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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Paris and Hector | il131gen: "There entered in Hector, dear to Zeus, and in his hand he held a spear of eleven cubits, and before him blazed the spear-point of bronze, around which ran a ring of gold. He found Paris in his chamber busied with his beauteous arms, his shield and his corselet, and handling his curved bow; and Argive Helen sat amid her serving-women and appointed to them their glorious handiwork." (Hom.Il.6.319). Bonaventura Genelli (1798 – 1868).

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  il131gen.jpg - il131gen: "There entered in Hector, dear to Zeus, and in his hand he held a spear of eleven cubits, and before him blazed the spear-point of bronze, around which ran a ring of gold. He found Paris in his chamber busied with his beauteous arms, his shield and his corselet, and handling his curved bow;  and Argive Helen sat amid her serving-women and appointed to them their glorious handiwork." (Hom.Il.6.319). Bonaventura Genelli (1798 – 1868).  

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