. The criticism and assistance of my wife, Mai Parada, has been of paramount importance for this work. I thank them all for their cooperation.
Carlos Parada
Lund, 1992
Note about the Greek names
All Greek names are lemmatized in their traditional English (Latinized) form but, for the benefit of those familiar with the language, the original name has normally been added in Greek script. When two or more orthographic variants of a Greek name occur in the ancient texts, only one of them appears here; readers with knowledge of Greek will presumably be able to identify aberrant spellings without much difficulty. Dialect forms have been used of those names that are unusual and are attested only in dialect texts; in other cases a standardized Greek form has been given. Full consistency has not been aimed at in these matters.
Jerker Blomqvist
Professor of Greek Language and Literature
University of Lund
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Länsbibliotek Borås
Box 856
501 15 Borås
Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek, Centralbibliotek
Fjärrlån, Box 222
405 30 Göteborg
Tel: 031 - 773 1000, Fax: 031 -16 37 97
Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek, Institutioner
Box 5096
402 22 Göteborg
Stockholms universitetsbibliotek
Universitetsvägen 10
106 91 Stockholm
Tel.: 08-16 20 00 - Fax 08-15 77 76
Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, Biblioteket
Box 34103
100 26 Stockholm
Lunds stadsbibliotek
Box 111
221 00 Lund
Linköpings universitetsbibliotek
581 83 Linköping
Luleå universitetsbibliotek
Universitetsområdet, Porsön
971 87 Luleå.
Tel. 0920-915 76, fax 0920-720 40 - Infodisk@lib.luth.se
Malmö stadsbibliotek
Regementsgatan 3
211 42 Malmö
e-post: msb@msb.malmo.se
Umeå universitetsbibliotek
901 74 Umeå
Fax: 090-7866677
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek
Box 510
751 20 Uppsala
Tel. 018-471 39 00
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, Institutioner
Box 510
751 20 Uppsala
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, Arkeologibiblioteket
S:t Eriks Torg 5
753 10 Uppsala
Tel. 018 - 471 20 92
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, HSC-biblioteket
Humanistiskt-Samhällsvetenskapligt Centrum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Box 513, 751 20 Uppsala
Tel. 018-471 14 60, Fax: 018-471 14 69
CD-ROM version (1997)
Discontinued |
CD-ROM published in 1997, discontinued in 2004.