
Location of Phthiotis in
southern Thessaly
"Though the words
'Hellenism', 'Hellenic', 'Hellenes',
'Hellas' are less familiar than the words
'Greece' and 'Greek' to the
English-speaking public, they have two
advantages. They are not misleading; and
they are the words which, in the Greek
language, the Hellenes themselves used to
designate their civilization, their world,
and themselves. 'Hellas' seems originally
to have been the name of the region round
the head of the Maliac Gulf, on the border
between Central and Northern Greece, which
contained the shrine of Earth and Apollo at Delphi and the shrine of Artemis at Anthela near
Thermopylae (the narrow passage between
sea and mountain that has been the highway
from Central Greece to Northern Greece and
thence to the great Eurasian Continent
into which Northern Greece merges).
'Hellenes', signifying 'inhabitants of
Hellas', presumably acquired its broader
meaning, signifying 'members of the
Hellenic society', through being used as a
corporate name for the association of
local peoples, the Amphictyones
('neighbours'), which administered the
shrines at Delphi and Thermopylae and
organized the Pythian Festival that was
connected with them." (Arnold J. Toynbee: Hellenism,
The History of a Civilization; Oxford University Press, 1959).
Hellenes became the name of all Greeks, but in mythical times Hellenes were those who dwelt about Alope and Trachis, and held Phthia and Hellas (territories in Thessaly), land of fair women, as they say. The people from this Thessalian region, called Myrmidons and Hellenes, sailed against Troy under the command of Achilles.
The eponymous ancestor of the Hellenes is Hellen 1, son either of Deucalion 1 (the man
who survived the Flood),
or of Zeus and Pyrrha 1. Deucalion 1 is one of
the Three Main
Ancestors, and his descendants founded and
ruled mainly Thessalian cities.
The sons of Hellen 1 were Aeolus 1, Dorus 1 and Xuthus 1 (for Xuthus 1 see Achaea, Ionia, and Ion 1). The descendants of Hellen 1 became kings in several places: his grandson Deion ruled in Phocis (region bordering the Gulf of Corinth,
west of Boeotia), and Deion's grandson was
Arcisius, king of Ithaca and Odysseus' grandfather. Another grandson of Hellen 1 was Cretheus 1, king of Iolcus and father of Pheres 1, who reigned in Pherae and became father of Admetus 1, husband of Alcestis. Yet another grandson of Hellen 1, Amphictyon, became king of Athens, but this was a short-lived dynasty. A granddaughter of Hellen 1, Pisidice 1, is mother of Actor 1, king of Phthia before the times of Peleus and Achilles. Salmoneus, another grandson of Hellen 1, became king of Elis in the Peloponnessus.
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Map of Greece
Abbreviations |
Apd.1.7.3; Apd.Ep.3.18, 3.26, 3.29,
3.30, 3.31, 4.3, 5.3, 5.8, 5.10, 5.16, 5.19, 5.21, 6.5, 6.8,
6.9, 6.11, 6.15, 6.15c; Arg.2.209;
Hom.Il.2.530, 2.684; Nonn.1.125, 20.207.