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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Odysseus gives a word of warning | od451flax: "Wife, by now have we had our fill of many trials, you and I, you here, mourning over my troublous journey home, while as for me, Zeus and the other gods bound me fast in sorrows far from my native land, all eager as I was to return. But now that we have both come to the couch of our desire, care for the wealth that I have within the halls; as for the flocks which the insolent wooers have wasted, I shall myself get me many as booty, and others will the Achaeans give, until they fill all my folds; but I verily will go to my well-wooded farm to see my noble father, who for my sake is sore distressed, and on you, wife, do I lay this charge, wise though you are. Straightway at the rising of the sun will report go abroad concerning the wooers whom I slew in the halls. Therefore go up to your upper chamber with your handmaids, and abide there. Look on no man, nor ask a question.” (Hom.Od.23.350. John Flaxman (1755 – 1826).

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  od451flax.jpg - od451flax: "Wife, by now have we had our fill of many trials, you and I, you here, mourning over my troublous journey home, while as for me, Zeus and the other gods bound me fast in sorrows far from my native land, all eager as I was to return. But now that we have both come to the couch of our desire, care for the wealth that I have within the halls; as for the flocks which the insolent wooers have wasted, I shall myself get me many as booty, and others will the Achaeans give, until they fill all my folds; but I verily will go to my well-wooded farm to see my noble father, who for my sake is sore distressed, and on you, wife, do I lay this charge, wise though you are. Straightway at the rising of the sun will report go abroad concerning the wooers whom I slew in the halls. Therefore go up to your upper chamber with your handmaids, and abide there. Look on no man, nor ask a question.” (Hom.Od.23.350. John Flaxman (1755 – 1826).  

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