0122: Psyche. Statue by W. v. Hoyer, 1806-1873. Neue Pinakotek, München.
Short outline of the story
(to read afterwards)
Psyche was the daughter of an unknown king. Her beauty was so extraordinary that men would worship her instead of courting her. Aphrodite then, out of jealousy for her beauty, sent Eros to make Psyche fall in love with some unworthy man while an oracle said that Psyche must wed a horrible monster on the top of a mountain. Psyche then was first exposed, and then carried by the wind to a castle. But Eros, instead of obeying Aphrodite, fell in love with Psyche and visited her every night, although never allowing Psyche to see him. However, following the advices dictated by jealousy that her two sisters gave her, Psyche managed to know who her lover was. Eros then deserted her, and when their love was discovered, Psyche suffered the wrath of Aphrodite, who mistreated her in many ways. However, after several complications the lovers could reunite, and Psyche was reconciled with Aphrodite and made immortal.
"Soul, considered collectively, has the care of all that which is soulless, and it traverses the whole heaven, appearing sometimes in one form and sometimes in another." (Socrates. Plato, Phaedrus 246b).
Story of Eros and
or How Love (Eros) came to the Soul
Little rascal
The Eros who met Psyche
is the son of Aphrodite, a very
wicked boy as some say, lacking all manners, and
spending his time in running all night long from
building to building, and with his arrows breaking
up respectable homes.
Psyche worshipped for her beauty
Psyche was one of the three daughters of an
otherwise unknown king and his queen. All three
sisters were very beautiful, but Psyche's beauty
was beyond description. People would talk about her
as if she were Aphrodite incarnated
as a mortal. Her beauty was such that she was
regarded as a new Goddess of Love, and as her Fame spread many came from distant countries to witness this extraordinary wonder.
Aphrodite neglected
As a result, the shrines of Aphrodite were empty
and her festivals neglected, and instead of
visiting the temples of this sweet goddess, people
made long pilgrimages to see the greatest beauty of
their time, the princess Psyche. In this way they
started worshipping Psyche, scattering flowers in
her path, and addressing her by the titles that
belong to lovely Aphrodite.
Ridiculous cult
The goddess disliked this state of affairs, as
there is nothing more ridiculous than when a mortal
is regarded and honoured as a god. For, however
brilliant a human may be, there is no way of
comparing a mortal, who walks upon the dirty mud of
earth, with the subtle delicacy of those who
inhabit Heaven.
Possible remedy
So, as so many had lost their minds worshipping
a mortal as a god, Aphrodite thought the
time had come to put things right, and calling her
darling son Eros, she
instructed him to shoot his arrows against the
girl, and thus make her fall in love with some kind
of accomplished outcast of a man, the worst
specimen of the human race he could find, lacking
rank, fortune, character, intelligence, courage,
and whatever good quality one could think of, and
being in the most perfect state of degradation.
Psyche feels miserable
During all this time Psyche got not satisfaction
at all, because men, instead of falling in love
with her in a plain way, stared at her, praised
her, and paid her all kinds of honours, without
ever daring to make love to her. So while her elder
sisters were married to kings, the mass of admirers
and worshippers were still treating her like a
wonderful statue. And because of this absurd
situation, Psyche, who had remained single, started
feeling miserable, and began to hate that same
beauty of hers, which had turned her into an object
of cult.
The Oracle Even her father started fearing that this
inconvenient cult might upset the gods, which
inevitably happens when humans transgress the
limits of their nature, acting as if they were
someone else. So he went to the Apollo's Oracle at
Miletus, and there he asked where he was to find a
husband for her daughter, given that all men showed
such an abnormal behavior. But the answer he
received was of no consolation, since the Oracle
declared that Psyche was to marry a horrible
monster on the top of a mountain.
The Day of the Wedding
Following the Oracle, a procession, looking more
like a funeral cortege than a bridal train, was
then formed to lead Psyche to the top of the
mountain, and there they left her weeping and
trembling until the West Wind
(Zephyrus 1), suddenly
springing up, lifted her off the ground, and having
carried her down into a valley, laid her gently on
a bed starred with flowers. There she stopped
crying and fell asleep, and when she awoke she
walked towards a near-by wood, and in its very
heart she found a palace, so wonderfully built that
she knew at once that this was the residence of a
The first night
When she had walked among the many wonders treasured in this fabulous castle, a voice coming from nowhere informed her that the castle was hers, and gently invited her to rest in the bedroom while she awaited her bath and the wedding banquet. When later the banquet was over, she went to her
bedroom, and while she lay awake in the dark she
heard the gentle whisper of her unknown husband, as
he was climbing into bed with her. But after having
made love to her, her husband left her, just before
daybreak. And in this way night after night her
husband paid her visit, without ever showing
The Family's Concern and the Husband's
Meanwhile, Psyche's parents and sisters were
wasted in grief and tears believing her dead, and
the sisters reunited with the parents in order to
console them. And when her sisters started
searching for her, the unknown husband warned
Psyche not to listen or look at them if she wanted
to avoid utter ruin and unhappiness.
Psyche's anxiety But when she again saw herself left alone by
this lovely but still mysterious husband, she felt
like a prisoner in the wonderful palace, even
forbidden to relieve the minds of her worried
sisters. And as she knew nothing better than
crying, and at the same time said that she would
die unless she were allowed to see her lovely
sisters, her unknown husband consented. However, he
warned her that her sisters were evil-minded women,
and would try to make her discover how he looked
like; and that if she ever agreed to this it would
be the end of her happiness, and she would lose him
for ever. On hearing this Psyche, calling him "soul
of my soul" and thanking him many times, said that
she never would consent to such a thing. So he,
overcome by her and his own love, however
reluctantly, promised to arrange the visit of her
sisters, and as always disappeared at daybreak.
Psyche's sisters come to visit her Next day the West Wind brought Psyche's sisters
from the top of the mountain to the castle, and as
the unknown husband had said, they started to feel
miserably jealous as soon as they arrived and saw
the wonderful abode of Psyche. And as it is the
case in such circumstances, they thought that
Psyche was really not worth such
goddess-like prosperity, for themselves, if they
had the chance, they would know better than her how
to make proper use of such masses of jewels,
embroidered dresses, floors made of gems and set in
gold, and all other marvels.
Misery grows So, having been confronted with such tremendous
wealth, the sisters now saw their own husbands, not
as kings as they really were, but rather as
beggars, and their own palaces they judged to be
shabby homes; and having received presents from
Psyche, they decided not to show them to anybody,
and not even mention that Psyche was still alive.
For through such a simple device they intended to
deprive Psyche of the pleasure of being rich,
because, what pleasure is to be found in
possessions, they reasoned, if nobody knows about
it ? But for the future they agreed to think of a
way of making this proud Psyche a little bit more
humble, and so to say, bring her back to reality.
New visit, new warning
The god knew that a storm was about to come with
the sisters' next visit, and he once more warned
Psyche not to speak a word about him, as the
sisters were scheming for their destruction and
would finally urge the now pregnant Psyche to look
at her husband's face. But as Psyche insisted, and
now she even argued that it would be bad for the
baby if she felt unhappy, the god, out of love,
consented again, and as before disappeared at
Sowing Doubt When the sisters paid a new visit, they reminded
Psyche of Apollo's
oracle, and carefully put into her mind that she
was perhaps lying all nights with a poisonous
snake. And as doubt became the master of Psyche's
mind, the sisters found her ready to receive their
bold instructions: to prepare a lamp and a knife
for the night and to wait for her husband's sleep,
and then, with the light to assist her, plunge the
knife in her husband's neck and cut off his head.
Preparing crime
Psyche, determined to follow the instructions, went back to her room, and like anybody fostering such intentions, her mind was like a storm. For this way of solving troubles never fails to create even greater worries from the very beginning. But the course of action had been decided, and when the moment came she uncovered the lamp and let its light shine on the bed.
The god discovered
Well done! But no need for the murderous knife!
For there was no poisonous snake, but the sweet and
beautiful god gently sleeping. Psyche could now not
stop staring at his beauty. Examining his weapons,
she pulled an arrow out of the quiver, and on
touching the point with his finger to try its
sharpness, she pressed too hard and pierced the
skin, and out came a drop of blood. This is is how
Psyche was wounded by the love weapons of Eros, falling desperately
in love with him, forgetting everything, and
letting the lamp drop on the god's shoulder, who
awakening spread his wings and flew away without a
word. But as Psyche had seized his leg, Eros, flying down, returned
her to the ground, and there explained to her how
he had disobeyed his mother Aphrodite and fallen
in love with her, and how he now would be flying
away from her, which happened immediately.
Psyche's requital

Psyche discovers Eros. 2116: Statue by Reinhold Begas, 1831-1911. Altes Museum, Berlin.
This is how Psyche paid back the bad advices she
had received. First of all she went wandering in
the woods, but later she came to the city, where
her elder sister was queen of a "shabby" kingdom.
When Psyche met her sister the queen, she told her
how she had discovered Eros lying in her bed, and how he, coming to his senses
because of the drop of scalding oil, had called her
wicked, saying that he would divorce her and marry
her elder sister instead. So, on hearing those
splendid news, Psyche's sister rushed off to her
"shabby" husband and king, and said that she had to
travel home at once because her parents were dead.
Having then arrived to the top of the mountain, she
called for Eros and the
West Wind, and taking a leap, she cast herself down
and was destroyed by the rocks which cut her to
pieces. And exactly the same thing happened to the
other sister.
Psyche wanders, Eros is sick, and the world decays In the meantime, Psyche went on traveling,
looking for Eros, who was
in no country but in Heaven lying in bed and
suffering from the love-disease. But as a result of
this the world had become ugly and dull because as
Pleasure, Grace, and Wit had now disappeared from
the surface of the earth, nobody cared for their
children, or for their friends and lovers, and
everybody found even disgusting to show any kind of
Aphrodite intervenes
So when Aphrodite learned from a gull that this disaster was the
outcome of her son's love pains, not for a Muse or
another goddess, but for a mortal woman, who
besides had been her rival because of her
extraordinary beauty, she was really upset, and
coming back to Heaven after witnessing the
miserable state of earth, she threatened Eros with taking his
weapons away from him and giving them to someone
else, covering him with all sorts of reproaches.
Runaway Wanted
Most of all Aphrodite wished now
to catch the runaway princess who would not
acknowledge she had a mistress in the goddess of
love, punish her, and reestablish order and
affection on earth, along with the worship she
herself deserves. So an announcement was made, and
a reward was offered to whoever would give any
information about Psyche, and the reward was this:
"Seven sweet
kisses from the mouth of Aphrodite herself, and one exquisitely
delicious thrust of her honeyed tongue between his
pursed lips." [Apuleius, The
Golden Ass]

Psyche and Charon. print013: A. Zick: Psyche and Charon, art journal c.1892.
Old Habit catches Psyche
It is not known if Old Habit, who finally caught
Psyche, received the promised reward, or whether he
was able to enjoy it. In any case Psyche was
brought to Aphrodite,
who promised her the sort of welcome that a good
mother-in-law is bound to give her son's wife, and
clapping her hands the goddess called her
attendants Anxiety and Grief, and gave Psyche over
to them for a lesson.
Psyche punished with tasks
When Anxiety and Grief had done their job,
torturing Psyche in all possible ways, they brought
her back to Aphrodite,
who let the pregnant girl know that she was not at
all happy to become the grandmother of what she
called a bastard. So she gave Psyche some
impossible tasks to work on, like classifying huge
quantities of different grains, just to see, she
said, how industrious she was. But even if in every
task Psyche was helped by someone who felt pity for
her, she nurtured the desire of ending her
miserable life, and went about planning how she
would take her life. And take her life was what Aphrodite herself
seemed to desire, because finally she ordered
Psyche to fetch water from the river Styx, a task
she only survived thanks to Providence, who always
notice when innocent souls are in trouble, and Zeus' Eagle, who filled the
jar with the requested Stygian water.
Most difficult task So when Psyche returned with the water in the
jar, Aphrodite thought
she must be a clever and wicked witch, and gave her
yet another task: to go to Queen Persephone in the Underworld carrying a
box and ask the queen of the dead for a little of
her beauty, and having done so, bring the box back
to Aphrodite, who had
to make such a drain of her own beauty while taking
care of her sick son by night.
Guide to the Underworld
Psyche thought that the most direct way to the Underworld was to
jump from a tower, but as she was about to take her
life, the tower broke into human speech, dissuaded
her of taking a way without return, and instructed
her about the entrance to the Underworld that may
be found at Taenarum in southern Hellas, and about
the convenience of taking with her two pieces of
barley bread soaked in honey for the Hound of Hades, and two coins in
her mouth for the greedy ferryman Charon (one for
the arrival and one for the return). For Avarice
lives in the Underworld, and there
they do not do anything for nothing, which in fact
makes it difficult for poor people to achieve true
death, as they instead had to wander without hope
on this side of the river Styx, which is in fact
similar to their fate on earth, where they are
prevented to achieve true life. Psyche was also
instructed not to feel pity for anybody in the Underworld, and never grant the requests of the dead, as hauling them into the boat or giving any kind of help, for Pity is strictly forbidden in that world.
Psyche in the Underworld
Psyche did what she was told, and when she met Persephone, still
following instructions she sat on the ground
instead of on the cushioned chair she was offered,
and she refused the meal that was served in front
of her. For he who eats in the Underworld has to
stay there for ever, and he who sits in that chair
forgets everything. So Persephone, having
listened to Psyche, filled the box as the girl
requested, and Psyche was allowed to return to the
world of lovely light.
Curiosity puts Psyche in danger again
But as before Psyche could not restrain her
curiosity, and thinking besides that taking a tiny
touch of the beauty contained in the box would show
that she was clever and not a fool who lets go by
such an splendid opportunity, she opened the box,
but out crept not beauty but truly Stygian sleep,
and falling to the ground, she lay like a corpse,
the open box beside her.
Eros rescues

As Aphrodite holds her son's bow Eros is married to Psyche. 2303: The marriage of Eros and Psyche. Painting by Pompeo Girolamo Batoni, 1708-87. Gemälde Galerie Kulturforum, Berlin.
Now Psyche would have slept for ever, had not Eros, now recovered from
his sickness, come to her and awakened her, which
was bound to happen. For there is no place for Love
to dwell except in the Soul, who animates all
things, and there is no meaning for the Soul to
live and be awake except for the sake of Love. So Eros shut the cloud of
sleep up again in the box and roused Psyche with
the harmless prick of an arrow.
Eros helped by Zeus
Eros now consoled
Psyche, but fearing his mother, he flew off to
Heaven, and casting himself as a suppliant at the
supreme god's feet, he pleaded his case. So Zeus, who had been defiled
by Eros so many times,
found on this occasion the opportunity to prevent Eros, by marrying him, from
shooting so many arrows at his divine heart, so
often and in such an unpredictable manner. Zeus then called a council
of the gods in which he informed his decision, that Eros was to marry Psyche, possess her, and cherish her for all times to come.
Immortality and offspring
This is how Psyche, through Eros' office, entered
Heaven and gained immortality. For as Love cannot
dwell in any other place but the Soul, the Soul
cannot enter Heaven but through Love. And Lucius
Apuleius, who, as far as it is known, was the only
one to have ever written these facts, though he
himself denies to have committed them to writing,
says that the child of Eros and Psyche was named Pleasure.