7804: John Gibson 1790-1866: Helen of Troy. Marble. Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
"Many a life beside
Scamander's streams perished for me." (Helen. Euripides, Helen 52).
"You daughter of Tyndareus, you are no child of Zeus, but I say you were born of many a
father, first of some evil demon, next of Envy, then of Murder and of Death, and every horror that the earth
breeds." (Andromache.
Euripides, Daughters
of Troy 765).
Helen was abducted by the seducer Paris and held in Troy, and for her sake a
large army sailed against that city in order to
have her restored to her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta.
Cause of war (I)
Helen was famous in the whole world for her
beauty; and beauty being a precious thing, many
contended in order to possess her. Therefore, she
was also hated by many others on account of the
woes her beauty caused. For the Trojan War, some
believe, was caused by her, and since many died in
that huge conflict, she was surnamed "Lady of
Cause of war (II)
But some consider Paris to be the cause of that war; for it was he, who
breaking all laws of hospitality, persuaded her to
follow him to Troy. And
others blame both:
"… For very grief I fainted, cursing Helen the sister of the Dioscuri, and Paris the baleful shepherd of Ida; for
it was their marriage, which was no marriage but
misery sent by some demon, that robbed me of my
country and drove me from my home." (Trojan captives. Euripides, Hecabe 945).
Cause of war (III)
Yet, some believe that Paris cannot be held
responsible either; for he was guided by the
goddess Aphrodite,
whom he favored in the judgement of Mount Ida.
Therefore, they think, he who wishes to find the
cause of the Trojan
War should look up at heaven, and stop blaming
mortals. Otherwise Hecabe 1 could also be blamed for having given birth
to Paris; or Priam 1 could be held responsible for not having slain his child when he was advised to do so. Following this line of thought, some imagine
that Zeus sent the three
goddesses to Mount Ida in order to be judged by the
shepherd Paris, having in
mind the destruction of mankind. For the ruler of
heaven, they say, purposed to make his daughter
Helen famous, along with the race of the demigods,
by letting her cause a war between Europe and Asia.
Otherwise, they believe, Eris had not thrown her
infamous apple at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, which
caused Hera, Athena and Aphrodite to contend
against each other.
Chain of events
Yet the chain of events "Apple of Eris - The Goddesses'
Dispute - Judgement of Paris - Abduction of
Helen" has been regarded by some as utterly
ridiculous, since the goddessesthey
arguedid not need that prize:
"For why
should goddess Hera set her heart so much on such a
prize? Was it to win a nobler lord than Zeus? or was Athena hunting down among the gods a
husband, she who in her dislike of marriage won
from her father the gift of remaining
unwed?" (Hecabe 1 to Helen. Euripides, Daughters
of Troy 979).
As for Aphrodite,
they say, she did not need to follow Paris to Sparta, since she could,
had she wished, bring Helen to Troy instead. And as no
mortal can ever know what in reality is inside the
minds of the gods, men end blaming either one or
another, depending on where each stands. For what
they themselves call "scapegoats" must, in any
case, be always appointed. Aphrodite, some
say, was in Helen's imagination and nowhere else.
It was her mind who became her Aphrodite, when the
handsome Trojan seducer came to Sparta clad in gorgeous
foreign clothes adorned with gold. And it was then
that Helen lost her senses, deeming it better to
live in rich Troy than in
niggardly Sparta.
Birth of Helen
Helen, so unbelievable as it may sound, was born
from an egg laid by Leda,
or Nemesis. Four children were born that day from the same mother but from different fathers: Castor 1 and Polydeuces, called the DIOSCURI, and Clytaemnestra and
Helen. Of all four Helen and Polydeuces, being the
children of Zeus, were immortal, but Castor 1 and Clytaemnestra,
being those of King Tyndareus of Sparta, were mortal.
Someone has said that the egg from which Helen
sprang fell from the moon; but he has already been
refuted by others, who argue that even though the
moon-women lay eggs, their offspring are fifteen
times larger than ours. Those who say that Nemesis was Helen's
mother tell that she, trying to escape Zeus, changed into a fish
and other dread creatures. Others say that Nemesis changed into a
goose, but was nevertheless conquered by Zeus, who in turn took the
likeness of a swan, and lay with her. As the fruit
of their love Nemesis laid an egg that was found by a shepherd, and given
to Leda. And when Helen was
hatched in due time, Leda brought her up as her own daughter.
First war for the sake of Helen
When Helen was ten or perhaps twelve years old,
King Theseus of Athens, finding her
extremely lovely, carried her off and brought her
to Aphidnae, a city in Attica northwest of
Marathon. This abduction caused the first war on
account of Helen to break out. For her brothers the DIOSCURI came to Athens with an army,
demanding back their sister. And when the people of
the city insisted in saying that they neither had
the girl nor knew where she had been left, the DIOSCURI resorted to
war. It was then that Academus, who had learned in
some way or another of her concealment at Aphidnae,
told them about it. For this reason, he was
honoured during his life by the DIOSCURI, and later in
historical times when the Lacedaemonians invaded
Attica and laid waste the country, they spared the
Academy, which is called after him. Others say,
however, that a man called Echedemus was in the
army of the DIOSCURI at
the time when these came to Athens to rescue Helen,
and that it was after him that the Academy was
named Echedemia. Still others say that it was
Titacus (who is known only for this), who revealed
to the DIOSCURI that
Helen was hidden in Aphidnae. In any case, the DIOSCURI marched
against Aphidnae, took the city, got possession of
Helen, and led Theseus' mother Aethra 2 away captive. She became the handmaid of Helen to serve her as a slave, and only at the end of the Trojan
War she was taken back to Athens by Demophon 1 and Acamas 1, two sons of Theseus by Phaedra, the daughter of Minos 2. Thus ended Theseus rule, and the DIOSCURI, after appointing Menestheus 1 king of Athens, brought back
their sister to Sparta as
they had purposed. On her return, Helen, wishing to
appear still as a virgin, entrusted to her sister Clytaemnestra the
girl Iphigenia, whom
she bore to Theseus.
The Oath of Tyndareus
Years later, time came for Helen to marry. And
as her beauty was famous in the whole of Hellas,
many SUITORS came
to Sparta to win her
hand. Once more, war for the sake of Helen was
feared, and that is why her stepfather King Tyndareus, following Odysseus' advice,
resolved to exact an oath from all the SUITORS OF HELEN,
forcing them to promise that they would defend and
protect him who was chosen as Helen's husband
against any wrong done against him in regard to his
marriage. When this had been agreed, Helen chose Menelaus as husband,
and the latter inherited the throne of Sparta.
The Apple
When Helen was already Menelaus' wife, there
took place the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, whose
child Achilles, fifteen
years later was to become one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS against Troy. All gods were
invited to this wedding except Eris (Discord), who took
bitter revenge by throwing at the party one of the
Golden Apples of the HESPERIDES, known by
posterity as "The Apple of Discord" to be contended
as a prize of beauty among the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. The shepherd Paris was
then appointed by Zeus to
decide who was the fairest, and he, liking Aphrodite's bribe most
of all, gave the apple to her. Having thus assigned
the beauty award, Paris came to Sparta to fetch
the prize that Aphrodite had given
him in return, which was the hand of Helen. Soon
after his arrival to Sparta, the shepherd Paris, now known as a
Trojan prince, succeeded in seducing Queen Helen,
who abandoning her daughter Hermione, then nine
years old, put most of her and Menelaus' property on
board, and by night set sail with Paris to Troy. They consummated
their marriage in Cranae, an island in the Laconian

The abduction of Helen. 4528: Giordano Luca 1634-1705: Enlèvement d'Hélène. Musée des beaux arts, Caen.
Helen never went to Troy
Some affirm that Helen herself has denied this,
and that she in fact never came to Troy. For Hermes, following Zeus' instructions, stole
Helen and carried her to Egypt, where she was
guarded by King Proteus 3, so that Paris returned home with no more than a phantom of Helen
fashioned out of clouds. It was the warden of the
Nile mouth, Thonis, who told King Proteus 3 about the
arrival of Paris in Egypt
after having done, as he put it, great wrong in
Hellas. So when Proteus 3 learned about Paris'
actions, he gave order to seize him, and Thonis
went back to detain the ships and arrested Paris, bringing him
together with Helen to Memphis. Paris was subject to
interrogation, and it became evident that he had
violated the laws of hospitality, taking the wife
of his host, and plundering his house. But Proteus 3 would not
kill strangers, so he just ordered him to leave the
country, though without Helen. That is why when she
was fetched in Egypt by Menelaus, after a
meaningless war for the sake of a phantom at Troy, she told him:
"To Troy I went not: that … a phantom was." (Helen to Menelaus. Euripides, Helen 582).
And also:
"Never to
alien prince's bed, wafted by wings of the oars I
fled." (Helen to Menelaus. Euripides, Helen 668).
And speaking along the same line, she described
how Hermes brought her to
Egypt, following Zeus'
orders, while Paris sailed
to Troy with a phantom
fashioned by Hera. Still others have said that Paris and Helen were
friendly received by Proteus 3 and that they
lived in Egypt while Achaeans and Trojans slew each
other at Troy. And they
represent the ghost of Achilles revealing to a
certain sage that when the Achaeans became
convinced that Helen was not at Troy, they nevertheless
continued to fight for the city itself, so as not
to disgrace themselves by retreat.
Helen on her way to Troy
Others assert, however, that Paris and Helen did sail
to Troy, and that during
the voyage Hera sent heavy
storms, forcing them to put in at Sidon, a
Phoenician city, where Paris availed himself of
the opportunity for purchasing richly broidered
robes which he, on his return to Troy, gave to his mother Hecabe 1. Fearing
persecution, Helen and Paris spent much time,
both in Phoenicia and Cyprus, before coming to Troy. But still others say
that Paris and Helen made
the trip from Sparta to Troy in three days, having
a fair wind and a smooth sea.
The Oath of Tyndareus invoked
In any case Menelaus, having
learned on his return from the funeral of Catreus in Crete that his precious
wife had been ravished, invoked The Oath of Tyndareus, forcing,
with the help of his brother Agamemnon, all princes
that had sworn it to join the coalition that was to
sail to Troy in order to
demand, by persuasion or by force, the restoration
of Helen and the property that the seducer Paris, breaking all laws
of hospitality, had stolen.
Wisdom and beauty
The Trojans did not yield to persuasion, and
that is why a prolonged siege and war ensued, in
which many perished for the sake of Helen. Yet, not
even the Elders of Troy felt that they could fully condemn the folly of
war. And this is how wisdom paid tribute to beauty:
"Who on earth
could blame the Trojan and Achaean men-at-arms for
suffering so long for such a woman's sake? Indeed,
she is the very image of an immortal
But as their years had made them acquainted with
restraint and moderation, they also added:
"All the same,
and lovely as she is, let her sail home and not
stay her to vex us and our children after
us." (Antenor 1 and the Trojan Elders chatting among themselves.
Homer, Iliad 3.155).
Death of Paris
In the course of the tenth year of the war,
Helen's new husband Paris,
who has been regarded as a coward, became the
slayer of Achilles,
feared even by Hector 1,
who although the bravest among the brave, had
trembled when he met Achilles in single
combat, running away and being pursued by him like
a hare by a dog around the walls of Troy at the sight of all.
But soon after, Philoctetes, having
been cured by Asclepius' son
Podalirius, joined the campaign against Troy again, and shot Paris dead in single
combat with the poisoned arrows of Heracles 1.
Helen marries again
While Menelaus outraged Paris' body, the
latter's brothers, Helenus 1 and Deiphobus 1, quarrelled as to which of them should marry Helen; and having Deiphobus 1 been preferred, he married Helen, and Helenus 1 moved his
residence to Ida. This change of residence seems to
have made it easier for Odysseus to capture him
and learn about the importance of the Palladium. This is what Helen herself says about her new marriage with Deiphobus 1:
"… when Paris died, and earth concealed his corpse, I should have left his house and sought the Argive fleet, since my marriage was no longer in the hands of gods. That was what I was eager to do; and the warders on the towers and watchmen on the walls can bear me witness, for often they found me seeking to let myself down stealthily by cords from the battlements, but there was that new husband, Deiphobus, that carried me off by force to be his wife …" (Helen to Hecabe 1. Euripides, Daughters
of Troy 954).
But again she has not been believed:
"… you assert that you tried to let yourself down from the towers by stealth with twisted cords, as if unwilling to stay? Where were you ever found fastening the noose about your neck, or whetting the knife, as a noble wife would have done in regret for her former husband? (Hecabe 1 to Helen.
Euripides, Daughters
of Troy 1010).
Helping both Achaeans and Trojans
Some have said that Helen helped the Achaeans
during the war; for they tell that when Odysseus entered
incognito into Troy as a
beggar he was recognized by Helen, who helped him
to steal away the Palladium, which he
brought to the ships with the aid of Diomedes 2. Likewise when Sinon,
who having been left behind by the Achaeans during
their pretended retreat in order to light a beacon
lamp as a signal to them, started signalling with a
shining brand beside the tomb of Achilles, Helen too was
awake and signalling herself from her chamber to
the Achaean fleet to return; for the WOODEN HORSE was
inside the walls, the gates would soon open, and it
was time for the Achaeans to make the final
assault. And yet, when the Achaeans were inside the WOODEN HORSE, Helen
went round, calling the different chiefs, and by
imitating the voices of each of their wives,
tempted them to reveal themselves. She did it so
well that Anticlus would have answered, but Odysseus held fast his
mouth; and when he tried to escape the pressure of
his hands, Odysseus held him harder and Anticlus lost his breath and
Immortality of Helen after her return
When the city was taken, Menelaus killed Deiphobus 1 and led Helen to the ships. They wandered for eight years in several Mediterranean countries before returning to Sparta, where they
arrived at the time when Agamemnon's son Orestes 2 had just
killed Aegisthus and
his own mother Clytaemnestra,
sister of Helen. Threatened to be put to death for
his crime, Orestes 2 sought Menelaus' help,
but being refused, Orestes 2, in anger against his uncle, tried to kill
Helen. They say that on this occasion Apollo saved her and took
her to heaven, saying:
"Helen I will
conduct to the mansion of Zeus; There men shall adore her, a
goddess enthroned beside Hera and Hebe … There she … shall be worshipped for ever with wine outpoured." (Apollo. Euripides, Orestes 1685).
Life in Sparta
Yet it is also told that Odysseus' son Telemachus, while
still looking for his father, visited Helen and Menelaus in Sparta to see if he could
get some news about him, and at that time it looked
like the king and queen of Sparta led a pleasant
life in their city. Helen also explained on that
occasion how she felt when Odysseus came disguised
to Troy:
"I had
suffered a change of heart, repenting the
infatuation with which Aphrodite blinded me when she lured me to Troy from my own dear country and made
me forsake my daughter, my bridal chamber, and a
husband who had all one could wish for in the way
of brains and good looks." (Helen to Menelaus and Telemachus. Homer, Odyssey 4.260).
The proper thing to say
But, some could think, that was the proper thing
to say when she was back home. And had things been
different, she would have said otherwise. For Hecabe 1, thinking that
Helen had always her eyes fixed on Fortune, once reproached
"… when you had come to Troy, and the Argives were on your
track, and the mortal combat had begun, whenever
tidings came to you of Menelaus' prowess, you would praise him, to
grieve my son, because he had so powerful a rival
in his love; but if the Trojans prospered, Menelaus was nothing to you." (Hecabe 1 to Helen.
Euripides, Daughters
of Troy 1004).
Death of Helen
Fortune changes things
and puts them upside-down. So when Menelaus died, they
say, Helen was driven away from Sparta by Nicostratus and Megapenthes 1, sons of Menelaus by other women, according to some. As Helen believed Polyxo 4 to be her friend, she went to Rhodes where Polyxo 4, widow of Tlepolemus 1 who died at Troy, was queen. But Polyxo 4, wishing to avenge the death of her husband on Helen, sent servants dressed up as ERINYES against her
guest when she was bathing, who seized Helen and
hanged her on a tree.
Her immortality
Leonymus, who visited the White Isle in the
mouth of the river Danube, says that Helen, after
death, was wedded to Achilles, and lived
there with him. But others say that Menelaus was made
immortal by Hera, and he
and Helen live in happiness in the Elysian Fields. |