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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Scenes of the Odyssey | liebod05: When Odysseus was sailing near the island of the Phaeacians, Poseidon wrecked his raft, and Odysseus found himself in the midst of mountainous waves with nothing in store for him except sudden death. It was then that the sea-goddess Leucothea assisted him saying: "Swim for your life to the Phaeacian coast ... Take this veil and wind it round your waist. With its divine protection you need not be afraid of injury or death." (Leucothea to Odysseus. Homer, Odyssey 5.345). Liebig sets.

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  liebod05.jpg - liebod05: When Odysseus was sailing near the island of the Phaeacians, Poseidon wrecked his raft, and Odysseus found himself in the midst of mountainous waves with nothing in store for him except sudden death. It was then that the sea-goddess Leucothea assisted him saying: "Swim for your life to the Phaeacian coast ... Take this veil and wind it round your waist. With its divine protection you need not be afraid of injury or death." (Leucothea to Odysseus. Homer, Odyssey 5.345). Liebig sets.  

Greek Mythology Link | Iconography