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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Aeneid | liebaen1.4: Dido begged: "I implore you, and by our union of hearts, by our marriage hardly begun, if I have ever helped you at all, if anything about me pleased you, be sad for our broken home, forgo your purpose, I beg you, unless it is too late for prayers of mine!" (Dido to Aeneas. Virgil, The Aeneid 4.315). But Aeneas, listening to higher calls, left her, and she killed herself. That is why they chant: "Aeneas caused her death and lent the blade, Dido by her own hand in dust was laid." (Ovid, Heroides 8). Liebig sets.

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  liebaen1.4.jpg - liebaen1.4: Dido begged: "I implore you, and by our union of hearts, by our marriage hardly begun, if I have ever helped you at all, if anything about me pleased you, be sad for our broken home, forgo your purpose, I beg you, unless it is too late for prayers of mine!" (Dido to Aeneas. Virgil, The Aeneid 4.315). But Aeneas, listening to higher calls, left her, and she killed herself. That is why they chant: "Aeneas caused her death and lent the blade, Dido by her own hand in dust was laid." (Ovid, Heroides 8). Liebig sets.  

Greek Mythology Link | Iconography