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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Labours of Heracles | liebher2.3: As yet another labour Eurystheus demanded that the MARES OF DIOMEDES (Dinus, Lampon, Podargus, and Xanthus) be brought to Mycenae. Heracles 1 came to Thrace with a group of volunteers, and after overpowering the grooms who were in charge of the stables, drove the mares to the beach. As the Bistonians in arms attacked him, Heracles defended himself, defeating them and slaying King Diomedes. Some have said that Heracles 1 killed Diomedes by throwing him to his mares, so that these devoured their master (as the illustration shows). Liebig sets.

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  liebher2.3.jpg - liebher2.3: As yet another labour Eurystheus demanded that the MARES OF DIOMEDES (Dinus, Lampon, Podargus, and Xanthus) be brought to Mycenae. Heracles 1 came to Thrace with a group of volunteers, and after overpowering the grooms who were in charge of the stables, drove the mares to the beach. As the Bistonians in arms attacked him, Heracles defended himself, defeating them and slaying King Diomedes. Some have said that Heracles 1 killed Diomedes by throwing him to his mares, so that these devoured their master (as the illustration shows). Liebig sets.  

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