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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Scenes of the Iliad | liebil03: Iris, delivering a message from Zeus, prevents Athena and Hera from helping the Achaeans. So she said: "Whither are you twain hastening? Why is it that the hearts are mad within your breasts? The son of Cronos suffers not that you give succour to the Argives. For on this wise he threatens, even as he will bring it to pass: he will maim your swift horses beneath your chariot, and yourselves will he hurl from out the car, and will break in pieces the chariot. Ten rolling years would pass, and you be left still suffering from the wounds his thunderbolt would deal you .." (Iris to Athena and Hera. Homer, Iliad 8.415). Liebig sets.

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  liebil03.jpg - liebil03: Iris, delivering a message from Zeus, prevents Athena and Hera from helping the Achaeans. So she said: "Whither are you twain hastening? Why is it that the hearts are mad within your breasts? The son of Cronos suffers not that you give succour to the Argives. For on this wise he threatens, even as he will bring it to pass: he will maim your swift horses beneath your chariot, and yourselves will he hurl from out the car, and will break in pieces the chariot. Ten rolling years would pass, and you be left still suffering from the wounds his thunderbolt would deal you .." (Iris to Athena and Hera. Homer, Iliad 8.415). Liebig sets.  

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