0213: Wounded Warrior. East gable, Aegina Temple. Glyptothek, München.
Acamas 1 fled when the DIOSCURI attacked Athens. Later he went to Troy together with Diomedes 2 to ask for the restoration of Helen. After the war he brought back his grandmother Aethra 2 who was captive in Troy. Acamas 1 was son of Theseus and Phaedra, daughter of Minos 2. He married Laodice 3, daughter of Priam 1, and had by her a son Munitus, who was killed by the bite of a snake while hunting at Olynthus in Thrace. Acamas 1 is counted among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.Ep.1.18, 1.23, 5.22; Dio.4.62.1; Eur.Hcl.115ff.; Hyg.Fab.108; Parth.16.1; Pau.10.10.1, 10.26.2; QS.4.332, 12.314ff., 13.497ff.; SI.4; Try.177, 662; Vir.Aen.2.62).
Aesymnus. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.303.).
Agelaus 7. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.302).
Alastor 3 is remembered for having, together with Mecisteus 5, carried the wounded Teucer 1 off the battlefield as they later did also with Hypsenor 2 (Hom.Il.8.333, 13.422).
Alcimedes. Friend of Ajax 2 (QS.6.557).
Alcimedon 1 commanded a company of the Myrmidons. He was son of Laerces 1 and was killed by Aeneas (Hom.Il.16.197; QS.11.448ff.).
Alcimus 1. One of Achilles' squires. He was killed by Deiphobus 1 (Hom.Il.19.392, 24.574; QS.11.87).
Alcmaon. Son of Thestor 4. Alcmaon was killed by King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia (Hom.Il.12.394).
Amphidamas 6. Achaean warrior. Amphidamas 6 was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Try.182).
Amphilochus 1 is known, among other things, for having killed his own mother in conjunction with his brother (see Robe & Necklace of Harmonia 1). He is not always well distinguished from Amphilochus 2, son of Alcmaeon 1. Amphilochus 1 was the son of Amphiaraus and greedy Eriphyle. They say that he was killed by Apollo at Soli. Amphilochus 1 was one of the EPIGONI and is counted among the SUITORS OF HELEN (Apd.3.7.2-5, 3.10.8.; Hdt.3.91; Hes.Mel.1, 8; QS.14.366).
Amphilochus 2 colonized Amphilochian Argos in Aetolia. He arrived late for the war at Troy and, having survived it, he helped to bury Calchas. Amphilochus 2 was son of Alcmaeon 1 and Manto 1, daughter of Tiresias. He and Mopsus 2, son of Manto 1 by another father, killed each other in single combat (Apd.3.7.7; Apd.Ep.4.19, 6.2).
Amphimachus 7. Achaean warrior. Amphimachus 7 was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (QS.12.325).
Amphion 3. A Commander of the Epeans of Elis. (Hom.Il.13.692).
Amphion 5. Friend of the celebrated architect Epeius 2, constructor of the WOODEN HORSE. Amphion 5 was killed by Aeneas (QS.10.111).
Anchialus 1 is remembered for riding the same chariot as Menesthes 1 when Hector 1 attacked and killed him (Hom.Il.5.609).
Andromachus 1. Cretan killed by Aeneas (QS.11.41).
Anticlus would have answered when Helen went around the WOODEN HORSE imitating the voices of the wives of the warriors who were inside it, but Odysseus held fast his mouth, so tight that he prevented him to breath and he died inside the WOODEN HORSE. Anticlus was son of Ortyx and husband of Laodamia 4 (Apd.Ep.5.19; QS.12.314ff.; Try.178, 476ff.).
Antimachus 6. A Cretan warrior who came with King Idomeneus 1 of Crete to fight against Troy. Antimachus 6 was killed by Aeneas. He was among those hidden inside the WOODEN HORSE (QS.6.622, 12.314ff.).
Antiphates 5. One of the Achaean warriors who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Try.180).
Antiphus 6. An Ithacan, son of Aegyptius. He survived the Trojan War, but on his homeward way he was devoured by the glutton Cyclops Polyphemus 2 (Hom.Od.2.15ff.; QS.8.125).
Antiphus 8. Killed by the Mysian Eurypylus 6 (QS.6.615).
Antitheus. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.228).
Aphareus 3 served as an armed sentry along with Thrasymedes 1, son of Nestor. Aphareus 3 was son of Caletor 1. He was killed by Aeneas (Hom.Il.9.83, 13.541).
Aristolochus. Killed by Aeneas (QS.8.93).
Asaeus. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.301).
Automedon. From Scyros. Achilles' charioteer, and later squire (Hom.Il.9.209; Hyg.Fab.97; QS.8.35; Vir.Aen.2.477).
Autonous 1. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.301).
Bathycles, son of Chalcon, was one of the most prosperous of the Myrmidons who fought against Troy. He was slain by Glaucus 3, son of Hippolochus 1, son of Bellerophon (Hom.Il.16.594).
Bias 4. An Athenian who supported Menestheus 1 against the attacks of Hector 1 (Hom.Il.13.691).
Bremon came from Lyctos, a city in Crete. He was killed by Aeneas (QS.11.41).
Bucolion 4. Killed by the Mysian Eurypylus 6 (QS.6.615).
Chromion. Killed by the Mysian Eurypylus 6 (QS.6.615).
Cleodorus. A Rhodian, son of Lernus 3 and Amphiale. He was killed by Paris (QS.10.213ff.).
Cleolaus 2. The henchman of Meges 1. He was killed by Paris (QS.6.634).
Cleon. A fisherman from Syme, a small island between Caria and Rhodes, who came with Nireus 2 to fight against Troy. Cleon was killed by Polydamas (QS.11.60).
Coeranus 3 from Lyctos in Crete was the squire of Meriones. He was killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.17.611ff.).
Crethon. Son of Diocles 1, son of Orsilochus 1, son of the river god Alpheus. He was killed by Aeneas, who also slew his twin brother (Hom.Il.5.541).
Deileon 2. Follower of Epeius 2, the constructor of the WOODEN HORSE. He was killed by Aeneas (QS.10.111).
Deiochus 1. Killed by Paris (Hom.Il.15.341).
Deipyrus. One of the armed sentries commanded by Thrasymedes 1, son of Nestor. He was killed by Helenus 1 (Hom.Il.9.83, 13.576).
Demoleon 3. A Laconian, son of Hippasus 7, who came to Troy with Menelaus. He was killed by Paris (QS.10.119).
Demoleus. Killed by Aeneas (Vir.Aen.5.261).
Demophon 1 is brother of Acamas 1 (see above), and is counted among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. After the war he asked Agamemnon for the freedom of his grandmother Aethra 2, who after the misadventure of Theseus with Helen and the destruction of Aphidnae by the DIOSCURI, had become Helen's maid. Agamemnon granted his request after receiving Helen's consent. On his return from Troy Demophon 1 came with a few ships to the land of the Thracian Bisaltians. There he became the lover of the king's daughter Phyllis 1, and her father gave her to him with the kingdom for her dowry. However, the wedding could not take place immediately because Demophon 1 wished to return to Athens, but he swore to return. When he departed Phyllis 1, who was desperately in love with this man, made with him part of the road and when they parted company she gave him an enchanted casket containing a sacrament of the Mother of the Gods, which he was not to open until he knew for certain that he would not return to Thrace. Some say that he should had returned on an appointed day, and that on that day Phyllis 1 ran down to the shore nine times to see whether his sail showed up. When it became clear that Demophon 1 would not return, she hanged herself after cursing her lover. It is also said, however, that she died out of longing for him, and that round the tomb that her parents made for her, trees sprang that, at a certain season, grieve for her, their leaves growing dry and blowing away. And then again some say she prepared her own epitaph:
"Demophon sent Phyllis to her doom. Her guest he was, she loved him well. He was the cause that brought her death to pass. Her own the hand by which she fell." (Ovid, Heroides 2.145)
In any case it is said that she thought that this would be a good inscription to be written under the image of Demophon 1 in Athens:
"This is he whose wiles betrayed the hostess that loved him." (Ovid, Heroides 2.75)
By the time Phyllis 1 died Demophon 1 was in Cyprus, and so soon he opened the casket she had given him he felt invaded by panic. So, out of control, he mounted his horse, and when the animal stumbled he was thrown, fell on his sword and died (Apd.Ep.1.18, 6.17; Dio.4.62.1; Eur.Hcl.115 and passim; Hyg.Fab.48; LI.13; Lib.Met.33; Pau.1.23.8, 10.25.7; Plu.Sol.26.2; QS.12.314ff.; SI.4; Try.177).
Dolops 1. Son of Clytius 7. He was killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.302).
Dracius. A commander of the Epeans of Elis (Hom.Il.13.692).
Dryas 8. Killed by Deiphobus 1 (QS.11.87).
Dymas 5. A warrior from Aulis, a harbor opposite the island of Euboea, who came to fight against Troy with the forces of Archesilaus. He was killed by Aeneas (QS.8.303).
Echemmon 2. Killed by Eurypylus 6 (QS.6.580ff.).
Echion 4. Son of Portheus 2. Echion 4 was killed when leaping from the WOODEN HORSE (Apd.Ep.5.20).
Echius 1. Killed by Polites 1, son of Priam 1. Echius 1 was father of Mecisteus 5 (Hom.Il.8.333, 15.339)
Eetion 2. Killed by Paris (QS.6.639).
Eilissus. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.228).
Eioneus 1. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.7.11).
Elasippus 1. Son of Haemon 6. Elasippus 1 was killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.230).
Epeius 2 is the architect who constructed the WOODEN HORSE, with the help of which the Achaeans could take Troy; he was himself among those warriors who hid inside it. He was victorious in boxing at the games celebrated in honour of Patroclus 1. Epeius 2 was son of Panopeus 1, son of Phocus 3, son of Aeacus (Apd.Ep.4.7, 5.14; Eur.Tro.10; Pau.2.29.4; Pla.Rep.620c; QS.12.81, 12.138ff., 12.314ff.; Try.57; Vir.Aen.2.264).
Epigeus. One of the best in the Myrmidon force against Troy. Nevertheless he was killed by Hector 1. Epigeus was son of Agacles (Hom.Il.16.571).
Ereuthus. Follower of Nestor. He was killed by Memnon (QS.2.238).
Euchenor 2. His father had told him that he must either die in bed of a painful disease or sail with the Achaeans and be killed at Troy. He went to the war, and Paris slew him. Euchenor 2 was son of the seer Polyidus 1, son of Coeranus 1, son of Abas 3, son of the seer Melampus 1, son of Amythaon 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1 (Hom.Il.13.663ff.).
Eudorus commanded a company of Myrmidons. He was son of Hermes and Polymele 2, daughter of Phylas 3 (Hom.Il.16.179).
Eurydamas 6. Son of Pelias 4. He was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Try.181).
Eurymachus 4. A fisherman from Syme, a small island between Caria and Rhodes, who came with Nireus 2 to fight against Troy. He was killed by Polydamas (QS.11.60).
Eurymachus 5. Achaean warrior who was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (QS.12.321).
Eurymedon 4. Agamemnon's and Nestor's squire. Eurymedon 4 was son of Ptolemy 1, son of Peiraeus 2 (Hom.Il.4.228, 11.620).
Evenor 2. Warrior from Dulichium, one of the Echinadian Islands at the entrance of the Gulf of Corinth, killed by Paris (QS.1.274).
Harpalion 3 came to fight at Troy with the Boeotians led by Prothoenor 1. He was son of Arizelus and Amphinome 3, and was killed by Aeneas (QS.10.75).
Helenus 3. Son of Oenops 1. He was killed by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il. 5.707).
Hippalmus 3. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.229).
Hippasus 10. A Thessalian killed by Agenor 13 (QS.11.87).
Hippomenes 3. Comrade of Teucer 1, the half-brother of Ajax 1, killed by Agenor 13 (QS.8.311).
Hipponous 3. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.303).
Hyllus 6. A Cretan, son of Thersander 4 and Arethusa 5, killed by Aeneas (QS.10.81).
Hypsenor 2. Brother of Demoleon 3 (see above). He was killed by Deiphobus 1 (Hom.Il.13.411).
Iasus 2. An Athenian officer, son of Sphelus. He was killed by Aeneas (Hom.Il.15.332ff.).
Iphidamas 3. Brother of Eurydamas 6 (see above). He was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE (Try.181).
Iphinous 2. Son of Dexius. He was killed by Glaucus 3, son of Hippolochus 1, son of Bellerophon (Hom.Il.7.13).
Laogonus 3. Killed by the Amazon Derinoe (QS.1.230).
Liocritus 1. Son of Arisbas 1 and comrade of Lycomedes 2. He was killed by Aeneas (Hom.Il.17.344).
Lernus 2. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.228).
Leucus 2. One of Odysseus' comrades; killed by Antiphus 2 (Hom.Il.4.491).
Lycomedes 2. Armed sentry with Thrasymedes 1, son of Nestor. Lycomedes 2 was son of Creon 2 of Thebes (Hom.Il.9.84; Pau.10.25.5).
Lycon 3. Killed by Deiphobus 1 (QS.8.300).
Lycophron. Son of Mastor 1 from Cythera, an island off the southern coast of the Peloponnesus. Lycophron was killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.15.430ff.).
Mecisteus 5. Together with Alastor 3, Mecisteus 5 carried the wounded Teucer 1 off the battle-field, as they later did with Hypsenor 2. Mecisteus 5 was son of Echius 1; he was killed by Polydamas (Hom.Il.8.333, 13.422, 15.339).
Melanippus 4. One of Odysseus' men (Hom.Il.19.240).
Melanthius 3. Achaean warrior who helped Nestor in battle (QS.9.154).
Menesthes 1 was riding the same chariot as Anchialus 1 when Hector 1 attacked and killed him (Hom.Il.5.609).
Menesthius 1. Son of the river god Sperchius (either by Polydora 1 or by Polydora 2). He led a company of the Myrmidons against Troy (Apd.3.13.4; Hom.Il.16.173).
Menesthius 2. A Boeotian from Arnae, son of Areithous 1 and Phylomedusa. He was killed by Paris (Hes.CWE.27; Hom.Il.7.8).
Menippus sailed from Phylace, a Thessalian city west of the Gulf of Pagasae, and followed Protesilaus to the war at Troy. He was killed by the Amazon Clonie (QS.1.230).
Menoetes 2. Lycian killed by Achilles (Ov.Met.12.116).
Menoetius 3. An Achaean warrior, comrade of Elephenor. He was killed by Eurypylus 6 at Troy. (QS.8.111.)
Molion 3. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.227).
Molus 3. Argive killed by Agenor 13 (QS.6.624).
Mopsus 2 is the diviner known for having driven the Carians out of their country, and for having defeated Calchas in the art of divination. He was the son of Manto 1, daughter of Tiresias, either by Apollo or by Rhacius. He was killed in a fight with Amphilochus 2 (they killed each other) (Apd.Ep.4.19, 6.3; Hes.Mel.1; Pau.7.3.1; Strab.9.5.22, 14.1.27, 14.5.16).
Mosynus came from Salamis, an island off the coast of Attica in the Saronic Gulf, in the ships of Ajax 1 to fight against Troy. He was killed by Paris (QS.6.631).
Nesus. Killed by Eurypylus 6 (QS.6.615).
Noemon 2. One of Antilochus' men (Hom.Il.23.612).
Odius 2 was the herald who attended those who tried to persuade Achilles to start fighting again (Hom.Il.9.170).
Oenomaus 2. Killed by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il.5.706).
Opheltius 2. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.302).
Opites. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.301).
Oresbius 1. Rich Boeotian from Hyle. Slain by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il. 5.707).
Orestes 3. Slain by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il. 5.705).
Orsilochus 2. Brother of Crethon (see above). Orsilochus 2 was killed by Aeneas (Hom.Il.5.541ff.).
Orus 2. Killed by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.11.303).
Otus 2. A commander of the Epeans of Elis. He was killed by Polydamas (Hom.Il.15.518).
Pandion 5 attended Teucer 1, carrying his bow (Hom.Il.12.372).
Periphas 3. An Aetolian son of Ochesius. He was killed by Ares (Hom.Il.5.842).
Periphetes 1 was considered to be a good warrior and one of the ablest men in Mycenae. He was killed by Hector 1. Periphetes is son Copreus, son of Pelops 1 and Herald of Eurystheus, the man who tormented Heracles 1 (Hom.Il.15.638ff.).
Persinous. Killed by the Amazon Penthesilia (QS.1.227).
Pheidas. An Athenian, who, in battle, supported Menestheus 1 against Hector 1 (Hom.Il.13.691).
Pheres 5. A Cretan killed by Aeneas (QS.6.622).
Phereus 3. Achaean warrior (QS.2.279).
Pheron. Follower of Nestor, killed by Memnon (QS.2.238).
Phorcys 2 came from Salamis, an island off the coast of Attica in the Saronic Gulf, together with Ajax 1. He was killed by Paris (QS.6.631).
Pisander 4 commanded a company of Myrmidons. Son of Maemalus (Hom.Il.16.193).
Promachus 4. A Boeotian warrior, son of Alegenor, son of Itonus 2, son of Boeotus, son of Itonus 1, son of Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood. Promachus 4 was killed by Acamas 3 (Hom.Il.14.475ff., 14.503ff.).
Schedius 3. A Phocian leader, son of Perimedes 3. He was slain by Hector 1 (Hom.Il.15.515).
Sinon is the man, son of Aesimus, who was to light a beacon lamp as a signal to the Achaeans for the final assault. However, he was discovered by the Trojans and tortured (Apd.5.15; Pau.10.27.3; QS.12.243, 12.424; Try.220; Vir.Aen.2.257).
Stichius. This Athenian carried the body of Amphimachus 1 off the battlefield and later supported Menestheus 1 against the attacks of Hector 1, who finally killed him (Hom.Il.13.195, 13.691, 15.329).
Teuthras 3. Warrior killed by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il. 5.705).
Thersander 1 is the man who became King of Thebes through bribing Eriphyle with a robe (see Robe & Necklace of Harmonia 1). Thersander 1, who was killed by Telephus when the Achaean fleet arrived by mistake in Mysia, was son of Polynices, son of Oedipus. He came to the throne fighting with the EPIGONI, and when the WOODEN HORSE was constructed, he was among those warriors who hid inside it. Yet it is also told that Thersander 1 was killed by Telephus when the Achaean fleet arrived by mistake in Mysia. He had by Demonassa 4 a son Tisamenus 1, who was not yet old enough to lead the second expedition against Troy after the reverse in Mysia (Apd.3.7.2; Apd.Ep.3.17; CYP.1; Hdt.4.147, 6.52; Hyg.Fab.71, 108; Pau.9.5.14-15; Pin.Oly.2.43; Vir.Aen.2.61).
Thersites and his brothers wrested the kingdom of Calydon from Oeneus 2 and gave it to his father but later he had to escape, along with his brother Onchestus 1, from Diomedes 2 to Peloponnesus. He was of measureless speech and lame in one foot. In Troy he laughed at Achilles' love for Penthesilia after her death, bringing upon himself the wrath of Achilles, who killed him on account of his mockeries. Thersites was son of Agrius 3 (see Calydon) (AETH.1; Apd.1.8.6; Apd.Ep.5.1; Hom.Il.2.211ff.; QS.1.722ff., 1.741ff.; Soph.Phi.442).
Thootes. A herald sent by Menestheus 1 to Ajax 1 for help (Hom.Il.12.343).
Thrasymedes 1 commanded a group of sentinels and was among those who hid inside the WOODEN HORSE. He was son of Nestor, either by Anaxibia 3, or by Eurydice 8. Thrasymedes 1 had a son Sillus (Apd.1.9.9; Hom.Il.9.81; Hom.Od.3.452; Pau.2.18.8; QS.2.267, 12.314ff.; Try.169).
Toxaechmes. Comrade of Philoctetes, killed by Aeneas (QS.11.488).
Trechus. Aetolian spearman killed by Hector 1 and Ares (Hom.Il. 5.706).