"… For in confronting the cruel clouds of war, we gave away our years of lovely youth." (Simonides, c. 556-468 BC).
"Madmen, all of you who strive for the glory of combats, and believe that the lances of war will ease the burdens of mortals. Never, if blood be arbitress of peace, strife between cities of men shall find an ending." (Captive maidens in Troy. Euripides, Helen 1150).
"In vain we sacrificed! Yet, had not God overthrown us so, and whelmed beneath the earth, we had faded fameless, never had been hymned in lays, nor given song-themes to posterity." (Hecabe 1, Queen of Troy. Euripides, Daughters of Troy 1240).
"Was unsterblich im Gesang soll leben
Muss im Leben untergehn." (Friedrich von Schiller 1759-1805. Die Götter Griechenlands).
Permanence of War
Some believe that lovers, being transient, cannot invent
Love, who is immortal and creates them. Others think that lovers invent Love, awakening him with drops of oil or blood. In similar manner, some believe that war creates and
inspires warriors, whereas others suppose that they invent war, with drops of oil or blood. There is no agreement on the cause of things. And there is no need of a cause for a war to break out. There is no occurrence, relevant or insignificant, that cannot be turned into a cause of war, with drops of oil or blood. A significant cause, or several, must be found; for they seem to enhance understanding in the human mind. But once found, there is no agreement as to their value or position in the network of events, and the unravelling helps confusion and discord more than it helps discernment.
Multitude of causes
And so some say that Helen caused the war; for she left her husband and her daughter
and abandoned her home for a foreign seducer. And since she
became the center of fierce struggles which ended many
lives, she was called "Lady of Sorrows", and given other
titles such as:
"Child of the Haunting
Curse, of Envy, of Murder, of Death, of
all earth-nurtured plagues!" (Andromache. Euripides,
of Troy 769).
But others say that Paris caused
the war; for he, abusing the laws of hospitality, carried
off his host's wife, subordinating everything to seduction
and the pleasures of love. And so his brother reproached
"Paris, you pretty boy, you woman seducer, why
were you ever born? Why weren't you killed before your
wedding day?" (Hector 1 to
Paris. Homer,
Iliad 3.39).
Yet others could argue that
Paris and
Helen would never have met in love
if Menelaus, sailing to
Crete in order to attend The
Funeral of Catreus, had not left
them alone in his house, saying to his wife as he departed:
"Look to my affairs,
and to the household, and to our guest from Troy ."
(Menelaus to
Helen. Ovid,
Heroides 17.160).
Likewise it may be argued that
Paris' seduction of
Helen could have remained without
consequences, had not the
taken The Oath of Tyndareus,
which Odysseus conceived because
of his falling in love with
Penelope. For it is through this
oath that the rulers of Hellas were forced to join the
coalition against Troy; and without the oath no alliance, and without alliance no war. To these few set of causes yet a multitude could be
added; and many have indeed been added in the course of
time. So, for example, those who believe Gold to be the
cause of every dispute, being unable to conceive the
abduction of a queen to be cause enough, have asserted, in
more recent times, that commercial interests were behind
this huge conflict which caused the ruin of so many realms,
both in Hellas and Asia.
The Will of Heaven
Still others think that all things begin in heaven, and
accordingly they say that this war took place because such
was the will of Zeus, who wished his
daughter Helen to become famous for having caused a conflict between Europe and Asia. And yet others, also claiming to have penetrated the
minds of the gods, affirm that this war was ordained by
heaven in order to exalt the race of the demigods. And since
those who claim knowledge of divine providence often deem
their own level of enlightenment higher than anyone else's,
there is seldom agreement among the members of this well
informed breed of mortals about the will of the gods and
their intentions towards mankind.
The Nereid Thetis
It has also been suggested that if
Zeus had married the Nereid Thetis,
then things had been different. But
Themis or
Proteus 2, or the
Prometheus 1, or several
among them, prophesied that Thetis would become the mother
of a child who, when grown to manhood, would be called
greater than his father. That is why
Poseidon and
Zeus, who had been rivals for
Thetis' hand, fearing what they heard, desisted, and
Zeus bade mortal
Peleus to marry her, as a safe measure against the threat posed by the Nereid. However, some have said that Zeus
had wished to punish Thetis by marrying her to a mortal,
because the Nereid, having been brought up by
Hera, would not consort with her
nurse's husband.
The Apple of Eris
In any case Thetis was married to a mortal man; and for
reasons unknown to mortals, although they may be supposed to
derive from the very nature of things,
Eris (Discord) was not invited to
the wedding party. But since this goddess is difficult to
get rid of, she managed anyway to appear at the banquet and
throw among the guests a golden apple through the door with
the inscription:
"For the
Athena and
Aphrodite, so they say, started
then disputing on that prize, being therefore sent by
Zeus to Mount Ida near
Troy to have their beauty compared
and judged by the shepherd Paris.
Here again some find this tale inconsistent:
"For why should goddess Hera
set her heart so much on such a prize? Was it to win a
nobler lord than Zeus? or was Athena hunting down among the gods a husband, she who in her
dislike of marriage won from her father the gift of
remaining unwed?" (Hecabe 1 to Helen. Euripides,
of Troy 979).
The Judgement of Paris
Anyway Paris, who until then had
lived as a shepherd but soon was to be recognized as prince
and son of Priam 1 and
Hecabe 1, chose
Aphrodite as the most
beautiful, accepting Helen's hand for a bribe. Both an emperor of ancient times and a modern scholar,
among others, have found that this was the choice of a
"sensual man", and it has been suggested that this very
sensuality led to seduction and seduction to war. Yet it is
not easy to see how another choice could have led to peace;
for Athena had wished to bribe him
offering the command of Phrygia
and the destruction of Hellas, or victory in war; and
Hera had offered him, besides
wealth, the dominion over both Asia and Europe.
The Abduction of Helen
In any case Paris, having chosen
what he thought was Aphrodite's
gift of love, came to Sparta,
guided by the goddess, with the determination of deluding
Menelaus and seducing
Helen. And here again there are
those who have said that if the story of the three goddesses
in Mount Ida had any meaning,
Aphrodite herself would have
taken Helen to
Troy. That is why they add that the
goddess was in Paris' and
Helen's minds, and nowhere else. For nine days Paris was
entertained by Menelaus in
Sparta. But on the tenth day
Menelaus had to leave on a
journey to Crete to attend The
Funeral of Catreus. It was during
the absence of the lawful husband that
Paris persuaded
Helen to go off with him; and she,
abandoning her daughter
Hermione, then nine years old,
put most of the property on board and set sail with her
lover by night.
The Funeral of Catreus
The death of Menelaus'
grandfather Catreus was, some may
think, a most unfortunate circumstance; for
Menelaus, by sailing to
Crete to perform the obsequies,
left his guest alone with his own wife at his palace in
Sparta. And these two then, taking
advantage of the splendid opportunity that
Menelaus' absence provided,
became lovers and fled away to Troy,
filling the ship with Spartan treasures. This is why it
could be argued that without The Funeral of
Catreus, the Trojan War had never
taken place. Yet the death itself of
Catreus is not related, as far as humans can perceive, to the chain of events that led to the war. (See also Trojan War:
Connected Events.)
The Oath of Tyndareus
Now, the abduction of Helen did
not need to lead to war; for, as it has been pointed out,
never before had a war broken up for a stolen woman. And
those who held this view recalled other abductions, such as
that of Medea by
Jason, or that of
Ariadne by
Theseus, or yet others, none of which caused an armed conflict. However, this case proved different; and when
Menelaus, on his return to
Sparta, became fully aware of his
loss, he bade his brother
Agamemnon to muster an army in
order to sail against Troy, avenge
the outrage and secure the restoration of his wife and the
stolen property. And Agamemnon,
sending a herald to each of the kings, reminded them of The
Oath of Tyndareus which they,
once sworn, warning them and saying that the outrage had
been offered equally to the whole of Hellas. And the former
princes from many realms, were compelled, on account of
their oath, to comply with
Agamemnon's request. This oath was conceived because
Helen's earthly father King
Tyndareus feared, at the moment
of marrying his daughter, that choosing one among her many
SUITORS might provoke the
others to start quarrelling.
Odysseus then promised
Tyndareus that, if he would
help him to win the hand of his niece
Penelope, he would reveal a way
by which all trouble would be avoided. And when
Tyndareus accepted this
bargain, Odysseus told him to
exact an oath from all the
SUITORS that they would
defend and protect him who was chosen as
Helen's husband against any wrong done against him in regard to his marriage. This is how The Oath of
Tyndareus came about and this
is why so many rulers in Hellas, bound by treaty, could be
forced to help punish Paris and the
Trojans who protected him.
The Alliance
In compliance with the oath then, the coalition was
formed that was determined to sail to
Troy and obtain, by persuasion or by
force, the restoration of Helen and
the Spartan property that the seducer
Paris, breaking all laws of
hospitality, had stolen.
Most leaders of these forces are rulers. Rulers no longer participate in battles, but from Homeric times until the 19th century AD rulers had the habit of risking their own lives in the battlefield. See the article Homeric and Post-Homeric War Leadership (also in Greek: Ομηρική και Μετά-Ομηρική Πολεμική Ηγεσία).
Agamemnon (Achaean forces)
Agamemnon was the leader of
the great host that sailed against
Troy because he was the most
powerful king in the West; and although there were many
kings and dynasties in Hellas, he was their overlord.
Although the different states appear to have had different
degrees of independence, vassal states were common both in
Agamemnon's time and more so
under the reign of his son Orestes 2, who extended his house's power over new territories.
Achaeans, Danaans and Argives
Those who fought under
Agamemnon's command are collectively called Achaeans, Danaans or Argives. The Achaeans came originally from Thessaly, in mainland
Greece, and settled in Argos and Lacedaemon (southern Peloponnesus). Having mingled with the Danaans (ruled by Danaus 1 and his descendants) they lived there until the return of the HERACLIDES.
Achaea proper, however, is in northern Peloponnesus. Danaans were called those who dwell in Argolis for being descendants of the African immigrant Danaus 1, father of the DANAIDS. Fleeing from Egypt, Danaus 1 came to Argos (in Argolis), and the reigning King Gelanor, as it is described, surrendered the kingdom to him. Having made himself master of the country he named the inhabitants Danaans after himself. Finally, for living in Argolis, these peoples were also called Argives. The mingling of Achaeans and Danaans is described through the marriages of two sons of Achaeus 1 (from whom the Achaeans derive their name) with two daughters of Danaus 1. (See also Achaea,
Argos, and Map:
Agamemnon's army
The navy consisted of ca. one thousand ships and, following the calculations of General Thucydides (see below), the number of men could have been about 100.000. (For the leaders and their contributions to this force see ACHAEAN LEADERS, and
for individuals reported to have fought at
Troy on the side of
Agamemnon see:
Trojan Forces
The supreme leader of Troy was
King Priam 1, but he who was in
effective command of the Trojan forces was his son the crown
prince Hector 1, remembered as
the pillar of Troy for his efforts and courage. Trojans were called all those who were under the sway of
Priam 1, whether they came from
the city of Troy or not. Thus there are those who have counted nine (9) dynasties, which recognized Priam 1 as their overlord and which together ruled a large part of the coastal regions of Asia Minor and beyond. One of these (1) is that of King Mynes 2 of Lyrnessus, a city east of Mount Ida that was sacked by Achilles; it was here that
Achilles captured his sweetheart
Briseis, wife of Mynes 2. Another dynasty (2) is that of King Eetion 1 of Thebe, father of Andromache,
who married Hector 1, crown
prince of the dynasty of the city of
Troy (3). In Thebe Chryseis 3 was captured. It was she whom Agamemnon kept, refusing to
give her back to her father and humiliating him, who came as
a suppliant and was a priest of
Apollo. That is how
Agamemnon called upon himself the wrath of the god who, although being called the bright one, came from heaven darker than night and decimated the Achaean army by plague. King Altes of the Lelegians represents yet another dynasty (4); he was the father of Laothoe 2, mother by King Priam 1, of Lycaon 1, whose cuirass Paris wore in his
duel against Menelaus. Lycaon 1 was killed by Achilles. Aeneas, son of
Anchises 1 represents the dynasty of Dardania (5), the region about Mount Ida. Pandarus 1, who is remembered for having broken the truce between Trojans and Achaeans by shooting an arrow at Menelaus, is said to represent the dynasty from Zelia (6). The dynasty of Asius 1 (7), son of Hyrtacus, seem to have shared with the dynasty (8) of the sons of Merops 1 (Adrastus 3 and Amphius 1), the region about Abydus and Percote, north of Troy. Hyrtacus
married Arisbe, who was Priam 1's first wife, and his son Asius 1 was killed by King Idomeneus 1 of Crete. It is uncertain whether the ninth dynasty (9) is that of the island of Lesbos, which Achilles sacked, or that of the Mysian Eurypylus 6, son of Telephus, son of
Heracles 1. Eurypylus 6 was killed by Neoptolemus. (For the leaders see TROJAN
LEADERS, and for individuals reported to have fought
defending Troy see:
Trojan allies
In addition to the kingdoms surrounding Troy, others
came, mainly from different parts of Asia Minor, to support
the city. Among these are the Eastern Ethiopians led by
Memnon, the
AMAZONS, whose queen was Penthesilia, the Lycians under Sarpedon 1, and others (see Map: ACHAEANS
Some episodes of the Trojan War |
The Gathering at Aulis
In compliance with The Oath of
Tyndareus then,
Agamemnon's army gathered two
years after the abduction of Helen in the Boeotian harbor of Aulis, opposite the island of Euboea, and, having sailed, they made an attack against Mysia in Asia Minor, where they were defeated by Telephus in the battle of the river Caicus, being forced to return. Some years later (perhaps eight) the Achaeans gathered
again at Aulis for the second time.
Telephus then appeared in Aulis
wishing to be cured of the wound he had received in the
Caicus battle, since an oracle had declared that only
Achilles could heal him. And in
return for this service, which the Achaeans granted, he
showed the way to Troy (see below Conditions to take Troy). But before Telephus could
show the way, the Achaeans had to leave Aulis; yet the fleet
could not sail because of unfavorable wind conditions, and
in front of this fastidious inconvenience the seer
Calchas conceived a most
extraordinary idea: he declared that the fleet would not be
able to sail unless the fairest among
Agamemnon's daughters were
sacrificed to Artemis. For
according to his deep insights, the goddess was claiming
compensation after having heard some thoughtless words that
Agamemnon had uttered while hunting a deer. This is why Iphigenia was
lured from Mycenae to Aulis by
treachery and false promises; and
Calchas was allowed, in order to
placate the impatient army or, as the seer said, the angry
goddess, to bring Iphigenia to
the altar as a victim and there deal a blow with his knife
at her throat, as a remedy and method to tame the wind. This
drastic measure was not appreciated, and
Achilles, who was opposed to it,
"What is a seer? A man
who speaks few truths and many lies."
(Achilles. Euripides,
in Aulis 955).
When this atrocity had been consummated the fleet could
sail away.
The Achaean army came first to the island off the coast
of the Troad called Tenedos, where
Achilles slew King Tenes,
although he had been warned by his mother Thetis not to kill
him or else he would himself die by the hand of Tenes'
father Apollo. But Tenes was now dead; and since that could not be
changed they tried to placate the god with an offering, and
while they were performing the ceremony a snake came out
from the altar and bit
Philoctetes, whom the army
later abandoned at Lemnos, not
wishing to endure the stench of a sore that would not heal.
In the wilderness of this island
Philoctetes survived by
shooting birds with the Bow & Arrows of Heracles 1 (see below: Conditions to take Troy). Philoctetes did not appear
in the front at Troy until the last
year of the war, after Achilles'
Peace embassy
When the Achaeans reached the Troad, which is the region
about Troy,
Odysseus and
Menelaus were sent as
ambassadors with the mission or persuading the Trojans to
peacefully restore Helen and the
Spartan property. This embassy failed and the Trojans, who
had summoned an assembly, not only refused to restore
Helen and the property, but also
threatened to kill the envoys. However, this particularly
treacherous crime was prevented by the intervention of
Antenor 1, one of the Elders of
Troy. Antenor 1 was of the opinion
that Helen should be restored, and
during the war he still caused trouble by letting the Trojan
assemblies hear what he thought. Later, when
Troy was being taken, the Achaeans
showed their gratitude and respect by hanging a leopard's
skin over the entrance of Antenor 1's house as a sign that his house was to be left
unpillaged. And some have believed that
Antenor 1 and his sons betrayed the city to the Achaeans, this being the reason why they were spared. That is what they thought, but then those who are eager to fight see cowards and traitors everywhere. In any case the negotiations failed and very soon the Trojans saw themselves trying in vain to prevent the landing of the outraged Achaean invaders.
The Landing
The negotiations having failed, the Achaeans approached with their fleet, being met on the beach by Trojan units which, protecting the shore, endeavored to prevent the landing by launching stones against the invaders. According to Thetis the first to land would be the first
to die. And this man proved to be Protesilaus, a leader from
Phylace in Thessaly, who landed first and, after killing
several warriors, was himself slain either by a Dardanian
leader, or by Hector 1, or by Cycnus 1, king of Colonae, a city in the Troad. His wife, they say, could not find consolation for her
loss and, having made an image of him, consorted with it. At
this sight the gods, taking pity on her, made
Hermes bring up Protesilaus from
the Underworld. On seeing him
she thought that Protesilaus had returned from the war, and
talked with him for three hours; but when her husband was
carried back to the
Underworld, she stabbed herself to death, not being able to endure him dying twice, or else she let herself burn together with her husband's image. It has been pointed out that if Protesilaus wife was Polydora 3, as some say, then she was the third woman in her family to kill herself on the death of her husband; for so did Polydora 3's mother Cleopatra 4 when Meleager died, and Polydora 3's grandmother Marpessa 1 when Idas 2 died. Protesilaus was buried in Elaeus, in the Thracian Chersonesus. Cycnus 1, whether he killed Protesilaus or not, was slain by Achilles, who choked him; for Cycnus 1 proved to be invulnerable and neither sword nor spear could wound him; yet some have said that Achilles killed him by throwing a stone at his head. On the death of Cycnus 1, who disappeared from inside his armour turned by his father Poseidon into a swan, the
Trojans retired and took shelter behind the city walls; and
so the Achaeans, having leaped from their ships, filled the
plain and besieged the city.
The Country Ravaged
At some point, either before this landing or after it,
the Achaeans sacked several other cities. Some believe that,
after the landing, Achilles
marched against Aeneas, who was defending Mount Ida but fled when the invader advanced. Achilles then, going farther,
attacked and took Phocaea, the city in Asia Minor between
the Elaitic and the Hermaean Gulfs; and Colophon, where
Calchas met his death after the
war; and Smyrna, said to have been founded by the
AMAZONS. Then the indefatigable
Achilles also sacked Thebe, east of Mount Ida, killing King Eetion 1, father of Andromache; and he took
Lyrnessus, where he captured
Briseis after slaying her husband. And besides these he took Clazomenae, and Cyme, and Adramytium, and Antandrus, and the island of Lesbos, and, as they say, many others. (See also Map: ACHAEAN
& TROJANS, where the cities taken by
Achilles are marked.)
The Trouble with Chryseis 3
Now the most relevant cities in this list proved to be Thebe and Lyrnessus, not necessarily for any strategical reasons, but because in the first Chryseis 3 was captured by Agamemnon, and in the second
Briseis by
Achilles, and great was the trouble that was caused for their sake. Agamemnon intended to keep Chryseis 3 as a prize, take her home and turn her into both a slave and a concubine. But her father Chryses 3, a priest of Apollo, came in the tenth year
of the war to see the Mycenaean king and, blessing the whole
army, offered a generous ransom for her daughter's freedom.
The troops applauded the priest, but
Agamemnon denied nevertheless Chryses 3's request , threatening the old man, who left the Achaean camp humiliated. But Chryses 3 prayed to Apollo so soon he found himself alone, asking him to let the Achaeans pay with the god's arrows the tears he was shedding. And the god, having learned the outrage his priest had suffered, came down from Olympus, as they say, darker than night, although he is known as the bright one; and shooting his golden arrows against the Achaean camp he caused a plague that decimated the army. When an assembly was called to discuss the plague the
seer Calchas declared that the
reason for it was to be found in
Apollo's anger, which
Agamemnon had aroused by
insulting the priest and keeping his daughter. On hearing
this the king first called
Calchas prophet of evil, but he nevertheless accepted to give up his prize, provided another fresh prize was found to replace Chryseis 3; and if not, he said, he would help himself to someone else's prize.
The Wrath of Achilles
Because of this threat
Achilles called the king
shameless schemer, and accused him of always taking the
lion's share and using others to pile wealth and luxuries
for himself. But Agamemnon,
displaying his authority as commander in chief, answered by
letting Achilles know that, in
the same way that Apollo was robbing him of Chryseis 3, he was now going to pay a visit to Achilles' tent and, by taking
away his sweetheart Briseis,
teach him a lesson in power and kingship. And
Agamemnon, keeping his word,
let Briseis be fetched and taken
away from Achilles' tent. This
is why Wrath could make its nest in
Achilles' heart, keeping him in a dark mood and away from the battlefield. Very soon, when Achilles'
host of Myrmidons had become an idle mass, the Trojans came
out of the city and attacked the Achaean camp, now behind
the wall and ditch that the invaders had built to protect
themselves and the ships.
The Truce
But before that other encounters took place. There was an attempt to solve the conflict by a single
combat to be fought between Paris
and Menelaus.
Paris was at first reluctant to
fight, but after accepting Hector 1's reprimands, he also accepted the duel. With that purpose a truce was proposed …
"Trojans … and Achaeans … hear from me what Paris , who
began this trouble, now proposes. He suggests that all the
troops should ground their arms while he and Menelaus
fight a duel, between the two armies, for Helen and her wealth. The one who wins…shall have the lady, goods and all, and take them hom with him, while the rest of us make a treaty of peace." (Hector 1 to the two armies.
Iliad 3.85).
… and accepted. Paris fought
with Menelaus and got almost
killed. But when Menelaus,
during the fight, seized him by the horsehair crest of the
helmet and began to drag him,
Aphrodite came and broke the
strap of the helmet, so that it came away empty in
Menelaus' hand, and then, to
escape Menelaus' renewed attack,
the goddess hid Paris in a mist and
took him to his own bedroom in the city, where he soon met
Helen in a kind of duel that suited
him better:
"Come, let us go to bed
together and be happy in our love." (Paris to
Helen. Homer,
Iliad 3.440).
Another goddess, Athena, came soon along looking for Pandarus 1 to make him break the truce. And assuming the shape of Laodocus 3, a Trojan spearman, she induced Pandarus 1 to shoot an arrow at Menelaus. The wound was shallow,
for the same goddess protected
Menelaus, whom
Asclepius' son Machaon healed,
but the hostilities were resumed.
Aphrodite wounded by
Diomedes 2
Pandarus 1 was later killed by Diomedes 2, who would have also
killed Aeneas had
Aphrodite not intervened, but
then the goddess herself was wounded by him. She then handed
over Aeneas to
Apollo, and as
Diomedes 2 persisted in his
attack, Apollo shouted at him:
"… Give way! Do not aspire to be the equal of the gods. The immortals are not made of the same stuff as men that walk on the ground!" (Apollo to Diomedes 2. Homer, Iliad 5.440).
Ajax 1 vs.
Hector 1
Another single combat was fought between
Ajax 1 and
Hector 1, and it lasted until the
heralds parted them when Night
approached. The enemies, then, exchanged gifts,
Hector 1 giving him his sword and
Ajax 1 his belt. But as
Fortune later turned her back on
Ajax 1, he found reasons to say:
"Ever since I took into
my hand this gift from Hector , my
greatest enemy, I have gotten no good from the Greeks. Yes,
men's proverb is true: the gifts of enemies are no gifts and
bring no good." (Ajax 1.
Ajax 660).
This proved to be so because Ajax 1 gave Hector 1 the belt by
which he was dragged by
Achilles, and
Hector 1 gave
Ajax 1 the sword with which he
killed himself.
Trojan offensive
In the meantime the trouble with
Achilles' refusal to fight was
not yet solved; and Zeus, having
promised Thetis to honour
Achilles for the outrage he had suffered on account of Briseis, showed the Achaeansby defeat's bitter lessonthe value of the man they had offended, letting the Trojans approach the defence wall and threaten the Achaean camp. Zeus even sent
Iris 1 with a message to
Hector 1, letting him learn that
when Agamemnon would be wounded, that was the signal for him to attack and slay warriors until he reached the Achaean ships. That is how Hector 1 won a day
of glory and victory; for the defences were broken and the
Achaeans were driven in rout among the ships. Having
achieved this Zeus turned his eyes
elsewhere, deeming that no other god would ever dare to
intervene, as he had strictly forbidden them to help anybody
in battle. But Poseidon, seeing
that Zeus' attention was not in the
battlefield, came to where the fight was, and assuming the
seer's Calchas shape, gave the Achaeans renewed courage. When Zeus discovered what had
happened, and that even the life of
Hector 1 had been in danger, he
soon reestablished the line of action he had decided,
letting the Trojans reach the Achaean ships and
Hector 1 win a victory, in order
to fulfill the prayer of Thetis. But
Zeus was only waiting for the glare
of a burning ship; for from that time forth, he would grant
glory to the Achaeans and let the Trojans be defeated.
Appeasing gifts
However, it was not before the military situation had
considerably deteriorated that
Agamemnon tried to appease
Achilles' wrath so that he would
fight again, by offering him the seven tripods, the seven
women, the seven cities, and many other gifts which included
Achilles' sweetheart
Briseis, whom
Agamemnon swore he had not touched. Nestor then appointed envoys to
meet Achilles, and among these
were Odysseus,
Ajax 1, and Phoenix 2. But gifts, profit and riches were the same as nothing to Achilles, for whom friendship,
honour, and being of one heart, was far more important. And
so, convinced that the king would for ever lack the means to
appease his offended heart, he turned down the gifts of the
man who had committed against him the kind of crime they had
come to Troy to avenge; for
Agamemnon, he reasoned, had
taken Briseis from him just as
Paris had taken
Helen from
Menelaus. And since no agreement was reached between
Agamemnon, who relied in wealth
as means of persuasion, and the warrior proud of his own
heart, new defeats fell upon the Achaeans.
Patroclus 1 witnesses
While Achilles' mind and
heart were controlled by his wrath, the Myrmidons, including
Patroclus 1, did not participate in the fight, and it is because of this that the Achaeans suffered heavy losses and the Trojans were able to attack the Achaean ships. However, when Achilles
thought he had seen Machaon from Tricca (a city in western
Thessaly), the son of
Asclepius, wounded and being
carried by Nestor, he started to
pity the Achaeans and sent
Patroclus 1 to find out whether the wounded man was indeed Machaon. It was then that Patroclus 1 met Nestor, who exhorted him
to persuade Achilles to fight again or let him fight in his
stead, informing him of the distress of the army and the
many wounded, among which were
Diomedes 2,
Agamemnon, and Eurypylus 1. Having also met the wounded Eurypylus 1, who alarmed him with his words…
"Patroclus, there is no
salvation for the Achaeans now." (Eurypylus 1 to Patroclus 1. Homer,
Iliad 11.825).
… Patroclus 1 hasted to
return to his tent, begging
Achilles, with tears in his
eyes, to fight or let him fight in his stead and with his
armour, just as Nestor had
Patroclus 1 joins the
fight and dies
And Achilles, who had come to
change his mind to some extent, gave
Patroclus 1 his armour and sent him to the battle at the front of the Myrmidons, advising him just to remove the Trojans from the Achaean ships, and under no circumstances go in their pursuit. But as, thanks to the intervention of the Myrmidons, the
Trojans were being defeated,
Patroclus 1 disobeyed
Achilles' advice, going in
pursuit of the Trojans. Then, in the middle of the battle,
Apollo stroke his back, knocking
off his helmet and undoing his corslet. And when
Patroclus 1 was defenceless,
Euphorbus struck him with a spear between the shoulders; and
as Patroclus 1 crept wounded,
Hector 1 killed him with a short
spear-cast, taking Achilles'
armour, which Patroclus 1 had
Achilles fights again and
It is now that Achilles,
nurturing a grief greater than his wrath, came to life
again, and while Thetis fetched the new armour for his son,
he called a council and in it, without asking anything in
return, ended his feud with
Agamemnon, who acknowledging
that he himself had been the one whom the gods blinded,
declared that he was ready to make amends and pay
Achilles the compensation of the
seven tripods, the seven women, the seven cities and all
other magnificent gifts which included
Achilles' sweetheart
Briseis. And when the new armour arrived
Achilles sought
Hector 1 and killed him and
outraged many times his body, intending to give it to the
dogs, until by the will of the gods he was convinced to
accept a ransom from King Priam 1
of Troy, who humiliated himself in
front of the warrior who had killed his son. And as it had
been predicted, shortly after the death of
Hector 1,
Achilles was killed. And what brave Hector 1,
though he was the pillar of Troy,
could not accomplish in close combat, was done by
Paris from the distance. For it was
he who, using weapons adapted to what has been thought to be
his less audacious nature, put an end to
Achilles' life, shooting him in
the ankle and thus avenging the brother who had once
despised him.
Death of Ajax 1
Achilles being dead his arms
were offered as a prize to the bravest.
Ajax 1 and
Odysseus competed for them, the
latter being preferred by the judges. As a revenge,
Ajax 1 planned an attack on the
army, but Athena drove him mad,
and he slaughtered the cattle with the herdsmen, taking them
for the Achaeans. And when he came to his senses he let
himself fall upon the sword he had received as a gift from
his enemy Hector 1 and died.
Philoctetes' Bow
In the meantime
Philoctetes, instead of
fighting at Troy, had spent many
years in Lemnos, using the deadly
weapon he had received from
Heracles 1, not to slay Trojans but to shoot birds in the wilderness which he turned into meals in order to survive. For the army had abandoned him clad with a few rags, as though for a beggar, and leaving very little food. But now it was prophesied that it could only be possible
to take the city if the Bow of
Heracles 1, which
Philoctetes owned, were
brought to Troy. That is why an embassy was sent to
Lemnos, where
Philoctetes stayed because of his hideous sickness, in order to fetch the Bow (see below Conditions to take Troy).
Death of Paris
Philoctetes was persuaded
or forced to come to Troy and,
having arrived, he was healed by Podalirius or by Machaon,
sons of Asclepius.
Philoctetes then shot
Paris who, seriously wounded by a poisoned arrow, came back to Oenone 1 (his first beloved from Mount Ida). But she, still grieving for his betrayal, refused to heal him and he died.
More conditions to take the city
As time went by and the city was still standing more conditions were added by the prophets. Now it became necessary to know the oracles that
protected the city. In order to get them the Achaeans
captured the Trojan seer Helenus 1 and forced him to speak out. And it is because of what
this seer revealed that the Bone of
Pelops 1 was fetched,
Neoptolemus was brought to
Troy, and the
Palladium was stolen by
At last a stratagem invented by
Odysseus made it possible to take the city. The Achaeans let the architect Epeius 2 fall timber on Ida and construct a WOODEN
HORSE with a hollow interior and an opening in the side.
Following the advice of Odysseus
they introduced the best warriors into this dangerous piece
of art and, after appointing
Odysseus their leader, they
engraved on the horse a treacherous inscription:
"For their return home,
the Achaeans dedicate this thank-offering to Athena". (Apollodorus, Library "Epitome" 5.15).
This is how the Achaeans pretended to give up. The next
day the Trojans, finding the Achaean camp deserted and
believing that they had fled, dragged the horse, and
stationing it beside the palace of
Priam 1 deliberated what they should do. sThe seeress Cassandra
declared that there was an armed force in it, but her words
had no effect since she was fated not to be believed in her
prophecies. She was confirmed by the seer
Laocoon 2, but he died killed by
serpents. As a result the majority was in favor of sparing
the WOODEN HORSE, and so they
Gates opened
In this way the Trojans themselves dragged the enemy into
the city. The fleet was guided back by
Sinon, who had been left behind by
the Achaeans during their pretended retreat, in order to
light a beacon lamp as a signal to them. Also
Helen, they say, was awake that
night and signalling from her chamber to the Achaean fleet
to return; for the WOODEN
HORSE was inside the walls, the gates would soon open, and it was time for the Achaeans to launch the final assault. And when those who were inside the
WOODEN HORSE thought that the
Trojans were asleep, they opened the horse and came forth
with their arms, lighted on the walls, and opened the gates
for the rest of the army, which had already returned from
Tenedos, the small island off the Troad, and landed.
The Sack of Troy

Cassandra dragged from Athena's temple on the night of the fall of Troy. 4412: Antoine Rivalz 1667-1735: Cassandre tirée hors du temple de Pallas. Musée des beaux arts, Rouen.
The Achaeans then proceeded to slaughter the people in their own beds. King Priam 1 himself was killed
by Neoptolemus while
Ajax 2 found the confusion
favorable in order to rape the princess and seeress
Cassandra, who was clinging to
the wooden image of Athena, which is believed to have been knocked over from its stand, as he dragged her away from the sanctuary. Little Astyanax 2, the child of Hector 1 and
Andromache, was thrown from
the battlements and slaughtered, and
Priam 1's daughter
Polyxena 1 was sacrificed on
the grave of Achilles. Cassandra and
Andromache were given
respectively to Agamemnon and
Neoptolemus as special
awards, and Queen Hecabe 1 sailed
away with Odysseus, to whom she had been assigned in servitude; and when they were passing the Hellespont, she threw herself into the sea and, according to some, she was turned into a bitch. Menelaus led
Helen to the ships after killing Deiphobus 1 who had married her after Paris, and the sons of
Theseus, Demophon 1 and Acamas 1, liberated Aethra 2, Theseus'
mother, who had become Helen's slave years ago. When the Achaeans had divided the spoil, they put fire to
the city.
"… The flame that consumed it will itself never be consumed." (G. K. Chesterton).
Winning mostly Fame
After one decade of efforts Troy
was destroyed and the ACHAEAN
LEADERS could return home; but, with a few exceptions,
home was no more, since their kingdoms had been infected by
sedition, revolt and betrayal. Some never returned; for the
gods sent storms and contrary winds because the Achaeans had
despoiled the shrines and Ajax 2
had dragged Cassandra from the
sanctuary of Athena. Others perished on their return, and still others went through many difficulties before they could settle again (see Map & Text: The Returns of the Achaean
Conditions to take Troy
(prophesied before and during the war) |
When Achilles was nine years
old, the seer Calchas declared
that Troy could not be taken without
him. Calchas, who followed with
the army to Troy, was the son of the prophet Thestor 1. Calchas died,
after the fall of Troy, when he met a wiser diviner than himself. This was Mopsus 2, son of Manto 1, daughter of the seer Tiresias
Ten years
When the Achaean army was in Aulis, after a sacrifice to
Apollo, a serpent darted from the altar beside a nearby plane-tree in which there was a nest; and having consumed the eight sparrows in the nest, together with the mother-bird, which made the ninth, it was turned to stone. Calchas said
that this sign was given them by the will of
Zeus and he inferred, from what had
happened, in a way that only a seer could, that
Troy was destined to be taken in a
period of ten years.
The Achaeans received an oracle telling that
Troy could not be taken without the
leadership of Telephus, son of
Heracles 1.
Telephus had defeated the
Achaeans in the battle of the river Caicus when they, by
mistake, landed in Mysia after their first gathering at
Aulis. In this battle, however,
Telephus was wounded by
Achilles. And since, according
to another oracle, he could only be healed by the spear that
had wounded him, Telephus
appeared in Aulis, where the Achaeans were gathering for the
second time, and begged Achilles
to heal him. The Achaeans granted this service because of
the oracle concerning Telephus,
and Achilles healed him by
scraping off the rust of his spear.
Telephus leadership consisted
then in showing accurately the way to
Troy, which he did.
Conditions revealed by Helenus 1
Helenus 1, Trojan seer
captured by the Achaeans, was forced to tell how
Troy could be taken. First, if the
Bones of Pelops 1 were brought to
them; second if Neoptolemus
fought for them; and third, if the
Palladium, which had fallen
from heaven, were stolen from Troy,
for while it was within the walls the city could not be
The Bone of Pelops 1, a
shoulder blade, was brought from Pisa. As they were
returning home from Troy, the ship
carrying the bone was wrecked off Euboea in a storm. Many
years later, Damarmenus, a fisherman from Eretria in Euboea,
drew up the bone. Marvelling at its size he kept it hidden
in the sand. The bone was afterwards given to the Eleans
following the oracle in Delphi.
Neoptolemus was in the island of Scyros. His father Achilles had been left there
before disguised as a girl by his mother Thetis who wished
to prevent him to go to war. During this time
Achilles met Deidamia 1, daughter of King Lycomedes 1 of Scyros, who discovered his manhood, and Neoptolemus was
born. Odysseus and Phoenix 2, a companion of Achilles, came to
Scyros following the prophecy and persuaded
Neoptolemus to come with them
to Troy.
The Palladium is the
wooden statue that fell from heaven and was kept at
Troy; for so long as it was
preserved, the city was safe. It was stolen by
Odysseus and
Diomedes 2, or perhaps removed
by Aeneas.
Philoctetes and the Bow
& Arrows of Heracles 1
When the war had already lasted ten years, and no results
could be seen, Calchas prophesied
to the Achaeans that Troy could not
be taken unless they had the Bow & Arrows of Heracles 1 fighting on their
The story of this bow is as follows: When Heracles 1 had chopped
off the immortal head of the Hydra and buried it, he slit up
the body of the beast and dipped his arrows in the gall. One
of this now poisoned arrows wounded the Centaur
Chiron when
Heracles 1, fighting with the
CENTAURS, shot him by accident.
Heracles 1 drew out the arrow
and applied a medicine that Chiron
himself prescribed, but the wound was incurable and
Chiron retired to his cave wishing
to die without being able to. However,
Prometheus 1 offered himself
to Zeus to be immortal in his stead,
and so Chiron died.
At another time Heracles 1 shot the Centaur Nessus 2 when this one tried to rape his wife Deianira 1. Before dying Nessus 2 gave her an amulet containing his spilt blood saying that it was a love charm, which would help her to keep Heracles 1 with her. So when Deianira 1 learned about the love affair between her husband and Iole, she smeared a tunic with it and gave it to Heracles 1. When he put it on,
no sooner was the tunic warmed than the poison of the Hydra
began to corrode his skin. Heracles 1 understood he was going to die and, ascending the
funeral pyre, asked each one who passed by to put fire to
the pyre, but nobody had the courage to do it. Finally
Poeas, Philoctetes' father,
passing by to look for his flocks, set a light to it, and on
him Heracles 1 bestowed his
bow. But some say that
Philoctetes himself lighted
the pyre and received, in return for his compliance, the bow
and arrows of Heracles 1.
Now, on his way to the Trojan War the army landed in
Tenedos and there a snake bit
Philoctetes, and as the wound
did not heal and nobody could endure the stench, they put
him ashore on the island of
Lemnos, with the Bow & Arrows
of Heracles 1, which he had in
his possession. In Lemnos
Philoctetes survived in the
wilderness by shooting birds with the bow. But when the
prophecy was uttered concerning the bow the Achaeans sent
Odysseus and
Diomedes 2 (some say
Neoptolemus) to
Philoctetes in
Lemnos, and having by craft got
possession of the bow and the arrows they persuaded him to
sail to Troy.
Back in the war
Philoctetes shot
Paris dead with his bow and arrows.
At the end of the war
Philoctetes returned home to
Meliboea, a city in Thessaly, only to discover that there
was a sedition there. So not being able to stay at home he
emigrated to Campania in Italy, and after making war on the
Lucanians, he settled in Crimissa in southern Italy, near
Croton and Thurium, and there he founded a sanctuary of
Apollo, to whom he dedicated the
Trojan War: Connected Events

Contextual Charts
Zeus is said to have wished to empty the earth, to exalt the heroes, or to make his daughter Helen famous for having being the cause of a great war between Europe and Asia. So different events pointed during a number of years in the same direction: the Trojan War and its sequels. This chart shows the connections between The Marriage of Thetis, The Apple of Eris, The Dream of Hecabe 1, The Judgement of Paris, The Oath of Tyndareus, The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, the Vengeance of Nauplius 1, The Funeral of Catreus, The Curse of Myrtilus, and other events.
Contextual Charts (14)—for literary reference $20
High resolution
Comments on the Trojan War by General Thucydides |

hek017a: Büste des Thukydides. Holkham Hall (England). Die Bildniskunst der Griechen und Römer, von Anton Hekler (1912).
Thucydides lived approximately between 460 and 399 BC.
The following is an excerpt of his
of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC).
Translated by C. F. Smith
Power of Agamemnon
"(…) What enabled Agamemnon to raise the armament
was more, in my opinion, his superiority in strength, than
the oaths of Tyndareus, which
bound the Suitors to follow him. Indeed, the account given
by those Peloponnesians who have been the recipients of the
most credible tradition is this. First of all
Pelops, arriving among a needy population from Asia with vast wealth, acquired such power that, stranger though he was, the country was called after him; and this power fortune saw fit materially to increase in the hands of his descendants… [Agamemnon] had also a navy far stronger than his contemporaries, so that, in my opinion, fear was quite as strong an element as love in the formation of the confederate expedition. The strength of his navy is shown by the fact that his own was the largest contingent, and that of the Arcadians was furnished by him; this at least is what Homer says, if his testimony is deemed sufficient. Besides in his amount of the transmission of the sceptre, he calls him: 'Of many an isle, and of all Argos king'. Now
Agamemnon's was a continental
power; and he could not have been master of any except the
adjacent islands (and these would not be many), but through
the possession of a fleet. And from this expedition we may
infer the character of earlier enterprises.
Ancient powers estimated
Now Mycenae may have been a
small place and many of the towns of that age may appear
comparatively insignificant, but no exact observer would
therefore feel justified in rejecting the estimate given by
the poets and by tradition of the magnitude of the armament.
For I suppose if Lacedaemon were to become desolate, and the
temples and the foundations of the public buildings were
left, that as time went on there would be a strong
disposition with posterity to refuse to accept her
Fame as a true exponent of her power. And yet they occupy two-fifths of Peloponnesus and lead the whole, not to speak of their numerous allies without. Still, as the city is neither built in a compact form nor adorned with magnificent temples and public edifices, but composed of villages after the old fashion of Hellas, there would be an impression of inadequacy. Whereas, if Athens were to
suffer the same misfortunes I suppose that any inference
from the appearance presented to the eye would make her
power to have been twice as great as it is. We have
therefore no right to be skeptical nor to content ourselves
with an inspection of a town to the exclusion of a
consideration of its power; but we may safely conclude that
the armament in question surpassed all before it, as it fell
short of modern efforts; if we can here also accept the
testimony of Homer's poems, in which, without allowing for
the exaggeration which a poet would feel himself licensed to
employ, we can see that it was far from equalling ours.
Ships and warriors
He has represented it as consisting of twelve hundred
vessels; the Boeotian complement of each ship being a
hundred and twenty men, that of the ships of
Philoctetes fifty . By this,
I conceive, he meant to convey the maximum and the minimum
complement: at any rate he does not specify the amount of
any others in his catalogue of the ships. That they were all
rowers as well as warriors we see from his account of the
ships of Philoctetes, in
which all the men at the oar are bowmen. Now it is
improbable that many supernumeraries sailed if we except the
kings and high officers; especially as they had to cross the
open sea with munitions of war, in ships, moreover, that had
no decks, but were equipped in the old piratical fashion. So
that if we strike the average of the largest and smallest
ships, the number of those who sailed will appear
inconsiderable, representing, as they did, the whole force
of Hellas.
Problems with supplies
And this was due not so much to scarcity of men as of
money. Difficulty of subsistence made the invaders reduce
the numbers of the army to a point at which it might live on
the country during the prosecution of the war. Even after
the victory they obtained on their arrival --and a victory
there must have been, or the fortifications of the naval
camp could never have been built-- there is no indication of
their whole force having been employed; on the contrary,
they seem to have turned to cultivation of the Chersonese
and to piracy from want of supplies. This was what really
enabled the Trojans to keep the field for ten years against
them; the dispersion of the enemy making them always a match
for the detachment left behind. If they had brought plenty
of supplies with them, and had persevered in the war without
scattering for piracy and agriculture, they would have
easily defeated the Trojans in the field; since they could
hold their own against them with the division on service. In
short if they had stuck to the siege, the capture of
Troy would have cost them less time
and less trouble.
Some sequels of the war
(…) Even after the Trojan war Hellas was still engaged in removing and settling, and thus could not attain to the quiet which must precede growth. The late return of the Hellenes from Ilium caused many revolutions, and factions ensued almost everywhere; and it was the citizens thus driven into exile who founded the cities. Sixty years after the capture of Ilium the modern Boeotians were driven out of Arne by the Thessalians, and settled in the present Boeotia, the former Cadmeis; though there was a division of them there before, some of whom joined the expedition to Ilium. Twenty years later the Dorians and the HERACLIDES became masters of
Peloponnesus; so that much had to be done and many years had
to elapse before Hellas could attain to a durable
tranquillity undisturbed by removals, and could begin to
send out colonies, as Athens did
to Ionia and most of the islands,
and the Peloponnesians to most of Italy and Sicily and some
places in the rest of Hellas. All these places were founded
subsequently to the war with Troy (…)" |
Related sections |
Maps: ACHAEANS & TROJANS, The Returns, The Troad
Genealogy of the ACHAEAN LEADERS
The city: Troy
Vital object: The Palladium
Other: Dares' account, The Last Days of Troy, Aftermath of the Trojan War & Returns of the Achaean Leaders, Summaries of the Trojan Cycle
Some characters: Achilles, Agamemnon, Ajax 1, Ajax 2, Briseis, Calchas, Diomedes 2, Eris, Hector 1, Helen, Iphigenia, Nestor, Odysseus, Palamedes, Paris, Patroclus 1, Polyxena 1, Priam 1, Troilus
Abbreviations |
See the individual links.