
Smyrna, already turned into a tree, gives birth to Cinyras 1's son Adonis. 4730: Marcantonio Franceschini 1648-1729: Die Geburt des Adonis, gegen 1700. Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden.
Prosperous king of Cyprus
Cinyras 1 came to Cyprus and founded Paphos where he reigned prosperously, although he is also remembered as king of Assyria, and as founder of the city of Smyrna, which he named after his daughter. His wealth became proverbial, for he could be name in contexts like this:
"... though he
be richer even than Cinyras or Midas, if he be unjust, he is a wretched
man and lives a miserable life." (Plato, Laws 660e).
Cinyras 1's promise
At the time of the Trojan War, Cinyras 1 was visited by Menelaus, Odysseus, and the herald Talthybius. Coming to Cyprus, this trio tried to persuade him to join the allies. It was then that Cinyras 1 made a present of a corselet to be sent to Agamemnon,
swearing that he would send fifty ships against Troy. However, he is
remembered for having sent only one, which was
commanded by the son of Mygdalion (otherwise
unknown); the rest he moulded out of earth,
launching them into the sea. In this strange manner
he fulfilled his promise, which many would consider
a mockery, but the reason could be that at the
time, Dido's father King Belus 2 was attacking Cyprus, perhaps forcing Cinyras 1 to keep all his military resources at home.
Incest, Death, and Oracle
Cinyras 1 is said to have consorted with his daughter Smyrna (see Adonis), killing himself when he realised what he had done. But concerning his son Adonis (if he was
indeed his father, and whoever Adonis' mother was), Cinyras 1 once received an oracle that read:
"O Cinyras,
king of the Cyprians ... the son that is born to
you is fairest and most admirable of all men, yet
two divinities shall destroy him." (Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 10.457).
For they say that besides Aphrodite, also Dionysus 2 was in love
with him.
Another with identical name: Cinyras 2 was an ally of Aeneas in Italy, and leader of the Ligurians (Vir.Aen.10.185).
Family |
- Sandocus migrated from Syria to Cilicia in southern Asia Minor, where he founded a city Celenderis. Sandocus was son of Antynous 1, son of Phaethon 1, who was ravished by Aphrodite.
- Pharnace was daughter of
Megassares, king of Hyria, perhaps the
Hyria in Boeotia.
- Paphos was daughter of Pygmalion 1
Metharme is daughter of Pygmalion 1.
Orsedice, Braesia, and Laogore were induced by Aphrodite's wrath to
become prostitutes. They cohabited with foreigners
and died in Egypt.
Laodice 1 married King Elatus 2 of Arcadia; their children are: Stymphalus 1, Pereus, Ischys, Aepytus 3, and Cyllen.

b) Smyrna
For Smyrna see Adonis.

Cenchreis boasted that her daughter Smyrna excelled Aphrodite in beauty.
That is why Aphrodite, punishing Cenchreis, made Smyrna to fall in love with his own father (who some say it was Thias and not Cinyras 1).
Genealogical Charts
Names in this chart: Actaeus 1, Admete 2, Adonis, Agapenor, Aglaurus 1, Aleus, Alexander 2, Amphidamas 1, Ancaeus 1, Antimache, Aphrodite, Arcas 1, Astynous 1, Atalanta, Auge 2, Braesia, Callisto, Cecrops 1, Cephalus 2, Cepheus 2, Cinyras 1, Cleophyle, Clymene 3, Elatus 2, Eos, Epochus, Eurybius 2, Eurypylus 6, Eurystheus, Everes 2, Heracles 1, Hermes, Herse 2, Hyperion 1, Iasus 1, Iotis, Iphimedon, Laodice 1, Laogore, Lycurgus 2, Megassares, Melanion, Mentor 2, Metharme, Minyas, Neaera 3, Orsedice, Oxyporus, Parthenopaeus, Parthenope 1, Pereus, Perimedes 1, Phaethon 1, Pharnace, Promachus 1, Pygmalion 1, Sandocus, Sterope 4, Stymphalus 1, Telephus, Thia, Tithonus 2, Zeus. |
Related sections |
Adonis |
Abbreviations |
Apd.3.9.1, 3.14.3; Apd.Ep.3.9;
Hom.Il.11.20; Hyg.Fab.58, 242, 248, 251,
270, 271, 275; Ov.Met.10.294-559,
10.708-739; Pin.Nem.8.18;
Pla.Laws 660e. |