Kneeling archer. 8809: Knaelende bueskytte. Graesk arkaisk ca 500-490 f.Kr. Marmor, fra Aphaiatemplet på Aigina, vestgavlen fig. IV. Glyptothek München. (Royal Cast Collection, Copenhagen).
Abas 5. Son of Eurydamas 3. Abas 5 was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.148).
Abas 8, was killed by Sthenelus 2, a leader from Argos (QS.11.81).
Ablerus was killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor (Hom.Il.6.3.2).
Adamas. Son of the Phrygian Leader Asius 1, son of Hyrtacus (see also TROJAN LEADERS). Adamas was killed by Meriones.(Hom.Il.12.140, 13.570ff.).
Admetus 2. Killed by Philoctetes (Pau.10.27.1)
Adrastus 5. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.694).
Aenius came from Paeonia, a region in Macedonia. He sided with the Trojans during the Trojan War and was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.210).
Aenus came from Ceteius in Asia Minor to fight in the Trojan War against the Achaeans. He was killed by Odysseus (QS.11.79).
Aesepus 2 was son of Bucolion 2 & Abarbarea 1. Bucolion 2 was the first son of King Laomedon 1 of Troy, offspring of a secret love, and therefore half brother of Priam 1. Aesepus 2 died during the Trojan War killed by the Argive leader Euryalus 1, son of Mecisteus 1, son of King Talaus of Argos (Hom.Il.6.21ff.).
Aethicus was a Paphlagonian champion who fought against the Achaeans in the Trojan War (QS.6.318).
Aganippus was a Trojan killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.230).
Agastrophus. Trojan spearman, son of Paeon 1 & Cleomede, killed by Diomedes 2 at Troy (Hom.Il.11.338-369; QS.6.550).
Agelaus 6. Son of Phradmon, killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.8.257).
Agelaus 10. Son of Hippasus 6, came from Miletus to defend Troy in the company led by Nastes. He was killed by Meges 1 (QS.1.279).
Agelaus 11. Trojan warrior, son of Maeon 3. He was killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.229).
Agenor 8 served in the same company as Paris and Alcathous 2 during the Trojan War. On one occasion Apollo took his form to delude Achilles. Agenor 8 was the son of the Elder of Troy Antenor 1 and Theano 2. He had a son Echeclus 2, who was killed by Achilles during the war. Himself he was slain by Achilles' son Neoptolemus (Hom.Il.5.70, 11.56-60, 12.93, 20.474, 21.544, 21.595ff.; Pau.10.27.2; QS.6.624, 13.217).
Agestratus. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.230).
Alastor 2. A Lycian slain by Odysseus, at Troy. Father of Tros 2 (see below). (Hom.Il.5.677, 20.463; Ov.Met.13.257).
Alcaeus 5. A warrior from Caria, southwestern region of Asia Minor, son of Margasus & Phyllis 2. Alcaeus 5 was killed by Meges 1 (QS.10.138).
Alcander 3. A Lycian slain by Odysseus, at Troy (Hom.Il. 5.677; Ov.Met.13.258).
Alcathous 2 served in the same company as Paris and Agenor 8. He was son of Aesyetes and married Hippodamia 5, sister of Aeneas. Alcathous 2 was killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (Hom.Il.12.93, 13.427ff.).
Alcathous 5. Killed by Achilles (QS.3.158).
Alcidamas 2. Son of Alexinomus from Caunus, a city in Lycia. Alcidamas 2 was slain by Neoptolemus (QS.8.77).
Alcon 6. Son of Megacles; slain by Odysseus, at Troy (QS.3.308).
Alcyoneus 4. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War (QS.2.364).
Alexippus. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War (QS.2.365).
Amopaon. Son of Polyaemon. Amopaon was killed by Teucer 1, son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.8.276).
Amphiclus 1. Killed by Meges 1, one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS (Hom.Il.16.313).
Amphimedon 3. Killed by Ajax 2 (QS.13.211).
Amphinous 1. Slain by Neoptolemus (QS.10.88).
Amphinous 2. Killed by Diomedes 2 (QS.10.118).
Amphius 2. A rich man, son of Selagus, who owned many cornfields, but whom Fate had taken away to serve as an ally to Priam 1. He was killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.5.612).
Amphoterus 2. A Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.415).
Antiphates 1. Killed by Leonteus 1, son of Coronus 1, son of Caeneus 1, who had been once a woman called Caenis, but was turned into an invulnerable man by Poseidon (Hom.Il.12.191).
Antiphus 2. Son of Priam 1 & Hecabe 1. He was killed by Agamemnon (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.4.489, 11.109).
Apisaon 1. Son of Phausius. He was killed by Eurypylus 1, son of Evaemon 1, son of Ormenus 3, son of Cercaphus 2, son of Aeolus 1 (Hom.Il.11.578).
Apisaon 2, son of Hippasus 6, came to the Trojan War from Paeonia, a region in Macedonia. He was killed by Lycomedes 2, son of Creon 2 of Thebes (Hom.Il.17.348).
Archeptolemus, son of Iphitus 5, became Hector 1's charioteer when Eniopeus was killed. Himself was slain by Teucer 1, half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.8.128, 8.312).
Archilochus. Killed by Menelaus (QS.11.91).
Areilycus 2. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.308).
Areithous 2. The squire of Rhigmus. He was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.484ff.).
Aretaon. Father of Phorcys 1 and Ascanius 3, two TROJAN LEADERS. Aretaon was killed by Teucer 1, son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax 1 (Apd.Ep.3.34ff.; Hom.Il.6.31).
Aretus 1. Son of King Priam 1 of Troy. He was killed by Automedon, Achilles' charioteer (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.17.516ff.; Hyg.Fab.90).
Asteropaeus. One of the best among the allies of Troy. Served under King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia. He was son of Pelegon, son of the river god Axius and Periboea 7, daughter of Acessamenus. Asteropaeus was killed by Achilles (Apd.Ep.4.7; Hom.Il.12.102; Hyg.Fab.112; QS.4.155; Strab.Fra.7.38).
Astyalus. Killed by Polypoetes 1, the Leader of the Gyrtonians, who buried Calchas at Colophon after the war (Hom.Il.6.29).
Astynous 2. This is the warrior, son of Protiaon, who took care of Polydamas' horses in the midst of the battle. He was slain by Neoptolemus (Hom.Il.15.455; Pau.10.26.4).
Astynous 3. Killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.144).
Astypylus. A Paeonian killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.209).
Atymnius 2. Spearman in the company of King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia. He was son of Amisodarus, known for have reared the Chimera (see Bellerophon). Atymnius 2, who was killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor, was father of Mydon 2 (see below). (Hom.Il.5.580ff., 16.317ff.).
Atymnius 3. Son of Emathion 5 and Pegasis, one of the NYMPHS. He was killed by Odysseus (QS.3.300).
Autonous 2. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.694).
Axion 2. Son of King Priam 1 of Troy. He was killed by Eurypylus 1 (Hyg.Fab.90; Pau.10.27.2).
Axylus. This warrior, son of Teuthranus, was a wealthy man who came from the town of Arisbe, a city in the Troad. He was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.6.12ff.).
Bienor 2. Trojan captain killed by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.11.92).
Cabeirus. A friend of Paris who came from Sestos, a city in the Thracian Chersonesus, to fight at Troy against the Achaeans. He was killed by Sthenelus 2 (QS.1.267).
Calesius. Axylus' squire and charioteer. He was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.6.12ff.).
Caletor 2 was son of Clytius 5, one of the Elders of Troy and son of King Laomedon 1. Caletor 2 was killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.15.419).
Cebriones. Hector 1's charioteer after Archeptolemus' death. Cebriones, who was killed by Patroclus 1, was one of the sons of Priam 1 (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.8.318, 16.727; Hyg.Fab.90).
Cebrus. Slain by Neoptolemus (QS.10.86).
Celtus 3 was son of Meges 3, a rich man son of Dymas 2, and Periboea 9. He was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.7.610).
Chersidamas 1. Son of Priam 1 killed by Odysseus, at Troy (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.11.423; Ov.Met.13.259).
Cestrus. Killed by by Neoptolemus (QS.8.293).
Charops 1. A Lycian killed by Odysseus. Charops 1 was son of Hippasus 6 (Hom.Il.11.425ff.; Ov.Met.13.260).
Chlemus. Son of Pisenor 3. Chlemus was killed by Meriones, a leader from Crete (QS.8.101).
Chromius 1. Son of Priam 1. Chromius 1 was killed by Diomedes 2 (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.5.160; Hyg.Fab.90).
Chromius 4. Killed by Teucer 1, half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.8.275).
Chromius 6. Trojan warrior (Hom.Il.17.217).
Cleobulus. Killed by Ajax 2 (Hom.Il.16.330).
Clitus 2. The squire of Polydamas. Clitus 2 was son of Pisenor 3; he was killed by Teucer 1, half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.15.445).
Clitus 5. Son of Agamestor and a Nymph. Clitus 5 was killed by Podalirius, son of Asclepius (QS.6.465).
Clydon. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War (QS.2.365).
Coeranus 2. A Lycian killed by Odysseus. Coeranus 2 was son of Iphitus 5 (Hom.Il.5.677; Ov.Met.13.257).
Coon. Antenor 1's eldest son, known for having wounded Agamemnon, who nevertheless killed him (Hom.Il.11.248ff.).
Coroebus 2 came to Troy to marry Cassandra. He fought by Aeneas' side, and was killed either by Neoptolemus, or by Diomedes 2, or by Peneleus. Coroebus 2 was son of Mygdon, the King of the Bebrycians who once fought with Priam 1 against the AMAZONS (Eur.Rhe.538; Pau.10.27.1; QS.13.169; Vir.Aen.2.340, 2.424).
Corythus 4 came to Troy to help the Trojans, and there fell in love with Helen, who was his step mother; for Corythus 4 was son of Paris and Oenone 1. It is said that Corythus 4 was killed by Paris, once he discovered his son's aims concerning Helen Yet some say that he was son of Paris and Helen, and that he died crushed by a collapsing roof at Troy (Dictys 5.5; Parth.34).
Croesmus. Killed by Meges 1 (Hom.Il.15.523).
Cycnus 1. King of Colonae, a city in the Troad. Cycnus 1 was killed by Achilles, but he is also said to have turned into a swan. He was son of Poseidon & Calyce 2, daughter of Hecato, and married first Proclia, daughter of either of Laomedon 1 or of Clytius 5 and had by her children: Tenes and Hemithea 1. Later Cycnus 1 married Philonome, daughter of Tragasus, and she fell in love with her stepson Tenes. Being rejected, Philonome then falsely accused him before her husband of having made love to her. However, Cycnus 1 discovered the truth and had her buried alive in the earth (Apd.Ep.3.23-24, 3.31; CYP.1; Hyg.Fab.157; Ov.Met.12.70ff.; Pau.10.14.1; QS.4.153, 4.468; Strab.13.1.19).
Daetes was a hero honoured among the Trojans (Mimn.18).
Daetor. Killed by Teucer 1, the half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.8.275).
Damasus 1. Killed by Polypoetes 1, the Leader of the Gyrtonians who, after the war, buried Calchas at Colophon (Hom.Il.12.183).
Dardanus 2. Son of Bias 2, son of Priam 1. Killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.460ff.).
Deicoon 2, son of Pergasus, was honoured by the Trojans as if he had been a son of King Priam 1. He was killed by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.5.534).
Deiochus 2. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.1.529ff.).
Deioneus 3. Killed by Philoctetes (QS.10.167).
Deiophontes. Killed by Teucer 1, the half-brother of Ajax 1 (QS.8.317).
Deiopites. Son of Priam 1. Deiopites was killed by Meges 1 (Apd.3.12.5; Hyg.Fab.90; QS.13.212).
Deiphobus 1 was son of Priam 1 & Hecabe 1. On one occasion he was wounded in battle by Meriones, and in another Athena took his form to delude Hector 1 and make him face Achilles. After the death of Paris, Helenus 1 and Deiphobus 1 quarrelled as to which of them should marry Helen; Deiphobus 1 did, but, when Troy fell, he was killed by Menelaus, who smote him in the midst of the belly and poured forth his liver and guts (Apd.3.12.5; Apd.Ep.5.9, 5.22; Eur.Tro.959; Hom.Il.13.528, 22.225ff.; QS.13.355; SI.1; Try.465, 627; Vir.Aen.6.494, 6.509ff.).
Deisenor. Trojan warrior (Hom.Il.17.217).
Democoon. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Odysseus (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.4.499).
Demoleon 2. Son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2. Killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.396ff.).
Demuchus. Son of Philetor. Killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.457).
Deucalion 3. Killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.478ff.).
Dolon 1. This is the man who went to reconnoitre the Achaean ships by night and, having being captured alive by Odysseus and Diomedes 2, was later killed by them. His father was the herald Eumelus 3. Dolon 1 had a son Eumedes 5 who followed Aeneas to Italy, and perished there killed by Turnus (see also Rhesus 2). (Apd.Ep.4.4; Eur.Rhe. passim; Hom.Il.10.314ff.; Vir.Aen.12.346).
Dolops 2. Son of Lampus 2, one of the Elders of the city of Troy, son of King Laomedon 1. Dolops 2 was killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.15.525ff.).
Doryclus 1. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Ajax 1 (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.11.489; Hyg.Fab.90).
Dresaeus. Son of Thiodamas 2 & Neaera 4. Dresaeus was killed by Polypoetes 1 (QS.1.291).
Dresus. Killed by Euryalus 1, an Argive leader (Hom.Il.6.20).
Dryops 2. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Achilles (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.20.455; Hyg.Fab.90).
Dymas 4 fought by the side of Aeneas. He was killed at Troy (Vir.Aen.2.340).
Echeclus 2. Son of Agenor 8, son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2. Echeclus 2 was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.474ff.; Pau.10.27.2).
Echeclus 3. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.694).
Echemmon 1. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Diomedes 2 (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.5.160).
Echepolus 1. Son of Thalysius. Echepolus 1 was killed by Nestor's son Antilochus (Hom.Il.4.458).
Echius 2. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.416).
Eioneus 4. Killed by Neoptolemus (Pau.10.27.1).
Elasus 1. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.696).
Elatus 5. This man, who lived by the waters of Satnioeis (a river in the Troad), in the hill town of Pedasus, was killed during the war by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.6.33).
Eniopeus. The squire and charioteer of Hector 1. Eniopeus, son of Thebaeus, was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.8.120).
Ennomus 2. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.88).
Enyeus 2. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.1.529ff.).
Epaltes. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.415).
Epicles. A comrade of Sarpedon 1, killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.12.379).
Epistor. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.695).
Epistrophus 3. Son of King Evenus 3 of Lyrnessus, son of Selepus. Epistrophus 3 was killed by Achilles, along with his brother Mynes 2, when he took the city (Hom.Il.16.695).
Epytus 3. A Trojan who fought by the side of Aeneas at Troy; he was killed in the war (Vir.Aen.2.339).
Erylaus was killed by Patroclus 1. He had married Clite 4, and had by her a son Meilanion 2, who was also killed during the war (Hom.Il.16.411; QS.8.119).
Erymas 1. A Lycian friend of Glaucus 3, the man who exchanged his golden armour for that of Diomedes 2, which was made of bronze. Erymas 1 was killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (Hom.Il.16.345).
Erymas 2. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.415).
Erymas 4. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.231).
Eubius. Son of Meges 3 & Periboea 9. Eubius was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.7.610).
Eumaeus 2. Killed by Diomedes 2 (QS.8.96).
Euphorbus was the first to hit Patroclus 1. He is said to have become, in a later life, the celebrated sage Pythagoras. His father was Panthous, one of the Elders of the city of Troy and Apollo's priest, and his grandfather was Othrys. His mother was Phrontis 2. Euphorbus was killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.16.808, 17.40, 17.60; Hyg.Fab.112).
Eurycoon. Son of Perimnestor. Eurycoon was killed by Diomedes 2 (QS.13.210).
Eurydamas 5. Son-in-law of Antenor 1, Elder of Troy. Eurydamas 5 was killed by Diomedes 2 (QS.13.178).
Eurymenes 2. Friend of Aeneas; he was killed by Meges 1 (QS.10.98ff.).
Eurynomus 6. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.1.529ff.).
Evenor 3. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.11.33).
Evippus 2. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.417).
Galenus. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.89).
Gavius. Killed by Ajax 2 (Hyg.Fab.113).
Glaucus 6. For being a son of Antenor 1, Glaucus 6 was rescued, during the sack of Troy by the intervention of Odysseus and Menelaus (Apd.Ep.5.21; Vir.Aen.6.483).
Gorgythion. Son of Priam 1 & Castianira. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.8.300ff.; Hyg.Fab.90).
Halius 3. Lycian warrior killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.5.678; Ov.Met.13.258).
Harmon 2. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.86).
Harpalion 1 followed his father Pylaemenes 1 to the war at Troy and never came back. He was killed by Meriones. Pylaemenes 1 is one of the TROJAN LEADERS (Hom.Il.13.643).
Helenus 1, son of Priam 1 & Hecabe 1, is the seer who was captured by the Achaeans and forced by them to tell how Troy could be taken. He became later King of Epirus. Helenus 1 married first Deidamia 1, who had been Achilles' wife, and afterwards he married Andromache, who had been Hector 1's wife. By the latter he had a son Cestrinus (Apd.3.12.5; Apd.Ep.5.10, 6.13; Cic.ND.2.7; Eur.Hec.89; Hom.Il.6.76, 13.593; Hyg.Fab.90; Pau.1.11.1, 10.25.5; QS.8.254; Soph.Phi.606, 1338; Vir.Aen.3.295).
Helicaon 1 was wounded in the night during the sack of Troy. But being recognised as son of Antenor 1, he was carried alive by Odysseus out of the battle. He was married to Laodice 3, said to be the fairest of the daughters of Priam 1 (Hom.Il.3.123; Pau.10.26.8).
Hellus. A warrior born near Gygaea, a place and lake in Asia Minor, near the river Hermus. His mother was Cleito 1. Hellus was killed by Eurypylus 1 (QS.11.67).
Hippocoon 1. This is the Thracian leader who discovered the carnage that Diomedes 2 and Odysseus had done among the Thracians (Hom.Il.10.518).
Hippodamas 2. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Achilles (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.20.401).
Hippodamus 1. Killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.11.335).
Hippolochus 2. Son of Antimachus 5. Killed by Agamemnon. This Antimachus 5, in the hope of bribes, had been more eloquent than any in defeating all proposals to give back Helen to Menelaus (Hom.Il.11.122ff., 12.189; QS.1.406).
Hippomachus 1. Son of Antimachus 5. Killed by Leonteus 1 (Hom.Il.12.189).
Hippomedon 2. A Phrygian killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.85).
Hippomedon 3. Son of Hippasus 6 & Ocyrrhoe 3. Hippomedon 3 was born beside the river Sangarius, which is in Asia Minor and flows into the Black Sea. He was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.11.36).
Hipponous 2. Son of Priam 1 & Hecabe 1. Killed by Achilles (Apd.3.12.5; QS.3.155).
Hippotion 1. Killed by Meriones, a leader from Crete. Hippotion 1 is father of Morys 1 (Hom.Il.13.793, 14.514).
Hyllus 5. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.1.529ff.).
Hypanis 1 fought by the side of Aeneas and died in the war (Vir.Aen.2.340).
Hypeirochus 2. Killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.11.335).
Hypeiron. Trojan chieftain killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.76ff.).
Hyperenor 4. Brother of Euphorbus (see above). Hyperenor 4 was killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.14.516, 17.24, 17.40).
Hypsenor 1. Priest of the river god Scamander 1 and son of proud Dolopion. He was killed by Eurypylus 1 (Hom.Il.5.76ff.).
Hyrtius. A leader of the Mysians in the northwestern part of Asia Minor. He was killed by Ajax 1. Hyrtius was son of Gyrtius (Hom.Il.14.511ff.).
Hysminus. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.87).
Iamenus. This is one of those who attacked the Achaean wall together with Asius 1. He was killed by Leonteus 1 (Hom.Il.12.139, 12.193).
Idaeus 1. This is the Trojan herald who came with a message to Priam 1 during the truce before the duel between Paris and Menelaus. Aeneas met him in Hades (Hom.Il.3.248, Vir.Aen.6.485).
Idaeus 2. Son of Dares 1, a Trojan priest of Hephaestus. This god saved him in battle from Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.9ff.).
Ilioneus 2. Son of Phorbas 4, a Trojan sheep-owner and a favorite of Hermes, who had made him a rich man. Ilioneus 2 was killed by Peneleus, the Boeotian leader (Hom.Il.14.489ff.).
Imbrasius. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.87).
Imbrius had lived at Pedaeum before the Achaeans invaded the Troad. He was son of Mentor 3, who owned many horses, and married Medesicaste 1, daughter of Priam 1. He was killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.13.171).
Ipheus. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.417).
Iphidamas 1 was son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2, but was brought up by Cisseus. He was killed by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.11.221ff.).
Iphition 1, son of Otrynteus and a Naiad, led a large contingent of Trojans. He was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.381ff.).
Iphition 2. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.11.36).
Isus. Bastard son of Priam 1 who drove the chariot of Antiphus 2. Killed by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.11.101ff.).
Itymoneus 3 came from Miletus to fight against the Achaeans in the company led by Nastes. He was killed by Meges 1 (QS.1.279).
Lamus 4. Killed by Thoas 2, Leader of the Aetolians (QS.11.90).
Laodamas 3. Son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2. Killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.15.516).
Laodamas 4. Lycian warrior killed by Neoptolemus (QS.11.20).
Laodocus 3. A spearman in whose shape Athena came looking for Pandarus 1 to make him break the truce between Trojans and Achaeans. He was son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2 (Hom.Il.4.85).
Laogonus 1. Killed by Meriones. Laogonus 1 is son of Onetor 1 (Hom.Il.16.604).
Laogonus 2. Brother of Dardanus 2 (see above). Laogonus 2 was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.460ff.).
Laomedon 4. An Ethiopian killed by Thrasymedes 1, son of Nestor (QS.2.293).
Laophoon. Son of Paeon 1 & Cleomede. Laophoon was killed by Meriones (QS.6.550).
Lassus. Lassus' mother was Pronoe 4. He was killed by Podalirius, son of Asclepius (QS.6.469).
Leocritus. Son of Polydamas (see below). He was killed by Odysseus (Pau.10.27.1).
Lycaon 1 lent his cuirass to Paris when he duelled against Menelaus. On another occasion Apollo took the shape of Lycaon 1 to address Aeneas. He was son of Priam 1 & Laothoe 2, daughter of King Altes of the Lelegians, a people living about the river Satnioeis, which is in the Troad. Lycaon 1 was killed by Achilles (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.3.333, 20.81, 21.85, 21.114).
Lycon 1. Killed by Peneleus, a Boeotian leader (Hom.Il.16.335ff.).
Lycon 4. Killed by Meriones (QS.11.91).
Lycophontes 1. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.8.275).
Lyncus 2. Killed by Thoas 2, leader of the Aetolians (QS.11.90).
Lysander. Killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.11.491).
Maenalus 3 left his home in Abydus, a city in the Troad opposite the Thracian Chersonesus, in order to come to defend Troy against the Achaeans. He was son of Pisander 5 and was killed by Odysseus (QS.3.299).
Maris. A spearman in the company of King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia. Brother of Atymnius 2 (see above). Maris was killed by Thrasymedes 2, son of Neleus (Hom.Il.16.317ff.; Hyg.Fab.97).
Medon 4. Son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2. Medon 4 was killed by Philoctetes, and later Aeneas met him in the Underworld (Hom.Il.17.216; QS.11.481; Vir.Aen.6.483).
Meilanion 2 was son of Erylaus (see above) and Clite 4. He was killed by Antiphus 6, an Ithacan (QS.8.119).
Melaneus 9. Brother of Alcidamas 2 (see above). He was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.77).
Melanippus 2. Son of Priam 1. Killed by Teucer 1 (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.8.276).
Melanippus 3 lived at Percote (a city in the Troad opposite the Thracian Chersonesus), where he grazed his cattle. When the Achaean invasion began he returned to Troy and won an honourable place among the Trojans, living with King Priam 1, who treated him like one of his own children. After receiving a reprimand he followed Hector 1 in battle to avenge the death of Dolops 2 (cousin of Melanippus 3). Melanippus 3, son of Hicetaon 1, was killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor (Hom.Il.15.546, 15.575).
Melanippus 8. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.695).
Melanthius 1. Killed by Eurypylus 1, one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS (Hom.Il.6.36).
Meles 2. Killed by Euryalus 1, one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS (QS.11.119).
Melius. Killed by Agamemnon (QS.11.85).
Menalcas 1. A Trojan spearman killed by Neoptolemus. Menalcas 1 was son of Medon 9, a craftsman from Cilla in northwestern Asia Minor, and Iphianassa 4 (QS.8.294).
Meneclus. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War and was killed by Nestor (QS.2.365ff.).
Menes. Son of King Cassandrus of Lycia. He was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.81).
Menoetes 6. Killed by Teucer 1 (QS.11.99).
Menon 1. Killed by Leonteus 1, a Lapith Leader who buried Calchas at Colophon after the war (Hom.Il.12.193).
Menon 2. Killed by Diomedes 2 (QS.10.118).
Mentes 1 was leader of the Ciconians. On one occasion Apollo used his shape to address Hector 1 (Hom.Il.17.73).
Mentes 3. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War, and was killed by Achilles (QS.2.228).
Mermerus 2 was killed at Troy. Antilochus, son of Nestor, is reported to have stripped his spoils (Hom.Il.14.513).
Mimas 7. Killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (QS.13.212).
Mnesaeus. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.88).
Mnesus. A Paeonian warrior killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.209).
Molion 2. The squire of Thymbraeus 1, son of the seer Laocoon 2. Molion 2 was killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.11.322).
Morys 1. Son of Hippotion 1. Morys 1 was killed by Meriones (Hom.Il.13.793, 14.514).
Morys 2. A Phrygian slain by Neoptolemus (QS.8.85).
Mulius 2. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.696).
Mulius 3. Killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.472ff.).
Mydon 1. A Paeonian warrior killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.209).
Mydon 2. Squire and charioteer of Pylaemenes 1, Mydon 2, son of Atymnius 2, was killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor (Hom.Il.5.580ff.).
Mynes 2. King of the city of Lyrnessus which was sacked by Achilles, who there captured his wife Briseis. Mynes 2 was son of King Evenus 3, son of Selepus (Hom.Il.19.296; QS.4.477; Strab.13.1.7, 13.1.61, 13.3.1).
Nessus 3. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.231).
Nirus. Slain by Neoptolemus (QS.11.27).
Noemon 1. A Lycian killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il. 5.678; Ov.Met.13.258).
Nychius. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War (QS.2.364).
Ocythous 2. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.230).
Oenomaus 3 attacked the Achaean wall together with Asius 1 and others. He was killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (Hom.Il.12.140, 13.506).
Oenops 2. Slain by Neoptolemus (QS.9.192).
Oileus 2 was Bienor 2's comrade and driver. He was slain by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.11.92ff.).
Ophelestes 1. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.8.274).
Ophelestes 2. A Paeonian killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.210).
Opheltius 1. Killed by Euryalus 1, an Argive leader (Hom.Il.6.20).
Orestes 4 attacked the Achaean wall together with Asius 1 and was killed by Leonteus 1, a Lapith leader (Hom.Il.12.139, 12.193).
Ormenus 1. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.8.274).
Ormenus 4. Killed by Polypoetes 1, Leader of the Gyrtonians (Hom.Il.12.187).
Orsilochus 3. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.8.274).
Orthaeus. Trojan warrior (Hom.Il.13.791).
Orythaon. A comrade of Hector 1 killed by Achilles, who had already been wounded by Apollo when he slew Orythaon (QS.3.150).
Othryoneus. A Trojan ally from Cabesus who took part in the fighting on account of Cassandra's hand. He was slain by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (Hom.Il.13.363, Strab.13.1.40).
Palmys. Trojan warrior (Hom.Il.13.792).
Pammon 1. Son of Priam 1 and Hecabe 1 killed by Neoptolemus (Apd.3.12.5; QS.6.317, 13.214).
Pammon 2. Trojan warrior, son of Hippasus 6 (QS.6.562).
Pandocus. Killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.11.490).
Panthous. Son of Othrys and One of the Elders of the city of Troy, as well as Apollo's priest. He is father by Phrontis 2 of Polydamas, Euphorbus and Hyperenor 4. He was killed during the war (Hom.Il.3.146, 13.756, 16.808, 17.23, 17.40; Vir.Aen.2.319, 2.429).
Pasitheus. Slain by Neoptolemus (QS.10.86).
Pedaeus. A bastard son of Antenor 1 who was reared up by Theano 2 as if he had been her own. He was killed by Meges 1 (Hom.Il.5.69ff.).
Pedasus 1. Son of Bucolion 2 and Abarbarea 1. He was slain by Euryalus 1. Bucolion 2 is son of King Laomedon 1 of Troy (Hom.Il.6.21ff.).
Peirasus 2. Killed by Philoctetes (QS.11.52).
Peiros. Thracian leader, son of Imbrasus and father of Rhigmus. He was killed by Thoas 2, Leader of the Aetolians (Hom.Il.4.520ff., 20.484ff.).
Pelagon 2. Sarpedon 1's squire and comrade who extracted the ashen spear from Sarpedon's thigh, a wound caused by Tlepolemus 1, a leader from Rhodes (Hom.Il. 5.695).
Pelias 3. A Trojan wounded by Odysseus (Vir.Aen.2.436).
Perilaus 3. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.293).
Perimedes 6. A Trojan warrior who had dwelt by Smintheus' grove. He was killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.291).
Perimus. Son of Megas. Perimus was slain by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.695).
Periphetes 3. Killed by Teucer 1 (Hom.Il.14.515).
Phaenops 3, who had his house in Abydus, a city in the Troad opposite the Thracian Chersonesus, was one of Hector 1's dearest guest-friends. Apollo took his form when he addressed Hector 1. Phaenops 3 was son of Asius 1 (Hom.Il.17.582).
Phaestus 1. Son of Borus 2 and warrior from Maeonia, a region in Lydia about Mount Tmolos in Asia Minor. He was killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete (Hom.Il.5.43ff.).
Phalces 1 was killed at Troy. Antilochus, son of Nestor, is reported to have stripped his spoils (Hom.Il.13.791, 14.513).
Phalerus 2. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.8.293).
Phasis 2. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.89).
Phegeus 2. Brother of Idaeus 2 (see above). Killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.9ff.).
Phereclus 1. This is the man who built the ships for Paris, when he wished to sail to Lacedaemon to fetch Helen. Phereclus 1, son of Tecton 1, son of Harmon 1, was killed by Meriones (Col.197; Hom.Il.5.59ff.).
Phleges. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.87).
Phylacus 2. Killed by Leitus, Leader of the Boeotians (Hom.Il.6.35).
Phylodamas. Friend of Polites 1, son of Priam 1. Phylodamas was killed by Meriones (QS.8.403).
Pidytes came from Percote, a city in the Troad opposite the Thracian Chersonesus. He was killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.6.30).
Pisander 1. This is the warrior who asked for mercy and to be taken prisoner alive, saying his rich father Antimachus 5 would pay a ransom for him. He was nevertheless killed by Agamemnon (Hom.Il.11.122ff.).
Pisander 3. Killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.13.601ff.).
Podes, son of King Eetion 1 of Cilician Thebe, was a man of wealth and a friend of Hector 1. He died in the war killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.17.575).
Polites 1. Son of Priam 1 and Hecabe 1. On one occasion Iris 1 addressed the TROJANS assuming his likeness. On another he helped the wounded Deiphobus 1, his brother, out of the turmoil of battle. Polites 1, who had a son Priam 2, was killed by Neoptolemus (Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.2.790ff., 13.533; Hyg.Fab.90; QS.13.214; Vir.Aen.2.526, 5.564).
Polybus 5. Son of Antenor 1 & Theano 2. Polybus 5 was killed by Neoptolemus (Hom.Il.11.59; QS.8.86).
Polydamas. A commander in the same company as Hector 1. Polydamas was among those Trojans who wished to render Helen back to the Achaeans. He was son of Panthous & Phrontis 2 (Hom.Il.11.57, 12.88, 13.756, 17.40; QS.2.41).
Polydorus 3, the youngest child of Priam 1, was known for being a fast runner. Some say his mother was Hecabe 1, but others say Laothoe 2. According to some he was killed at Troy by Achilles; but others say that he was murdered in Thrace by the treacherous Polymestor 1 (Apd.3.12.5; Eur.Hec.3, 25; Hom.Il.20.407ff., 22.46; Hyg.Fab.90; Ov.Met.13.430ff.; QS.4.154).
Polydorus 5. A Ceteian warrior killed by Odysseus (Ceteius is called a stream in Asia Minor). (QS.11.79).
Polyidus 3. Son of Eurydamas 3, a reader of dreams and an old man at the time of the Trojan War. Polyidus 3 was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.148).
Polymelus 1. A Lycian warrior, son of Argeas. He was killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.417).
Polymnius. An Ethiopian, son of Meges 2. He was killed by Phereus 3, an Achaean warrior (QS.2.292).
Polyphetes. Trojan warrior (Hom.Il.13.792).
Pronous 3. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.399).
Proteus 4 was slain by Odysseus. He was son of Oresbius 2 and Panacea 2 (QS.3.303ff.).
Prothoon. Killed by Teucer 1, half-brother of Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.14.515).
Prytanis 1. A Lycian killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il. 5.678; Ov.Met.13.258).
Pylartes 1. Killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.11.491).
Pylartes 2. Killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.696).
Pylon 1. Killed by Polypoetes 1, Leader of the Gyrtonians (Hom.Il.12.187).
Pyrasus. Killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.11.491).
Pyris. A Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.416).
Rhipeus fought by the side of Aeneas at Troy and was killed in the war (Vir.Aen.2.339).
Rhigmus. A Thracian son of Peiros. He was slain by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.484ff.).
Satnius. A Trojan warrior, son of Enops 1 and a Nymph, who came from the vicinity of the river Satnioeis, which is in the Troad. He was slain by Ajax 2 (Hom.Il.14.444).
Scamandrius 1, son of Strophius 2, had been taught the art of hunting by Artemis. But in the war he was killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.5.49ff.).
Schedius 4. Killed by Neoptolemus (QS.10.87).
Scylaceus. This Trojan warrior was wounded by Ajax 2. He nevertheless survived the war and later came to Lycia, where he was questioned by the women about their sons and husbands and their fate in the war. He told them then how all were dead, and the women stoned him to death (QS.10.147).
Simoisius was born near the river Simois in the Troad, and his father was Anthemion. He came to the war and was killed by Ajax 1 (Hom.Il.4.473).
Socus 1. A wealthy nobleman killed by Odysseus. He was son of Hippasus 6 (Hom.Il.11.425ff.; QS.7.444).
Sthenelaus 2. Killed by Patroclus 1. Sthenelaus 2 was son of Ithaemenes 1 (Hom.Il.16.586).
Stratus. A Thracian killed by Agamemnon (QS.8.99).
Thalius. An Ethiopian who followed Memnon to the Trojan War. He was killed by Achilles (QS.2.228).
Thersilochus 1. Son of Antenor 1 and Theano 2. Thersilochus 1 was slain by Achilles. Later Aeneas met him in the Underworld (Hom.Il.17.216, 21.209; Vir.Aen.6.483).
Thestor 2. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.229).
Thestor 3 is brother of Satnius (see above). He was killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.12.394, 16.401).
Thoas 7. Killed by Menelaus (Hom.Il.16.311).
Thoon 1, son of Phaenops 1, was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.152).
Thoon 2. A Lycian killed by Odysseus (Hom.Il.11.422; Ov.Met.13.259).
Thoon 3 attacked the Achaean wall together with Asius 1 and others, and was killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor (Hom.Il.12.140, 13.545).
Thrasius 1. A Paeonian killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.21.210).
Thrasymelus was the squire of King Sarpedon 1 of Lycia. He died in the war killed by Patroclus 1 (Hom.Il.16.463).
Thymbraeus 1. Some say that Thymbraeus 1, son of the seer Laocoon 2, was killed by Diomedes 2 during the war. But others say that two serpents, which Apollo or Athena sent, killed him, along with his father and brother Antiphantes (Hom.Il.11.320; Hyg.Fab.135).
Tlepolemus 2. Lycian warrior killed by Patroclus 1. Tlepolemus 2 was son of Damastor 1 (Hom.Il.16.416).
Troilus. Son either of Apollo and Hecabe 1, or of Priam 1 and Hecabe 1. He was killed by Achilles at Troy (see also Dares' account of the destruction of Troy). (Apd.3.12.5; Apd.Ep.3.32; CYP.1; Hyg.Fab.90; QS.4.155, 4.420).
Tros 2. Son of Alastor 2 (see above). Tros 2 was killed by Achilles (Hom.Il.20.463ff.).
Xanthus 3. Brother of Thoon 1 (see above). Xanthus 3 was killed by Diomedes 2 (Hom.Il.5.152ff.).
Zechis. A Phrygian killed by Teucer 1. Zechis is brother of Menalcas 1 (see above). (QS.10.125).
Zorus. Killed by Ajax 1 (QS.3.231).