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A Lapith (right) catching a Centaur. 6808: West Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia: Lapith and Centaur, c. 460 BC. Archaeological Museum, Olympia.

The LAPITHS were a people from Thessaly said to have conquered their homeland from the Perrhaebians (who lived near the sea and near the river Peneus), pushing them far from the coast towards Mount Pindus in the times of Ixion. Later, Ixion's son Pirithous occupied the region about Mount Pelion, forcing out the CENTAURS.

Defeat the CENTAURS

The LAPITHS became famous mainly because of their battle against the CENTAURS, who were their kinsmen. The CENTAURS, having made their hearts foolish with too much wine, attempted to violate Pirithous' bride Hippodamia 4 at their wedding party. In the battle that ensued, Theseus, Pirithous, and the LAPITHS defeated the CENTAURS, and drove them from Mount Pelion in Thessaly to Aethicia, which is a territory near Epirus—the Adriatic coastal region of Greece between the Ambracian Gulf and Illyria (Albania).

Defeated by Heracles 1

On another occasion, a conflict about boundaries arose between King Aegimius 1 of the Dorians (son of Dorus 1, son of Hellen 1, son of Deucalion 1, the man who survived the Flood), and King Coronus 1 of the LAPITHS, son of Caeneus 1. At the time, the Dorians lived in the region called Hestiaeotis, and the LAPITHS dwelled about Mount Olympus. Since the LAPITHS were more powerful, Aegimius 1 turned to Heracles 1 for help, promising him a third part of the land. So Heracles 1 arrived with a contingent of Arcadians, defeating and slaying Coronus 1, as well as King Laogoras of the Dryopians, who was their ally. Heracles 1, they say, entrusted the land he had won to Aegimius 1 to be kept in favor of his descendants, and on his death, Aegimius 1 adopted Hyllus 1, son of Heracles 1.

Lapith rulers

Apparently, the first known king of the LAPITHS was Hypseus 1, son of Peneus (one of the RIVER GODS) and Creusa 3, a naiad daughter of Gaia. One of Hypseus 1's daughters, Astyaguia, married Periphas 2 (see list below) and had by him a son Antion, said to be father of Ixion, father of Pirithous. Another of his daughters, Themisto 2, married Athamas 1. And concerning the descent of his daughter Cyrene, this can be said: By Apollo or by Abas 3 (son of Melampus 1, son of Amythaon 1, son of Cretheus 1, son of Aeolus 1) she became mother of Idmon 2 (one of the ARGONAUTS), Coeranus 1 (father of Polyidus 1, counted among the SEERS), and Lysimache 1 (wife of Talaus, king of Argos). Aristaeus is called son of Apollo and Cyrene. By Ares she had Diomedes 1, the king of the Bistonians in Thrace, owner of man-eating mares (for these see Heracles 1).

Well known Lapith

Leonteus 1 (see ACHAEAN LEADERS), who led the LAPITHS that joined the alliance against Troy, was son of Coronus 1, son of Caeneus 1.

List of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS (and some allies) 

Actor 9 was killed by the Centaur Clanis 1 (Val.1.146).

Ampyx 1. One of the LAPITHS who attended Pirithous' wedding. He fought against the CENTAURS, when these tried to rape the bride (Ov.Met.12.450).

Broteas 2. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS at Pirithous' wedding. He was killed by the Centaur Gryneus (Ov.Met.12.262).

Caeneus 1 was once a woman called Caenis, but she was turned into an invulnerable man by her lover Poseidon. By this god Caenis had children: Coronus 1, Phocus 1, and Priasus 1. Some say Caeneus 1 or Caenis was the child of Elatus 1 and Hippea, daughter of Antippus; but others say that her/his father was Atrax. Since Caeneus 1 was invulnerable, he was buried alive in the earth by the CENTAURS. Others say however that Caeneus 1 killed himself (Apd.Ep.1.22; Hes.SH.179; Hyg.Fab.14, 173, 242; Lib.Met.17; Ov.Met.12.201; Stat.Achil.1.264; Vir.Aen.6.448).

Celadon 1. One of the LAPITHS. He attended the wedding of Theseus' friend Pirithous, and was killed by the Centaur Amycus 2 during the fight caused by the CENTAURS' attempt to rape the bride (Ov.Met.12.250).

Charaxus. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS at Pirithous' wedding. He was killed by Rhoetus 1 (Ov.Met.12.284ff.).

Cometes 3. One of the LAPITHS attending Pirithous' wedding. He was killed by Charaxus, his friend, accidentally (Ov.Met.12.284).

Corythus 1. One of the LAPITHS who attended Pirithous' wedding. He was killed by Rhoetus 1 (Ov.Met.12.290ff.).

Crantor. One of the LAPITHS who attended Pirithous' wedding; he was killed by the Centaur Demoleon 1. Crantor had been Peleus' armour-bearer (Ov.Met.12.361ff.).

Cymelus. One of the LAPITHS. He attended Pirithous' wedding and fought against the CENTAURS, being killed by Nessus 2 (Ov.Met.12.454).

Dryas 2. Son either of Ares or of Iapetus 3. He fought together with other LAPITHS against the CENTAURS, and is also found among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS. Dryas 2 was killed by Tereus 1, his brother on another occasion (Apd.1.8.2; Hes.SH.179; Hyg.Fab.45, 173).

Euagrus. One of the LAPITHS. He attended Pirithous' wedding and, during the fight against the CENTAURS, he was killed by Rhoetus 1 (Ov.Met.12.290ff.).

Exadius. One of the LAPITHS. He fought against the CENTAURS at Pirithous' wedding (Hes.SH.180; Ov.Met.12.266).

Halesus 1. One of the LAPITHS who, having attended Pirithous' wedding, fought against the CENTAURS. He was killed by Latreus (Ov.Met.12.462).

Hopleus 3. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS (Hes.SH.180).

Macareus 3. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS (Ov.Met.12.452).

Mopsus 1 was a seer who, having attended Pirithous' wedding, fought against the CENTAURS, when these attempted against the bride. He is said to have been killed by a serpent while wandering at the furthest ends of Libya during the expedition of the ARGONAUTS; but if this were so he could not have been among the CALYDONIAN HUNTERS. Mopsus 1 was son of Ampycus 1, son of Elatus 6, and Chloris 2 (AO.948; Arg.1.80, 4.1502ff.; Hes.SH.181; Hyg.Fab.14, 173; Ov.Met.12.456; Stat.Theb.5.417; Strab.9.5.22; Val.1.384, 3.420).

Nestor. Not a Lapith.

Orius 2. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS and was killed by Gryneus. He was son of Mycale (Ov.Met.12.262ff.).

Pelates 1. A Lapith from Pella (in Macedonia) who fought against the CENTAURS (Ov.Met.12.254).

Peleus. Not a Lapith.

Periphas 2. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS. He was son of Lapithus 1 (son of Apollo and Stilbe) and Orsinome. Periphas 2 was, by Astyaguia, father of Antion, father of Ixion, father of Pirithous (Dio.4.69.2-3; Ov.Met.12.449).

Phalereus. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS (Hes.SH.180).

Phorbas 2 returned to Rhodes at the time when the island was called Ophiussa, because there were a great number of snakes, among which one of immense size. It is said that Phorbas 2 was carried to Rhodes by a storm and, on his arrival, he killed all the beasts. He was son of Triopas 2, one of the HELIADES 2 (see Helius) and Hiscilla, daughter of Myrmidon. Others say that his father was Lapithus 1, son of Apollo. Phorbas 2 had children by Hyrmina (daughter of King Epeius 1 of Elis): Tiphys, Pellen, Actor 4, and Aegeus 3 (see also CONSTELLATIONS) (Dio.4.69.3; Hom.Apo.3.211; Hyg.Ast.2.14; Hyg.Fab.14; Ov.Met.12.322; Pau.5.1.11, 7.26.12).


Prolochus. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS (Hes.SH.180).

Tectaphus 1. One of the LAPITHS who fought against the CENTAURS, being killed by Phaecomes. He was son of Olenus 2 (Ov.Met.12.433).

Theseus. Not a Lapith.

Related sections CENTAURS, Heracles 1, Pirithous, Theseus  

Apd.2.7.7; Dio.4.37.3ff.; Strab.9.5.19.