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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Dionysus and Satyr | 6210: Table-support. Young Dionysos crowned with an ivy and wine wreath, holds in his right hand a rhyton (ritual vase) ending in a half-panther. Goat shanked (? shaped?), horned god Pan stands under Dionysos’ right arm who holds a lagabolon (a staff for flinging at hares). A small Satyr has climbed upon the vine branch. Product of an Asia Minor workshop AD 170. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.

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  6210.jpg - 6210: Table-support. Young Dionysos crowned with an ivy and wine wreath, holds in his right hand a rhyton (ritual vase) ending in a half-panther. Goat shanked (? shaped?), horned god Pan stands under Dionysos’ right arm who holds a lagabolon (a staff for flinging at hares). A small Satyr has climbed upon the vine branch. Product of an Asia Minor workshop AD 170. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.  

Greek Mythology Link | Iconography