Alcyone 1
This was the second of the PLEIADES to have
intercourse with Poseidon. Apd.3.10.1; Ov.Fast.4.173; Pau.2.30.8.

Aethusa mated with Apollo and had a son Eleuther 1 by him that won a Pythian victory for his loud and sweet voice.
Hyrieus is said to be father of Orion. For his famous
treasure stolen by architects see Delphi.
Hyperenor 1
Hyperenor 1 is the founder of Hyperea, a city in Argolis.
Anthas founded Anthea or Anthedon (now Poros).
Celaeno 2
Others say her father was Ergeus but they do not say who her mother was. Apd.3.10.1; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Hyg.Fab.157; Ov.Fast.4.173.

Lycus 2
Lycus 2 dwells in the Islands of the Blest (see also Immortals).
Nycteus 1
Nycteus 1 is, for some, Callisto's father.
Euphemus 4
Electra 3
This is the one of the PLEIADES who does not appear in the sky because of the death of Dardanus 1 and the loss of Troy (see also Merope 1). Apd.3.10.1, 3.12.1; Dio.5.48.2; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Hyg.Fab.192; Nonn.3.186, 3.332ff.; Ov.Fast.4.31, 4.174-177; QS.13.552ff.

Dardanus 1
Dardanus 1 is the founder of the house of Troy.
Iasion is known for being the lover of Demeter.
Harmonia 1
For Harmonia 1 see Robe & Necklace of Harmonia 1.
Emathion 4
Emathion 4 was king of Samothrace.
This is the eldest of the PLEIADES. She was said to have surpassed her sisters in beauty. Brought up Arcas 1, son of Zeus & Callisto, in Arcadia. Apd.3.8.2, 3.10.1-2; Hes.The.938; Ov.Fast.4.174, 5.85; Vir.Aen.8.140.


Merope 1
This is the seventh of the PLEIADES. She married a mortal man and she repents of it, and from shame at the deed she alone of the sisters hides herself in the sky (see also Electra 3). Apd.3.10.1; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Ov.Fast.4.175; Pau.9.34.7-10.
Glaucus 1
Glaucus 1 is father of Bellerophon.
Almus received some land in Boeotia from King Eteocles 2 and a village Almones was called after him.
Thersander 2
The children of Thersander 2 (Haliartus, Coronus 3 and Proetus 2) were adopted by Athamas 1, and received land from him. Proetus 2's daughter Maera 4 died very young.
Sterope 3
Apd.3.10.1; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Hyg.Fab.14; Ov.Fast.4.172; Pau.6.22.4, 20.1.1.

a) Ares

Oenomaus 1
"a)", "b)", etc. = different versions.

b) Oenomaus 1
Hippodamia 3
See Oenomaus 1 and Pelops 1.
Leucippus 4
Leucippus 4 is the one who fell in love with Daphne 1, also loved by Apollo.
Dysponteus is the founder of Dyspontium in Elis.
This is the one of the PLEIADES who consecrated
to Artemis the
Cerynitian Hind with the golden horns that Heracles 1 had to fetch. Apd.3.10.1; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Nonn.32.65; Ov.Fast.4.174; Pin.Oly.3.28; Vir.Geo.4.231.

The country of Lacedaemon is called after him.
He married Sparta.